6 Ways to Incorporate More Play Into Your Life

Feel Like a Kid Again

Feeling like a child in an adult’s body is usually associated with immaturity, insecurity and a lack of self-confidence. However for some people, their childhood is also a reminder of freedom, creativity, and play—all things most every adult could use a lot more of in their life. So how can a busy adult with a ton of responsibilities make their life a little more playful? Here are six ideas.

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1. Schedule Your Play
You make appointments to see the doctor, go to the gym and get a massage, so why not schedule your playtime too? Playtime contributes to your health, happiness and overall well-being, so it’s just as important as any other appointment you have. Play also makes you more present and effective when it comes to the serious stuff. Take one hour a day for your inner child.

2. Have No Expectations, Goals, Winners or Losers
Play is beneficial when you remove the outcome. Don’t make it a competition. Don’t set goals and don’t focus on winning—that’s not what play is all about. Instead, just play for the fun of it, like you did when you were a kid.

3. Make Playful Friends
You are who you hang out with, but no matter how playful you’re trying to be, you won’t accomplish anything if you don’t surround yourself with other playful people. If you don’t have playful friends, make some new ones. And look to your children or your friend’s children to help you rediscover the joy of play. You may find yourself playing and enjoying the games of your childhood once again.

4. Designate a Place for Play
A playground is any place that takes you away from the realities of everyday life. Vegas is known as the adult playground, with all its lights, glitter and promise of fortune. But not everyone likes to gamble and not everyone can take a vacation whenever they feel like playing. You can designate a place in your house for play, whether it’s an entire room or a corner of your backyard. Just make sure it’s far enough away from the dirty dishes, piles of laundry and unopened mail. You can also take to nature and find a local beach, park or forest to get your play on.

5. Let Go of Technology
You’ll want to disconnect from anything that takes you away from playtime, including your cell phone or laptop. Unplug to unwind and play. Unplug to stay in the moment and focus on nothing other than enjoying yourself and whoever you’re with.

6. Ask Your Inner Child
As adults, the concept of play may seem foreign to us—after all, it’s been a while. But if you think about what you liked to do as a child, chances are you probably still like to do those things as an adult. So if you liked to color then, get an adult coloring book now. If you liked arts and crafts, take an art class now. And if you liked building models, pick up a more intricate model kit now. The possibilities are endless.

4 thoughts on “6 Ways to Incorporate More Play Into Your Life

  1. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Eric,

    Hope you had a great summer !!! Always enjoy your articles…..especially this one !!!!!!

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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