Attracting Love Through Candle Work

Angie in Canada writes:

When doing twin flame candle burning to attract a new love into your life, do you have to do it in the morning or can it be done at night instead?

Hi Angie,

You can do this exercise in the evening as well. Both energies (Sun/Moon) are powerful, but have different aspects. The energy of the Sun tends to be more “outwardly” and obvious, as compared to working with the energy of the Moon which will create a more “mysterious” or synchronistic connection to your partner. Different ways of attracting a partner, but equally successful.

Thanks for your question!


12 thoughts on “Attracting Love Through Candle Work

  1. Pingback: Your Weekly LoveCast™ | California Psychics Blog

  2. sarathchand2000


    Hai. Kindly tell me about candle test. I am interested to know.
    I am interested in spiritual works also.

    Thank you very much


  3. Donna

    The first time I used candles to attract love into my life was Oct 2009 during a full moon. I wrote down the characteristics of the type of man I wanted in my life. (I have been a divorcee for over 20 years and have not had even one serious relationship in those 20 yrs. I had joked with my friends at work that I wanted a Sagittarian man because I am a Gemini and have never dated a sag before. My social life was very active before I married) My point is be very careful what you ask for because you may just get it. On Oct 31, in my driveway at home I was approached by a 20 year younger neighbor who I only met a month earlier. We lived 3 houses away for 4 years but never looked directly at each other until Oct 2 when he introduced himself to me. He came on very strong and I thought he was crazy for seeming interested in me due to our age difference. He’s 33, me 53. As we were talking on Halloween, his eyes seemed to glaze over and the next thing I knew we were kissing . That started a very intense but sporadic sexual relationship. I fell in love with him but broke off the relationship because he seemed embarrassed to have a more open relationship due to our ages. He says he needs to find someone his age to have children with. He does fit all of the characteristics that I requested in my candle lighting, but I did not specify age . I am in pain every day as I see him often in passing since we live so close to each other. So be very careful in your wording of what you want in a potential mate. By the way, he is a Sagitarrian sun and Ascendant.

  4. Elizabeth

    I am very attracting lady, who never been lucky when comes to love, as i find people who are either committed or attached to someone, or they lie about their relationships and i become heart broken, i never find someone who is single or willing to give me love. i have been single for quite some time now. i wish i have someone to call my one and get married one day. i need to knw about attaracting love through candle work as i never heard about that before or know how does it work, how many candles, what type of candles and how do you go through the whole process. i really need help as i need love to come to my life.

  5. ronald mchenry

    Hello, I have been single for 17 years and i really o not pick out the desired woamn to well. I am to shy to spproach, because i do not know what to say. Once the ice is broken I am okay. I am also scared of sexual diseases, I have never had any. What can i do to know the lady around me is interested and I am not a rich person by no means. i just want the romance, intimacy, trust, warmth, caring, understanding, love (not the i want what you got kind) I want real love, where I know my spouse and she knows me.
    we are the best of friends and I am at a loss. Will these candles help me. How many do i use, what kind, andhow long? What am i suppose to concentrate about? Please help! Ron

  6. Pingback: Love Burning Candles | California Psychics Blog

  7. Psychic Marin x5113

    Hi Krystal. I don’t have much experience working with flowers, but rather the essential oils produced from flowers. I don’t doubt their energy at all. Right now daffodils are in bloom all over my property, and it is amazing how a simple bouquet of daffodils brings an added level of warmth to a home. What are your experiences with flower work? I am curious.

  8. Miss Krystal ext. 9192

    Thanks, Marin. I really enjoyed reading this. I love all kinds of candles. Do you believe in “Flower power?” I have noticed certain flowers enhance my moods. I have noticed the same with candles, too. Thanks again, for sharing.
    Miss Krystal


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