Why They Can’t Show You the Same Love In Return

Show You the Same Love In Return

When Their Mind and Heart Are at War

Are you in a relationship with someone who seems to bounce back and forth between being so lovable one moment and then cold and rejecting the next moment? You may be wondering if you’re dating Jekyll and Hyde. You may be wondering if they’re acting this way because of something you’re doing wrong. Chances are, you’re not doing anything wrong, but you may be enabling this behavior if you aren’t reacting to it appropriately.

Psychic Kim is here to help you navigate the ups and downs of your relationship! Click here to learn more about her.

The Logical Mind and the Emotional Heart

There is a very good chance that your partner is running hot and cold because their mind and heart are at war with each other. The logical mind drives the desire for success, security and achievement. But it also has a negative side that can make it selfish, greedy and arrogant.The heart wants love, acceptance and happiness. However, it has a negative side that is an over-giving people-pleaser who blames itself when others are not quite happy. All too often what happens is the logical mind believes that to feel secure it has to push people away, while at the same time the emotional heart believes in giving to everyone to feel love. It’s really easy for the mind and heart to get out of sync with each other, which accounts for the Jekyll and Hyde personality.

Don’t Chase Them

So let’s say you and your partner have had a great date, but you know that once it’s over they will get distant and cold. In the past you may have reached out to them, but don’t do that this time. This time, give them space and leave them alone. Let them process the special connection they have with you. Let them reach out to you again.

An Emotional Project

Many of my clients are confused by the Jekyll and Hyde in their life. They say they give so much love, care and support to their partner, and their efforts backfire. Why don’t they show the same love in return? Why are they more comfortable with drama and instability? A lot of people fall for someone who turns out to be an emotional project. They give their project tons of love and then wonder why they get so angry.

You Can’t Love Their Problems Away

The truth is, you can’t just love someone’s problems away. And you can’t use your love to fix them if they don’t want to be fixed or if they have lived a long time without the kind of love you’ve been providing. Their anger could come from the frustration of getting more love now then when they were young. If they have unresolved feelings from childhood, they could be looking at your love this way: “How dare you give me more love than my parents gave me when I was a child! I want love from them!” They may even stray from you because they are more comfortable being with someone who won’t treat them as well.

Take Things Slow

But this doesn’t necessarily mean your relationship is doomed. However, it does mean that you need to take things slow and not smother your partner with the amount of love that you think makes up for their past. Instead, allow your partner to grow into the love you have for them. If you do, you may find that they are more loving towards you than you could have ever imagined.

If you and your partner are not seeing eye to eye when it comes to the way you show affection, call me. I can help you get back on the same page.

Psychic Kim ext. 5512

There’s nothing worse than romantic uncertainty, but you don’t have to navigate the ebbs and flows of love alone. A love psychic is always available to help and a psychic love reading is exactly what you need to get your relationship on the path to forever.

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21 thoughts on “Why They Can’t Show You the Same Love In Return

  1. lorraine birk

    I’ve been around the blocks with relationship, men’s thinks,they’ve control on you; buts: when, come us,,,wants attention and love respect, they’re turning us,down… You: asks with respect and give us,, some space…when: they; don’t except,,, time plan b….moves on,,with another profile into yours life,,and someone new….talks with theme,first,,sees where,this relationship, goes on, too…next!!! I might have another man I am interested in… just waiting, for him..too,comes home, too…

  2. Mildred

    One minute he is showing that he really care, and the next he is acting like he don’t. Gives a lot of excuses of why he don’t have for us. Don’t answer the don’t return, very slow responding to my text. Sometimes I just want to walk away, getting tried of him not knowing what he really wants

    1. dmarantz moderator

      Mildred, why haven’t you walked away yet? What’s keeping you there?

  3. Diana Brown

    just been threw same
    knew this person for over 30 years they had childhood issues and i tried loving them away but that didnt work they are now back with the ex who does nothing for them whlist i did everything, I ended up being unwell needed 1 month to get better after this ordeal never again ,,,,,,,,

  4. Karen

    Wow! This is what I’m going through in my own relationship. The truth is you can not love the problems away

    1. dmarantz moderator

      Karen, you are so right! You have so much to give to another person! 🙂

  5. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Kim,

    BEST article I’ve read in here so far this year. I especially agree with the part about not chasing him, and taking things slow.

    You know, I’ve had the privilege of reading for many couples that have been married for 50, 60, even 70 years….and I’ve asked them what worked in the marriage. And they’ve all said the same thing pretty much, which is : 1. They married their best FRIEND….. and 2. They respect each other’s space.

    Most of them enjoyed a courtship period before marrying too…..they REALLY got to know each other before committing. So, as the saying goes…. do you want fast ???? OR forever ????

    EXCELLENT advice…..great article, Kim.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

    1. dmarantz moderator

      Psychic Gina Rose, your added advice is good and practical. It seems like people don’t take the time to really get to know each other before committing these days. But what do I know? I’m just an old married lady who dated my husband and lived with him for about six years before I let him put a ring on it, LOL! 🙂

    1. dmarantz moderator

      Tina, you’re right. Psychic Kim didn’t mention cheating. But, this article is about someone who isn’t good at showing emotion because that’s just their nature. Thanks for reading! 🙂

  6. Marnisha

    I gave up on love..i completely locked my heart down…need so much to talk have a much much needed reading before i seriously loose my mind..im so confused and going through so much right now..this read helped me a little about 1 thing im going through..when i can afford it ill look forward to speaking with an advisor..?MUCH NEEDED!!

    1. dmarantz moderator

      Marnisha, our psychics are always available to help you sort things out. 🙂

  7. ANGIE

    I just went through the jekle and hyde relationship.Its about control really. They enjoy the attention to better demean you until you dont feel like a person anymore. The more u do the more they abuse. In the end you will be a thousand things u dont want to repeat out loud. If you sense you are always apologizing. You don’t always know the motive of a cold person who will not say sorry to you. Just think of who you really are all the time until you can leave all the way. Be your own bestfriend. Start confiding with real friends that know u,the honesty will help you to release a truth you probably hide, you can bot be a recovering alcoholic if you do noyt admit first that there is a real problem, meaning this love-, hate has become an addiction that you cant let go of, or control. Take it from me I am still trying to recover, in a safe place where he cant find me.

    1. dmarantz moderator

      Candy, our psychics don’t answer personal questions in the blog comments section. They value your privacy. Please call for a reading. Thanks. 🙂

  8. Chrissy

    Wow! This is what I am going through in my own relationship. Thank you, for helping me to refocus 9 to understand where the other half is coming from

    1. dmarantz moderator

      Crissy, I’m so glad this article helped you! We post a new article every day, so please check back. Thanks for reading! 🙂

  9. michelle whjite

    I been with my daughter dad for 6 years. I just broke up with him he doesn’t show me any love, affection , attention he does n’t make love to me anymore. He doesn’t even spend time with me. Im 35 he is 57 i work i take care of the family. I even got Custody of his daughter when I already have 4 Kids of my own so now I have 5 which includes his daughter and all he do is sit home clean up and cook and watch the kids I’m sick of it and I’m tired of it he’s just a user


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