What is a Twin Flame?

What is a Twin Flame? | California Psychics

An Immediate Twin Flame Connection

Have you ever met someone and immediately felt completely at ease with them, as if you had known each other forever? Or perhaps that first meeting feels truly electric with a pull towards that person that is impossible to ignore or deny.

People come into our lives all the time, some for a lifetime and others for what feels like just a moment. If we are lucky though, we will come across the one who is truly the Yin to our Yang, otherwise known as our Twin Flame.

Curious about your Twin Flame? Talk to a Love and Relationships Psychic today!

What is a Twin Flame and Why is it Important?

Every person and relationship that comes into our lives is there to help teach us or to be a catalyst for our personal growth. The most powerful of those encounters is when we find our Twin Flame, our mirror soul, if you will. If we are fortunate enough to find them it will be the most impactful and powerful relationship in our lives, no matter how long they are in it.

A Twin Flame is thought to be our other half, based on the idea that when a soul evolves enough it splits into two. Some believe that finding our Twin Flame completes us as an individual, but in truth this relationship is more focused on helping us become complete on our own by learning, embracing, and working on those fears that keep us from truly becoming who we are meant to be. This relationship reflects our hidden fears, insecurities, and those parts of ourselves that we would rather not face. It isn’t all gloom and doom, however as this relationship also shows us our resiliency and inner beauty. This is why a Twin Flame relationship is so amazing! It opens us up to life altering spiritual, emotional, and psychological growth and insight!

The Origins Behind Twin Flames

To understand the origins of belief in Twin Flames we need to go back in time to Plato’s mythic dialogue entitled “The Symposium”, in which he wrote that human beings originally had two faces, four arms, and four legs. The gods, out of fear of being over-powered, split humans into what we see today. It is from that splitting in half that the belief that we all have a ‘twin’ soul somewhere in the world arose.

Another theory is that Twin Flames are members of the same Soul Group, or people that are cut from the same ‘energetic cloth’ as you are. And yet another, and more commonly held belief, is that Twin Flames are those souls who have agreed to reincarnate with each other over many lifetimes.

In “The Symposium”, Plato described the intense characteristic of this kind of bond. He said, “…and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other’s sight, as I may say, even for a moment.”

How to Find Our Twin Flames

Not everyone has a Twin Flame, and most people will live a full and content life with their numerous soul mates without ever finding one. Usually when we seek someone, we look outside of ourselves, but when it comes to finding our Twin Flame the first place we need to look is within. We need to be willing to be honest with ourselves and do the deep spiritual work that leads to loving ourselves unconditionally and accept ourselves for the good and the flaws. We must also recognize the truth, that we are all divine in our own rights. Through this transformative and challenging task, we will then send out that same intense love and acceptance into the Universe. That in turn will draw love to us like a magnet.

Are you in touch with your Twin Flame or some of your Soul Mates? Talk to a Past Life Psychic to learn more.

The Power of Our Mirror

One truth that we need to accept is that this kind of relationship is not all sunshine, love, and rainbows. Our Twin Flames are not here to simply let us stay stagnant. Sometimes the relationship can become tumultuous as our energies push each other to grow and face the shadows within ourselves. There is an intense pull and push that defines a Twin Flame relationship that many people are not expecting when they finally find their other half. It is also not uncommon for one or both individuals to run away from the relationship. This happens when the person has not done the needed self-work and has not faced their fears.

Twin Flames and Growth

Finding our Twin Flames can bring a new level of understanding and insight into who we are and ultimately who we will become. Not everyone has a Twin Flame, but we all have the ability to grow and recognize the power of all of our relationships.

Being in love is a life experience that everyone deserves. Whether you’re looking for your soulmate or wondering how to keep the romantic fires burning in your relationship, a love psychic can help. They want to see you happy and a psychic love reading is all you need to find or keep the love that is meant for you.

Find a love psychic or learn more about psychic love readings.

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One thought on “What is a Twin Flame?

  1. Donna Scott

    I have my twin flam bin with him 38 years still as in live as first day so what do you say on that you must obviously wrong


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