Ascension to 2012

As of lately, I have been receiving calls from a lot of clients dealing with major anxiety or feelings of loss. As promised to my regulars, I am writing this for you and sharing it with others so it will help you understand why and how you’re feeling. It might also explain why you’re experiencing these shifts in the manner you are.

This ascension process is occurring step by step. With each step the earth changes or shifts causing movement of the earth at very deep levels. As a result, we begin to experience more of the higher vibrations. Mother Earth is restructuring herself – she is realigning in order to receive these new and higher frequencies. At the same time, everything in the universe is realigning as well. We are feeling the first ripples of the major changes. We started a new earth, or ‘Earth Two’ (a dimensional overlay) – the age of Aquarius.

While Mother Earth and the universe realign, so do we because we are all one. Body aches and various pains may be present, for me personally its feeling dizzy and enduring headaches. Sweating and hot flashes are occurring for many because we are burning off any lower vibrating energy within each one of us as we adjust. When you have lower vibrating thoughts, or any thoughts of fear or negativity that cannot exist in this reality, you may immediately become excruciatingly hot and begin to sweat. Be aware these hot flashes and sweats are not all hormonal – this serves as great barometers gifting us with training and alignment tools.

With the intensity of energy inhibiting the Earth recently, we may feel as though we are hyperventilating and cannot sit still. We may be experiencing nervous energy and feel as if we need to be doing something all the time. We are in between worlds and this can lead to having issues with boundaries. It can also cause some to want to stay home, or even encourage us to take cover. Remember this is temporary.

Yet another major occurrence right now, is in our own personal energy. We easily become aware of how we have been running in a state of ‘out of balance’ or in inappropriate ways. The higher we vibrate, the more we are able to ‘see’ from above, and understand that we did our best in our lower dimensional experience. It is time to change our behavior – we are now able see what it is that needs to change.

We will continue to zig zag our way into the higher vibrations, along with the universe, and our beautiful Mother Earth. Upon the new moon in Aries (April 14, 2010), we felt yet another major shift with a 7.1 earthquake. While the earth is being affected so are you. Humans are going through an activation of their DNA and chakra systems. Waves of intensity within relationships are being heightened as the earth is with quakes. Relationships are the core as we ascend spiritually and vibrationally. We are learning unconditional love. As always, come to know that everything is and always has been in divine and perfect order. Aquarius signifies humanity and this is the age we are ascending to.

Have faith and blessings to all.

28 thoughts on “Ascension to 2012

  1. Madeleine

    Beautiful ! Totally relate i want to train an work wit the eldery an help them in anyway i can.with uncondìtional love in my heart i will make a huge difference. 🙂 to their lives.

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  8. Abigailx9570

    Hi Darcy,
    Thank you sweet lady…. How are you? Did the energy shifts help you dear heart? Remember you are really effected by energy …..electromagnetic stuff.

    Many Blessings & Cyber Hugs

  9. Abigailx9570

    Thank Lonnie……well I had to throw the hot flash thing in there too when there are kids getting them along with us its just not hormonal …ha we all have something 🙂

    Many Blessings

  10. balancedesires

    Hey Abigail!

    Loved the 2 wolves! Excellent story that I am writing it down to tell others! It’s true! I am being ‘tapped’ LOL! 🙂 I finally feel that this is what I am meant to be doing. You have been such a wonderful guide to me, I cannot thank you enough! 🙂 Hugs!


  11. Jacqueline x9472

    Hi Abigail,

    I have read that story and love the analogy, it is so true, “The one you feed” such food for thought.

    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  12. Abigailx9570

    Thank you and yes I had to write this for my clients so they understand why all of this stress is occuring.
    Lucky you I love Hawaii so serene beautiful lush tropical island ……LOL now I want a Pina Colada and a cabana boy hehehe just kidding ~ maybe 🙂

    Many Blessings

  13. Abigailx9570

    Gina Rose,
    Thank you for all of your support. With the quakes, volcanic eruptions, climate changes it is no wonder so many of us feel a strange. Yes some doors are closing, some things come to an end, losses are happening, and separations are coming into a place of reality. It is our heart and soul energy that will remain. We are manifesting our new earth and new lives following our hearts will take us to our new space a new level. Unconditional love will rule this; we will heal our planet and ourselves with it. So many
    Of us were born for this time of massive change on the earth. And because of this truth, healers will easily stand in times to come as we adapt to the new age and higher consciousness. I myself have had major life altering challenges and hurdles. We will let go of the things that no longer meet our soul’s purpose we will be true to ourselves and humanity those that choose to ascend and go with the “flow” those that do not will stay stuck. I for one choose the flow LOL …….and I have released excess baggage and weight in my life that no longer feeds my heart or future. You know the old saying you can bring a horse to water but you can’t make em drink it …… will or lets say Free Willy 🙂

    Many Blessings & Cyber hugs

  14. misskrystal

    Thanks, Abigail. I found this very interesting. Very thought provoking. Still thinking about it…Miss Krystal

  15. Jacqueline x9472

    Hi Konane,

    Its kinda funny the Hollywood version, they make it seem so gloom and doom, but in reality this is the best that can happen.

    Through this change it will cause so many to wake up and be there true self’s, lots of awakening taking place.

    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  16. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Abigail,

    LOVED the story of the two wolves !!!!! Your article was excellent…a very ” meaty ” article indeed…..

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  17. Abigailx9570

    Hello Jacqueline,
    Thank you for the blessings……..this is how to acsend as its been said by the Native way many times. The beautiful story of two wolves …..
    Two Wolves
    An old Cherokee chief is teaching his grandson about life:

    “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

    “One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.

    “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope,
    serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

    “This same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

    The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

    The old chief simply replied, “The one you feed.”

    Many Blessings and Cyber Hugs

  18. Jacqueline x9472

    Hi Abigail,

    Very thought provoking article, I loved what you said about the energetic Zig Zaging taking place this is so true about the effects on all levels of ones life.

    While we go through this change it is important to become fluid have the ability to move through whatever may come up, there will be many unexpected things come up, the key is not to get to emotional attached to the bumps that may come up, remember when you become too emotionally attached to something that is not going well, this energy will feed the negative bumps that are in your life and slow down moving through what changes and mishaps that you are experiencing.

    Bottom line is to stay upbeat and excited about what is coming and what wonderful new things you are creating, your great new life.

    Blessings and Big Hugs,
    Jacqueline x9472

  19. Abigailx9570

    It’s all happening for a reason and you are being what I call Tapped LOL by the spiritual light beings (Angelic realm)

    Many Blessings


  20. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Abigail,

    Yes, it just occurred to me…I’ve been reading for many clients who are just recently, as of around 2008, starting to discover their identity or ” who they really are “.

    As a reult of the economic bubble bursting, job loss, etc….these people were flying thru life
    on ” automatic pilot ” somewhat…going thru the motions mechanically.

    Now they find themselves in a position where they are having to take stock of they really are, what they really want, and what their true inner Karmic gifts are….AND what their true Karmic path is as well.

    ( this is a good thing).
    Kind of like a butterfly going BACK INTO the cocoon, only to come out later, being reborn, with a pretty new set of wings, better and stronger wings to once again take flight….but on the right flight path!!!!…their true Karmic path !!!!!

    Change is good….rebirth is painful, but good. Everything constantly changes in life…..the key is to flow WITH the change. Make it work for you, instead of fighting it.

    So yes, as Abigail states in her article, we truly are in the Ascension process.

    Blessed Be )O( Abigail !!!
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  21. balancedesires


    OMG that explains so much! I have been dealing with hot flashes & I am way too young to be menopausal yet! LOL! 🙂

    Hugs, harmony & peace


  22. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Abigail,

    Thank you for this very thought provoking article……and well written too !!!!!

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

    ps….fingers still itchy, but , could have been worse…LOL…you know what I mean…..LOL


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