Bravely Overcome Losses

Go Within to Go On

In these tumultuous times, many people are facing loss: loss of a loved one, loss of a job, loss of financial security. If you can remember the words “this too shall pass” and “with every end comes a new beginning,” you will calm down. Once calm, you can begin to heal by contemplating choices, which aren’t always obvious. Some ideas come only when we have a relaxed demeanor. I was thinking back this morning to some of the things that I have done to heal my own losses, such as family members dying.

A short time ago, my mother died. It was just that sudden, and even though I’m a medium and could still speak with her, it wasn’t the same. I missed her hugs, her companionship, her eye to eye contact while discussing important topics. In my grief I was forced to look for an answer to start my own healing process. And one morning I woke up with an idea that I felt would work for me. I phoned the foster care system in my state and spoke with one of the coordinators. My words came slowly, as I wasn’t sure how this would be received. I said, “My mother just passed away. And now I’m an orphan. She was my last surviving family member and I feel so alone, and all I can do is wonder how young children deal with abandonment? And I was thinking that I would like to throw a Christmas party in December for 100 of your foster kids. My plan is to get corporate sponsors to donate gifts or money for gifts, and I would get a restaurant to donate the space.” Foster care loved the idea and asked me for a written plan of action. I supplied that, and got everything organized to happen on December 6 of that year.

An amazing process happened. The kids and their sponsors all showed up to a very fancy restaurant that had turned their banquet hall into a children’s playground. Foster care supplied arts and crafts tables and supplies, corporate sponsors supplied the balloons and presents for every kid, and I cooked the food. What was amazing was the amount of laughter and fun in the room which filled my heart with gratitude. It went off without a hitch.

The most amazing part of the day for me was the gift of hope it gave me back. By watching these amazing kids that were mostly “throw away kids,” and seeing how well they’re coping and thriving, I realized that I could move forward to find my new place in everyday life. I still see some of the children today, and thank God that some have been adopted, others are out in the world making a life for themselves now. And I’m here helping all of you.

If I can help you to find your process for moving forward, too, please call me.

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14 thoughts on “Bravely Overcome Losses

  1. Mulyady

    aw, happy birthday to lucy!! i know what you mean about them ginrwog up part of you can’t wait until they’re not puppies anymore and the other part of you just wants to keep them babies forever.

  2. Rickey, Midpines,Ca.

    Hi Lynda, what matter with you, you are so control by this person in your life you can do nothing, why are you letting this person take over your life, just do what you want to do, and so be it. Let him know you have a life, need, and wants weather he likes it or not. wake up, it ‘s your life, not his. who knows how long we have here on plant earth, don’t waiting for others to let you do what you want to do! Do it.
    and best of lucky to you for stand up for your self!


  3. LUCY

    Just logged in to read other blog stories and noticed all of these beautiful comments. I am over-whelmed to see that so many have read this and taken time out of their busy lives to respond. How beautiful all of you are because each response plants a seed into every pair of eyes that reads the article. Those seeds from each of you give possibility to all. Elisabeth: you are a treasure and never think for a minute that you are alone. And, with her, Christel, RoseO and Lynda remember that every morning when you wake up God lights a candle of white light in each of your hearts to keep you in his light in his warmth in his comfort. And, Faith, Abigail, MissKrystal, GinaRose, Gelsomina, Reed and Quinn you are all gifted with this sight that helps so many people. With great love & respect, LUCY

  4. Faith ext. 9608Faith ext. 9608

    Love your article Lucy. What an outstanding example of love in action. You turned your loss into something so very positive for others. Such a wonderful story. You are a dear Earth Angel!

    Blessings, Faith ext. 9608

  5. Gelsomina

    Hi Lucy,
    What beautiful story. It shows us that by giving we can help to heal. You are such and loving and gentle soul. Your Mom was there that day enjoying what her daughter had done to hel those kids.

    Times are very hard for all of us. This holiday season may everyone find Joy and peace in there lives.

    Love and Blessings
    Psychic Gelsomina 5354

  6. elisabeth

    thank you & i can relate 2 that , i was 2 adopted , & even though i am very blessed by having 2 very wonderful parent’s & i 2 have be able & i have given back in the world & i too help out children that are stuck in the CRAZY juducial system 2 the point that i helped 2 change a lot of the juvenile law’s in the state that i do & always have live IN … but the emotional stuff & all of the physical / emotional scar’s stuff still does haunt me 2 this very day about what i went through in foster care OR as a child !! AND I HAVE SENT a very good ?? 2 RED & IN a LETTER / email & A REQUEST FOR RED about this same thing ? & i am just waiting very patiently for RED 2 RESPOND BUT SHE IS REALLY BUSY & that is ok ( : !! but thank you 4 giving back to all of the 100 great & wonderful children that you were able 2 help out with & may god please bless you in many way’s 4 doing that & 4 reaching out 2 them 2 !! & you can bet that ‘you ‘ have made a very positive influence 2 help CHANGE thing’s in their live’s 2 for doing that !!

  7. Rose O.

    Thank you Lucy for your article it is very inspiring and positive.
    I know it will be useful for all of us that have lost or will loose someone in the future. Just knowing also that you are here to help
    others is a blessing. I believe that we are all here to help each
    other when we have a loss. Who knows better then someone who
    has gone thru it.

  8. Reed x 5105Reed

    How beautifully done, Lucy – the article AND the ability to take action that helped you to heal from the loss of your mother.

    It’s true that we reap what we sew. When we take the time to put healing action to work for others, we usually reap the benefits ourselves.

    Reed x5105

  9. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Lucy,

    What a wonderful thing you did for those kids…..

    ….you took a personal loss and turned it into a ” give ” for foster kids……

    Way to go Lucy !!!!!

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  10. Lynda

    Thank you Lucy for your wonderful story. I had a sudden inspiration about a year ago too on how I could help the people in my community as well as many charities, but I just cannot figure out how to get it done. I’ve drawn up plans & pictures, did research and dreamed about it for a year now but there is one person in particular that seems to be a major block in my path. He feels that my plans should benefit only him, not others in need and wants to take credit for it all. At this time this person is plays a major role in my life and I just don’t see a way around him. I do know how to go forward with my plans without him turning them into selfishness and greed, but my removing this person from my life right now is not an option. Sure, there are other obstacles like money, doing something I have never done before, etc, but none of them seem as insurmountable somehow, although they are definitely large hurdles. I need some guidance on how this will turn out because right now I feel like I am stuck in quick sand and going nowhere fast.


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