Your Daily Focus: February 23 – March 1

Mantra Meditations March 2-8 - California Psychics

The Power of Daily Focus

Welcome, gentle readers, to the last daily focus for the month of February. This week, my guides had something very specific to convey. As I experienced my walking meditation, I was shown that many of you judge yourself far too harshly and it’s impacting your spiritual and psychic development. I can also see that some of you admire others because you think they’re perfect or have all the answers. In reality, no one has all the answers. No one is perfect!

Wondering what the universe has in store for you? Read with a life path psychic, like Psychic Jesse, and find out!

This week, please be gentle with yourselves. Please take a moment and allow these daily focuses to free your minds and hearts. Allow your courage to rise again so you may find the love you so often seek. It’s waiting for you, just the way you are!

February 23

“The difference between who I am and who I want to be is found in what I do.”

Dreams are lovely to enjoy but they stay in our minds when we refuse to act on them. It’s easy to convince yourself of so many fears that you become paralyzed and unable to move forward. Fear should never get in the way of your goals or dreams. It’s a thief that promises to put you in prison while it also steals every good thing in your life. Unless a bear is chasing you, never listen to your fears!

February  24

“Blessed are the curious for they shall have grand adventures!”

When was the last time you were on a real adventure? When did you step out of your comfort zone and explore a new idea or activity? Remember your childhood curiosity? You were so observant when you found something interesting? Those attributes have never changed. They were certainly buried under the “grown-up stuff” but they never went away. Your daily focus encourages you to find something today that interests you in a new way. Wander over to the library and consider learning a new language or plan a vacation in some foreign part of the world. It’s never too late!

February  25

“I haven’t come this far to only go this far.”

There is so much of your life that remains unexplored. This is a great time to consider what you want that will give your life an extra layer of richness. Your daily focus confirms that now is the time for you to explore the galaxies that lie waiting inside of your spirit.

February 26

“When I become fearless, life becomes boundless.”

Today is a wonderful time to step away from the cold shadow of “But what if…” and dance in the sunlight of “And what if it doesn’t?” It’s certainly exhilarating to see what can happen when you refuse to accept fear as a component of your dreams.

February 27

“My heart generates goodness. I will allow it to lead my actions.”

Never forget that you’re in control of how much any incident impacts your life. Therefore, your daily focus encourages you to seek that which you can embrace as positive and release that which tries to diminish your joy.

February 28

“Life and love have ways of bringing their gifts on time.”

Patience is a very difficult attribute to embrace, but once you have balance in your life, you’ll see that you’ve been going in the right direction all along. The Universe will bring you what’s coming to you on its schedule—not yours. You just have to have patience!

March 1

“I will not allow the things I want to distract from the gratitude for what I have.”

I realize that I write a great deal about gratitude, but it’s because gratitude is the building block of everything good in your life. When I was a child, my grandmother told me about Corrie ten Boom. She was an astounding young woman who, along with her Dutch family, hid many people from the Nazis during World War II. For her actions, she and her sister were sent to a concentration camp where they fought hunger, cold, lice, and disease.

Through it all, Corrie knew that her suffering was not the end of the road and refused to become bitter. In true fashion, the Allied Forces liberated her camp and she went on to live a genuinely wonderful life. She said she was grateful for the lice because no soldier would risk lice on his uniform trying to round up the women for the gas chambers. Even something as horrifying as those years of her life shows that gratitude can be felt even in the darkest of sorrows.

You have a life purpose. Wondering what it is? You won’t know until you get a life path reading with one of our talented life path psychics. A life path psychic can help you find what you love so you can love what you do.

Find a life path psychic or learn more about a life path reading.

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3 thoughts on “Your Daily Focus: February 23 – March 1

  1. Shawn

    Why is it I can’t find anyone to love me the way that I want to be loved and I can’t love them because they won’t allow me

    1. Jesse

      Shawn, it appears you have already placed a great deal of restrictions on your love path. You assume people won’t love you. If you focus on failure, no matter how much you desire love, you will continue to experience failure because it is your focus.
      Change your focus on openly caring about people and it will create a beacon that will bring you the love of your life. Celebrate your life. Don’t stifle it.

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