Create New Holiday Traditions This Year

New Holiday Traditions This Year

What Holiday Traditions Will You Create?

Traditions play a huge role in how each of us celebrates the holidays. I bet you look back on your family’s holiday traditions and feel a sense of sentimentality, warmth and nostalgia. Wouldn’t you like to feel that way again? For some of us, it’s hard to do. That’s because while family traditions stay the same, families often do not.

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Recapture the Good Feelings

Maybe you’ve lost some relatives you were close to. Maybe work and education have spread your family to all corners of the globe. Or maybe you aren’t on the best terms with your family this year. No matter the reason, it can sometimes be hard to recapture the good feelings that come with observing holiday traditions. But instead of focusing on what you don’t have, who’s not here and what you can’t do, you can create new traditions that make you feel just as good as the old ones did. Here’s how.

Build Your Celebratory Circle

Whatever you do, don’t spend the holidays alone. Gather friends, coworkers, neighbors and anyone else who has nowhere to go. Invite your guests to invite other people without holiday plans. This is how you build your celebratory circle.

Are you expecting a holiday invite from someone special? Psychic Nancy ext. 6353 knows if it’s coming.

Incorporate Their Traditions

New friends mean new holiday traditions. You’ve likely amassed a group from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Ask them to share their favorite holiday traditions and incorporate one tradition from each guest into your celebration. Whether it’s food, music or decorations, give everyone the opportunity to bring a piece of home with them and share it with the group.

Share the Burden

Holiday gatherings tend to be a lot of work. Don’t feel like you have to do everything just because you’re hosting a horde. Your new holiday traditions include new people, new foods, new cultures and new rules. That means you don’t need to dress up and get fancy. You don’t need to spend a ton of money. Instead, make things casual and have everyone pitch in.

Emphasize a Particular Feeling

What was the one feeling you felt while celebrating the holidays in the past? Was it warmth? Was it love or a feeling of abundance? There is more than one way to feel all those good feelings and you can capture those same old feelings with your new holiday traditions.

Find that holiday spirit you’ve been missing during a reading with Psychic Leslie ext. 5687!

Record the Celebration

You’ll want to record your new holiday traditions. Take pictures of everyone eating, drinking and laughing. Get recipes for all the dishes and share them with the other cooks in the group. Take video of your guests sharing what they are thankful for. If far-away loved ones are worried about you, you now have something to send them to show you’ve found a great way to feel happy and content, even if you couldn’t be together.

Psychic Melissa ext. 6418 knows what you should be thankful for this holiday season! Call her to find out.

Be Thankful

And lastly, be thankful for your situation, even if it is not ideal. Your new holiday traditions aren’t meant to replace your long-standing traditions. They can work in concert with them. You may be miles away from the people you love or you may feel like you have no one to love or no one who loves you this year. That simply isn’t true. You have friends, coworkers and acquaintances that care and at least a few of them may be feeling as lonely or as disappointed as you are. Don’t wallow! Get together, make plans and start new, wonderful traditions that you’ll want to celebrate for years to come, no matter who comes in or goes out of your life.

3 thoughts on “Create New Holiday Traditions This Year

  1. Chrissi

    I may be strange but I don’t like Christmas because I feel it has been too commercialised- used to be it was a family occasion my brother would go to my parents for Christmas day when we used to have dinner downstairs with ma-in-law, we’d go to my parents for boxing day for dinner as we didn’t have space at our place to host a family dinner- and as we were sharing with ma-in-law my use of the kitchen usually ended up in a row as we were so different both in standards and tastes
    (every time she cooked for me I ended up with an upset tummy) but since I lost Mum and dad remarried we don’t see my family much at all- and now as she also has passed on I don’t see the point my son is grown up and I at least only bothered with the dinner and decorations because they liked them, I don’t like turkey at all and am allergic to the stuffing and gravy so traditional Christmas dinner is a bit of a pain as mine has to be done as a separate meal – we don’t have much money so presents and cards don’t get given either or worse they give and I can’t because of my financial situation I know it sounds miserable and I have a lot to be grateful for, as I at least have family food on the table and a roof over my head but I’d rather the money was spent on sensible things like the repairs we need on the house and repayments on our debts


    Thank you for this article. I’ve been estranged from my Beloved daughter for three years now, and my heart has not been in Celebrating my Birthdays (Dec.11) or Christmases since. This has made me stop and think I should be grateful I still have my son, who loves me, and I need to care for him more, instead of just mourning my daughter’s loss. x

  3. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Great article, Dania

    One year, where I used to live, we had a Thanksgiving block party. A few of the elderly people, who lived alone on our block, attended too, and we all had a great time ! In fact, it was a blast !!!!

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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