Benefits of Solitude

“It is good to be solitary, for solitude is difficult; that something is difficult must be a reason the more for us to do it.” — Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

“In solitude where we are least alone” — Lord Byron

“Solitude is strength; to depend on the presence of the crowd is weakness. The man who needs a mob to nerve him is much more alone than he imagines.” — Paul Brunton

You don’t need to be anti-social to enjoy being alone. You don’t have to isolate yourself to the point of becoming a recluse, either. Solitude is undervalued these days. Having a deep connection to yourself above others is rarely pursued as an art. We’re so plugged into technology, the latest and greatest gadgets, phones, tools, and we’re news hounds, too. Unplugging is so uncommon yet so necessary.

People bemoan their singlehood, not having full social calendars, and chilling out with a glass of wine and a remote while wearing sweatpants means you’re a loser without a life. Not true. But that’s also not the way to fully nurture yourself, either.

I like having scores of friends, checking out crowds, going to the beach, and spending time with loved ones. But sometimes it’s excessive and escapist. Taking a break and a time out seems almost selfish, but it’s the opposite.

In solitude, I can think undisturbed, meditate, cultivate intimacy with my own needs and desires, and create, create, create. I like to write, scribble, make collages, vision boards, listen to music, meditate, enjoy and appreciate myself.

Sometimes taking a bath, a walk, a hike, or a stroll undisturbed is when our best ideas and epiphanies percolate without force. They simply appear. They’re often our best because we didn’t have to brainstorm with anyone else, we didn’t have to cull them on deadline, and they’re our own, from a deep place inside…

Ways to find alone time:

  • Walk every day
  • Take a bath
  • Paint
  • Draw
  • Read
  • Unplug it all — shut off the phone, ditch the laptop, turn off the tube
  • Take a scenic drive

How do you find solitude and how has it helped you?

3 thoughts on “Benefits of Solitude

  1. Yas

    I love having alone time. I look forward to getting home at the end of a busy work day, followed by time with family or friends, to a peaceful home. It rejuvinates me. It is often considered as anti-social by others (especially by family members) but the benefits I reap from having some time to myself are priceless.

  2. Jacqueline x9472

    Oh there is nothing I love more is my quiet time, I love working in my garden, playing in the dirt, when connecting with mother earth this brings a balance, I love the outdoors horseback riding, gardening, drumming this also brings balance, oh lets not forget camping.

    It is so important to relax, get balanced, stay connected, it allows me to be able to do the work that I do, that is help others receive the correct information that the other side wants them to know.

    With all the readjustments taking place it is important to be true to yourself and trust that everything is always going to be good, it always has and always will, trust this, so with that being said look around you and enjoy the little things that many times get lost in the shuffle, flowers, good food, singing birds, a child’s smile, Be Happy!!!!

    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  3. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500


    I really could relate to this article… a hermit…. I LOVE my solitude, privacy, peace and quiet…..and would not give it up for any price.
    I do things I want to, when I want to, I get enough rest, sleep and meditation time… it helps keep me grounded and, more important to me , it helps keep me balanced….in the psychic field it’s important to meditate and stay grounded.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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