California Psychics at Revlon Walk Finish Line

Every Mother’s Day weekend thousands participate in the Revlon Run/Walk. Whether they walk, jog, run, are pushed by a parent in a stroller, or require a wheelchair — all unite in action.

Today I experienced a beautiful display of true solidarity. Women (mostly!) men, and children smiling, singing,  and cheering. Simply proud to be part of a sincerely worthwhile cause. I’ve known women who have died from cancer, and I helped care for one who was battling cancer. I remember cheering when she lost her hair, when she couldn’t get out of bed, the chemo made her so sick. I liked holding her hand, assuring her she would make it, while rubbing her feet in front of the TV.

She’s now a survivor.

Being in downtown Los Angeles, walking those 3 miles (for me it was more like 2) I was happy to be alive, happy to support real heroes — people who fight this disease, their families, friends, and co-workers. Anyone who has ever known — or not known anyone who has had this disease, knows of someone who had…

It was one heck of a 17th outing!

9 thoughts on “California Psychics at Revlon Walk Finish Line

  1. Carmen Hexe

    I am glad you shared this, Suzanne. I am also thinking about sharing my experience of the walk. It was definitely one of the greatest things I have ever participated in, and I will be joining us again next year. So worth the hazzle of getting into the venue and all.

  2. misskrystal

    Thanks Suzanne, great to meet you in here, too! You will always remember this marathon, and it will make you feel really good when you reflect on it, in your future. 🙂
    happy day,
    miss krystal

  3. SuzanneSuzanne moderator

    Awww Abigail! It’s been one heck of a Retrograde transit — communication wise and technological snafus were so abundant. Glad it will end May 13…

  4. lonnie5185Lonnie

    He fantasic job Suzanne thats wonderful what you did its important for men and women for cancer and all concernd very loving and kind of you to help.
    And good job for all the others and our cp to do this!!!!!

    Love and hugs


  5. Abigailx9570

    Glad to hear it!!!! I missed you guys. Today was a typical mercury retrograde for me. I got up @ 4 am to get there to walk with you. Left Ventura County at 5:45 arrived at the exit to get to the Coliseum at 6:45 and I’m thinking great I’ll make the UCLA parking by 7 like what was suggested……. I sat in the off ramp for over a half hour…finally got to the main drag and sat some more by 8:15 I was finally @ the stop light to get to parking when the Cop said sorry all parking is full you have to go straight ahead. I spent 15 minutes trying to find a place to park and I knew even if I did at this point in time I would miss you guys. Melisssa is such a sweet heart I called to tell her I was navigating out of LA as I did not want to stress her waiting for me. I was with you all in spirit. Next year I’ll just stay the night in LA …LOL I could’nt this year Mom is visiting this me. Way to go CP

    Many Blessings

  6. SuzanneSuzanne moderator

    Miss Krystal! Honored to meet you in cyberspace…I’m happy our company supported this cause, and the women who arranged our participation. It was difficult to share my experience about caring for my friend. I feel vulnerable, but at the same time wonder if others might find some comfort in it. Just the act of sharing forges a connection, and connections make us human.

  7. misskrystal

    Thanks for sharing your brave experience. It took a lot of courage, and I certainly thank you & admire you.
    To all the women who read this–Let’s not forget that the women who stick by other women, are FANTASTIC WOMEN! 🙂 the more we embrace “sisterhood” the happier us gals will be….
    Cheers and congrats,
    Miss Krystal


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