Why Love Spells Are Bad for You

What Is A Love Spell?

A friend of mine, who was tired of dating, did a love spell. He did a lot of research, and was not new to doing spell work. However, he was profoundly educated on the topic by the results of his work. He did a spell listing seven qualities he desired in his next girlfriend. He got them! Unfortunately, they came in seven different women. He decided to let nature take its course after that.

So the most obvious question is, “What went wrong?” He was not specific, yet even if he was, and dotted every “i” and crossed every “t,” would there have been some sort of flaw? My opinion is yes! Love and relationships are tools that affect us more deeply than any other. Those two aspects of life are the very foundation of experience and our existence here. So, of course, the greatest tool for our enlightenment lies in them.

Why Shouldn’t You Do A Love Spell?

When we look through the eyes of a psychic, we’re looking to see the future, to understand what is coming, or what is happening in the now. That seeking of clarity is an attempt to understand “God’s Will” or the nature of the universe as it stands. We are seeking wisdom and guidance. We use this information to affect control over our own life, to exercise our own free will.

We get into trouble when we try to take over the controls for other people! I really don’t believe that any type of “spell” works as we desire it to when we attempt to take over another’s free will. The very concept of “stealing” that person’s choice goes against natural laws or lessons we see in almost all of the religions or belief systems that exist. There is a big difference between religion and spirituality, yet in both it’s clear that to force your will on another is wrong. That is why I believe that no love spell could ever be specific enough to get you clearly and exactly what you want.

Let’s compare a love spell to the tale of the “Monkey’s Paw.” The bereaved mother wishes for her dead son to come back to life. When he does, he is not her son. He is a dead thing without a soul. If you get love or sex without that person’s total and willful permission, will it satisfy? No.

Where would you be on your path to enlightenment if you were to accept the situation and move on, rather than proving that love stolen, not given, is empty? As many children will attest, getting what you want whenever you want it does not insure happiness. Acceptance that only mutual love is rewarding will save you years of pain and suffering, and this will bring you more quickly to mutual, natural love and relationship!

What’s ahead for your love life? Try a psychic reading. Call 1.800.573.4830 or choose your psychic now.

12 thoughts on “Why Love Spells Are Bad for You

  1. never do


    My wife did love spell and she always said to save family its ok to do magic (that plus some more events is how i cam to realize). Let me just tell you she had suffered a lot because of this and we fought a lot , when i was home she hated me and when i travel abroad she missed me. And her ego has grown tenfold and her mind is making her almost crazy one can tell she is constant fighting her mind. She dont realize she did wrong blames me for everything, so her ego projects her own faults on me. So if you want a good happy life never do love spells accept your karma and the lesson thereby, if your partner is leaving you that is your karma if you try to save what is not yours, suffering will be bigger because its a lesson from cosmos, when we try to run from problems they just tend to be bigger.

  2. Bree

    I think love spells work best if you don’t do it on a specific person. But I disagree on doing a love spell for finding someone new doesn’t work.

  3. astrovasekaran

    Based on the laws of the Cosmos and on personal experience gained from working with hundreds of clients from 24 countries, allow me to act as your representative in a dialogue with the Cosmos in search of your love. You will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you will find out what you had been waiting years for, and had even despaired of never being able to meet with your destiny.

  4. Luna

    This makes clear why you could potentially hear ones CD enjnyiog. But you must also consider the fact our connection with the exterior world is actually never entirely shut down. Experiments with dreaming men and women have established this. When a dreamer had been sprayed with water he or she dreamt who’s was pouring. Also every time a dreamer is set up on this EEG for example, and and then dreams that they is playing tennis, the power charge inside the racket hand will be in excess of in your idle give. This signifies that your dreamer is usually never isolated through the body and therefore by outside has impact on.

  5. Zora 5349

    The bad thing about love spells even if you get one to work, it never turns out to be true love.
    There is always a dark cloud that hangs over the relationship.
    You will want out and may not be able to get out.
    The person you put the spell on will carry anger for you and not know why. It is a bad situation for both people.

  6. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Love “spells” are bad because they go against the Karmic Universal Law of free will……it is bad Karma to try and control another thru ANY means, not just by spells.

    As a Wiccan Elder, I can also tell you that in my religion it is expressly forbidden to do any spellwork, or perform any ceremonies, that influences anothers’ free will, because of Universal Karmic Law. ( And most of those that ” dabble ” cause more harm than good to themselves and others).

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  7. misskrystal

    Thanks for a wonderful article. My take is put your faith and trust in God and the Universe, because what they have in store for you is way more grand and sensational than you could ever imagine on your own…
    Be open to the universe….Sometimes we don’t know what floats our boat until it finally shows up!
    And never say never 😉
    Pray for that mighty strong love and send it out into the universe… And pray for the folks you have had discord with-and mean it…Believe in it and watch your faith and life get even better! God bless you all,
    Miss Krystal

  8. Carmen Hexe

    Excellent article! I have known a few individuals that attempted love spells; and they never worked. I remember one of them used a spell to get his ex-wife back. It was a total disaster. He got her back but couldn’t get rid of her after things started going sour. She kept staying, unable to leave, bound to him, not knowing why. Things went really bad after that.

    I don’t do spell work for the very reason you said. There is always a price to be paid when we force our will upon another, even if we do think that we are doing the best for them. You don’t mess with another’s will and you don’t mess with their karma. Unfortunately, most don’t learn this lesson until they have already attempted and end up having to pay the price.

    I think spell work has its place and is not too different from rituals or prayer. It is about focusing your will towards a decired outcome. However, I try to always ask for my highest purpose, i.e. abundance, peace of mind, love and light, etc. I never incorporate specific people and specific traits. The universe will give you exactly what you ask for, so one has to be very careful in how one states what one wants.

  9. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Love “spells” are bad because they go against the Karmic Universal Law of free will……it is bad Karma to try and control another thru ANY means, not just by spells.

    As a Wiccan Elder, I can also tell you that in my religion it is expressly forbidden to do any spellwork, or perform any ceremonies, that influences anothers’ free will, because of Universal Karmic Law. ( And most of those that ” dabble ” cause more harm than good to themselves and others).

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  10. Jacqueline

    Enjoyed your article Yemaya,

    I totally agree with you about taking away from someones free will, we are here to gain experiences, many times there are underlining reasons why certain relationships don’t work, often it can be very beneficial to trust in the process of why relationships end or why they haven’t started, once you live in the reality that the creator, god, is truly looking out for you, it will allow this process to flow easier.

    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  11. Yolanda Kalb

    The art of disconnect….That is a really an a difficult task as we are all truely one and many conscience people do strive for that perfection. It is as with all things however that balance does play a role…..The true disconnect must lie in the baton being passed from the conscience to the unconscience….That’s when we can have our life experiences but us in the mix of fighting for justice…..I hope alot more will join in the fight..There are many animal activist, save the planet activist, but what will happen to the people on the planet if the current state of affairs continues to gain power. It is as though everone has given up on that battle and taken up something that will not cause conflict…..Resolution needs conflict, or the other way around works too..,We are all getting a disturbing jolt from the universe and it is a wake up call for us to stand up for our beliefs….Perfection may not be possiible in this world or maybe we just have to work for it…and that is the prize.


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