What He’s Dying to Hear From You

Every man needs to hear some very specific things from the woman in their relationship. Appreciation, attention to detail, and praise are just a few that we’re going to discuss.

He Just Wants to Know He’s Appreciated

Some men wait a lifetime to hear certain phrases. But women don’t always know what a guy really wants to hear. This is especially true when pride gets in the way. I could be talking about Colin Firth in the movie Pride and Prejudice because most men can’t watch that movie for more than five minutes, but I am also talking about male pride. These are the five phrases most guys are dying to hear from you. Do you find it hard to show your true self with him? Talk with Psychic Leo ext. 5265 to learn how to show the real you.

“Yes… Yes… Yes!”

Men love the word “yes.” Many good things have come from it, and I’m not just talking about sex. Anytime your guy makes a reasonable request, the answer “yes” will make him feel desired, special, and that he has your approval. Don’t be stingy with the word, as most of life’s adventures into the unknown turn out to be more fun than you expected, especially when sharing them with someone you love. 

“My, What a Big (Blank) You Have.”

Get your minds out of the gutter! I was thinking more along the lines of arms, calves, or brain power. However, that other thing would work, too. The point is, us guys love to be complimented on the things not everybody may notice. It is like when you get one-eighth of an inch cut off your bangs, and you scold your guy for not noticing. Whether your guy spends time at the gym or in night classes, he just wants to be acknowledged for his accomplishments. These are the moments that tell a guy you’re paying attention.

“I’m Ready!”

Ladies, we love the outcome of your beauty efforts. However, our patience is still the length of a subsonic boom, so the quicker you’re ready to dazzle us, the happier we ultimately are.

“Honey, You’re Right.”

Human nature (and pride) makes it very difficult for both men and women to admit when they’re wrong. We all hate eating humble pie, ever since we were forced to apologize for wrongdoings when we were small children. The reluctance to admit when you’re wrong comes from pitting yourself against your partner, as if you’re in some sort of competition. In relationships, it’s not about winning, but about the teamwork that goes into making your relationship a successful one. Give him credit for being right when he is. Don’t worry, he will follow your good example. Having a hard time giving them the credit? Talk with Psychic Shauna ext. 9010 to see what’s blocking you from going with the flow.

“You’re Cute When You Toot.”

Men know their faults, and some of them revolve around smells and sounds. However, if you’re able to look past all that, your guy will love you for it! You don’t want to reward bad behavior, but just let him know that you appreciate him for everything he is. Most guys are looking for acceptance, and there is no greater compliment to him than being loved in spite of his faults!

“If You Need Me, I’ll be Adding a Roof Over the Porch.”

Men love the feminine side of women. However, there is something about a woman who can gut a trout like she’s scooping the seeds out of a cantaloupe. Guys are often in command of the handyman projects around the house, but they will certainly appreciate a woman who is capable of just about anything!

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36 thoughts on “What He’s Dying to Hear From You

  1. MissD

    In reading this article and others from California Psychics the word here today is, APPRECIATION which was the first word and thought that jumped out at me.

    The reason being is, because I think both a man and woman want to feel appreciated by his or her partner.
    To appreciate them not necessarily by monetary means or gifts but as in kind gestures acknowledging their presence and efforts given at best, in your life and show that they are not only loved but appreciated as well by you.

    To communicate this in a way that it’s received says a lot of the other, and that’s something some may take for granted and forget.

    By just saying I appreciate you for who you are, what you give to myself and others, to say thank you, I appreciate and adore you for all your efforts and for loving me.

    I love you for who you are now and what you represent as your own man and that which you desire for yourself, your loved ones and your future.

    To just say I know it can be a tough fight at times but I appreciate and admire your strength to persevere.

    So for me this article puts something’s into perspective from a woman’s point of view.

    To just say appreciate the little things that the other do …that some may not see as important and the things that may matter most to the other.

    Appreciate who they are now and what they are bringing as their own individual self and the possibilities there forth a if you choose, to accept, love and appreciate the efforts of the other.

  2. littlepinkdaisy

    I draw the line with – You are cute when you toot as well.
    It’s so obsurd, I’m cracking up in spite of my horror.

  3. Darin

    I read an article some time after my divorce, trying to understand why relationships fail. The writer interviewed several hundred men and women to find out what it was they really needed from a relationship to make it work. The conclusion was simple. Men want to be admired and looked up to for who they are and what they do. Women are the ones who want to feel appreciated for all the big and little things they do. When the woman doesn’t feel appreciated in a relationship, she stops giving the man the admiration he seeks to “stroke his ego”. This in turn will cause the man to not give the appreciation the woman seeks from him. Big mistake. Men, take notice of the little things your gal does around the house and pay attention to her beauty efforts. Let her know how much you appreciate her and she will treat you like a King. when she is talking to you, LISTEN, and tell her you understand. Sounds simple, huh? I think the women out there already know how to stroke a mans ego. After all men aren’t that complicated. The vast majority of us are just overgrown little boys in a mans body!

  4. mark


    This is an interesting article.

    This is truely the one I needed to hear, but unfortunately my fiancay does n’t undersand these things, and most of the times she argues with me, and only few times we agree on a matter, actually I think she likes to oppose me and eventually win, and to keep the spirit of my relationship up, I have to give right to her, and by doing this, she destroys my self confidency, which I don’t like to be spoiled at all.

    This is a nice article.

    Thanks again

  5. Amanda

    I’m a better handy wo-man than my husband is a handy man! I do need to compliment him more he is a pisces so he’s sensitive & that’s one of the things I love about him!

  6. Michelle

    I tried all the ideas for two days husband goes are u taking the piss out of me. I started to say yes, then how was work, then u are looking good with your weight how was gym today , then he would say something and l would be like u are right nothing but praise for two whole days,,,, he cotton on that something is not right here”…….

  7. Jollie

    HAHAHAHAHA Scrap AAAALLLL the above – writing this you need a reality check on men!! O I forgot!! Shame on me!! YOU ARE A MAN LOL 😉

  8. Von

    In response to what men want to hear. Another side is maybe I’ve done and said too much of what he wants to hear and not enough of what I want to hear.

    Wolfie said it best. Communication is key. Also Burt’s observation that “most men are lonely” struck a chord with me. Burt, many of us are just as lonely.

    We need to be honest and open in our communication, not saying what the other wants to hear so much as saying what we want from each other and what we don’t want. Sharing intimately means a deeper level of commuication. Say what’s in your heart. Honesty, openness and compassion are key.


  9. Belle

    Oh! We as women do forget to get out the compliments easy.
    As for the movie that you have mentioned, the man in my life at the time
    did watch the movie.
    However we are not together. He thinks about two thoughts and that is
    all. Then he wanted to take on every project and not let me do much.
    Cannot have a relationship with a man that does not really listen

  10. jen

    I do carpentry,paint houses,decorate and can whip up a dynamite meal. Working with men (I am a pro painter)I find my faith in my abilities brings the nastiness out of them.Recently I read on your site that confidence can make others feel they are less than and they will try to bring you down to their level.In my experience men DON’T like a woman who can do it all!

  11. Nancy

    Honestly, I have gone the extra mile in most of your suggestions, (not the handiman type) and no they haven’t followed my lead, and haven’t had much luck generally – would be nice to write suggestions for men, but somehow, I dont think that many men would either read them or care about them – will wait for someone willing to go the extra mile together –

  12. Ja

    Ok, in regards to the last comment how men like astrology related to men then explain to me, this comment, most men would be intimidated by you. I am the nicest person, so what does that mean when a man says that. I’ve heard it one too many times.

  13. gholamreza rezaei

    dear sir/madam
    there is a small mistake according to my gender.and i think that it should be the 3rd or forth that i tell you ‘I A M A MALE AND NOT A FAMLE’.
    i hope that you will pay attention to this and send me suitable guides consequentely.
    Best regards;
    gholamreza rezaei

  14. defRokrDj

    Thanks for getting to some male aspects as related to astrology. Even tho this particular essay is focused more on positive relationship awareness, this week also had a story on Venus aspects in a mans horoscope I found to be pretty right on…based on my personal experiences, in hindsight. I haven’t been in a relationship for awhile now, but with more of these male-focused discussions I feel I’m armed with more good stuff than I ever have-and my next girl is gonna find the most clear, aware and sensitive guy looking back at her, ready to…well, just…Ready. Maybe this time I can be, to one certain girl, everything she is hoping to find in a guy..never minding the little stuff of course.
    Could happen, I hope. Keep more male-focused astrology coming, friends.

  15. Teddy

    I have been talking about different subjects with a woman in Malta, her name-is Jessinna and english. The question is, is their a chance we will be a couple and will i travel to Malta to visit her or what do u think, also would we as a couple have money to be comfortable and happy with each other?

  16. wolfie Kandongo

    wow!! I want to know more how to “please my man and also how to get him to appreciate me as well.” need your help. from my lay man point of view, the most important gap in our relatinoship is COMMUNICATION. I am a journalist and I think that has so much influence on how i view life. I believe in COMMUNICATION and probably too much believe and I get so emotional when my husband does not open up to me and talk. I just love communication, to be spoken to, sometimes just talking about anything( about us in this life or when we are gone and our only daughter has to remain behind to face the world. do i sound crazy, maybe I am but that is how I feel when someone I love is so closed up when I feel there is much to talk about. I long to hear how he feels either about me, what he wants in life, what he expects of me as his wife, best friend, partner and companion. do you think you can help? will appreciate you very much. Wolfie K

  17. Burt Rishel

    Most men are lonely. Why I don’t know. The greatest thing a woman can do is to convince her man that she is in it for the long run and always by his side.

  18. Angela

    You got that right. I had to eat some humble pie one time or another and it wasn’t so bad. I do make it a point to lift my love up because he is somewhat sensitive at times. I wish he would do the same at times.

  19. Lynn

    Question: Who’s fault is it (the most) when a wife can have a affair for 13 years, that the husband knows of on the sixth day after it starting?

  20. toots

    You’re cute when you toot? Gimme a fawkin break. Men are idiots and I wouldn’t call it a toot when the farts last 3 whole seconds and reek out the fabric in your furniture and bed sheets. No that is definitely not cute. Yeah and like I’m gonna sit around stroking his ego all day and complimenting his lazy ass. He can’t be bothered to get a haircut or put on a decent pair of pants without holes or stains on them. How about writing an article on how to please a woman. It should go something like this.
    1. take a bath
    2. pick up your reeking socks & nicotine stained underpants
    3. wash your own damn dishes
    4. get a better job
    5. learn where the clitoris is
    6. get your own damn beer
    7. buy condoms or get a vacectomy
    8. Get up to feed the baby
    9. Fill up the gas tank in the car
    10. Go into the bathroom to fart with your nasty ass

  21. CR

    I do each of those things mentioned. It really does make a man feel good, and after all, isn’t that what anyone in love wants? Their mate to feel good? I also mean every word of it too, so that helps because I’m not fabricating a compliment!!

  22. Vickie Miller

    Your wrong about the last one. Most guys are threatened if you aren’t needing them to fix something or you

  23. dddd

    He Just Wants to Know He’s Appreciated

    Some men wait a lifetime to hear certain phrases. But women don’t always know what a guy really wants to hear. This is especially true when pride gets in the way. I could be talking about Colin Firth in the movie Pride and Prejudice because most men can’t watch that movie for more than five minutes, but I am also talking about male pride. These are the five phrases most guys are dying to hear from you. Do you find it hard to show your true self with him? Talk with Psychic Leo ext. 5265 to learn how to show the real you.

    “Yes… Yes… Yes!”
    He Just Wants to Know He’s Appreciated

    Some men wait a lifetime to hear certain phrases. But women don’t always know what a guy really wants to hear. This is especially true when pride gets in the way. I could be talking about Colin Firth in the movie Pride and Prejudice because most men can’t watch that movie for more than five minutes, but I am also talking about male pride. These are the five phrases most guys are dying to hear from you. Do you find it hard to show your true self with him? Talk with Psychic Leo ext. 5265 to learn how to show the real you.

    “Yes… Yes… Yes!”
    He Just Wants to Know He’s Appreciated

    Some men wait a lifetime to hear certain phrases. But women don’t always know what a guy really wants to hear. This is especially true when pride gets in the way. I could be talking about Colin Firth in the movie Pride and Prejudice because most men can’t watch that movie for more than five minutes, but I am also talking about male pride. These are the five phrases most guys are dying to hear from you. Do you find it hard to show your true self with him? Talk with Psychic Leo ext. 5265 to learn how to show the real you.

    “Yes… Yes… Yes!”
    He Just Wants to Know He’s Appreciated

    Some men wait a lifetime to hear certain phrases. But women don’t always know what a guy really wants to hear. This is especially true when pride gets in the way. I could be talking about Colin Firth in the movie Pride and Prejudice because most men can’t watch that movie for more than five minutes, but I am also talking about male pride. These are the five phrases most guys are dying to hear from you. Do you find it hard to show your true self with him? Talk with Psychic Leo ext. 5265 to learn how to show the real you.

    “Yes… Yes… Yes!”He Just Wants to Know He’s Appreciated

    Some men wait a lifetime to hear certain phrases. But women don’t always know what a guy really wants to hear. This is especially true when pride gets in the way. I could be talking about Colin Firth in the movie Pride and Prejudice because most men can’t watch that movie for more than five minutes, but I am also talking about male pride. These are the five phrases most guys are dying to hear from you. Do you find it hard to show your true self with him? Talk with Psychic Leo ext. 5265 to learn how to show the real you.

    “Yes… Yes… Yes!”He Just Wants to Know He’s Appreciated

    Some men wait a lifetime to hear certain phrases. But women don’t always know what a guy really wants to hear. This is especially true when pride gets in the way. I could be talking about Colin Firth in the movie Pride and Prejudice because most men can’t watch that movie for more than five minutes, but I am also talking about male pride. These are the five phrases most guys are dying to hear from you. Do you find it hard to show your true self with him? Talk with Psychic Leo ext. 5265 to learn how to show the real you.

    “Yes… Yes… Yes!”v

  24. dddd

    He Just Wants to Know He’s Appreciated

    Some men wait a lifetime to hear certain phrases. But women don’t always know what a guy really wants to hear. This is especially true when pride gets in the way. I could be talking about Colin Firth in the movie Pride and Prejudice because most men can’t watch that movie for more than five minutes, but I am also talking about male pride. These are the five phrases most guys are dying to hear from you. Do you find it hard to show your true self with him? Talk with Psychic Leo ext. 5265 to learn how to show the real you.

    “Yes… Yes… Yes!”

  25. brenda

    your cute when you toot????/ Are you serious? If these are the things they are waiting to hear it is little wonder they are STILL Waiting. Any woman worth her salt would NOT agree with this crap. Cute when you toot……… Please give me a break!!!!@!


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