Your Daily Focus: March 16 – 22

Mantra Meditations | California Psychics

The Power of Daily Focus

Greetings, gentle readers! Here we are at the midpoint of March and preparing for the Vernal Equinox. The first day of a new season begins this week and we are going boldly into a time of renewal and new possibilities. This month is moving at an accelerated pace, but we are going to slow down for a moment and examine this week’s Daily Focus. Several exciting celestial events are happening this week. The last of the Super moons for 2019 will appear on the heels of the first day of Spring.

Wondering what the universe has in store for you? Read with a life path psychic, like Psychic Jesse, and find out!

As I was meditating on this Daily Focus, I asked my Guides for a specific direction. I asked to be shown the most significant mantras as they would best apply to the majority of my readers’ lives. I gratefully witnessed the images directing me toward the concepts of confidence and self-appreciation. As the meditation grew deeper, I began to see how many of you prevent yourself from achieving your goals because you do not believe in yourself. You may believe in your dreams and goals, but you fall short of the confidence needed to accomplish those desires.

When you feel insecure or unprepared to make the needed changes in your life, please call us at California Psychics. A well-qualified, professional psychic, like myself, can do wonders for your self-esteem and general confidence. We can help you prepare for your upcoming fortunes and embrace the bold confidence that belongs to those who believe in their own abilities.

Please share this with your friends on all your social media outlets. These may be the words that positively impact the lives of people you love, as much as it can change the hearts of people you may never meet in person.

March 16

“Confidence keeps silent while insecurities never cease shouting.”

The person who embraces and understands their abilities, as well as their shortcomings, will often be the quiet one at the meeting. Let your wisdom be expressed serenely. Be at peace with your abilities. You have nothing to prove to anyone. Allow your actions to speak for you and you may be delighted to see who will respond positively.

March 17

“There is nothing wrong with my body, but there is a great deal wrong with messages that try to convince me otherwise.”

When you look in the mirror today, tell yourself what is RIGHT about your reflection. You have been traveling along your days in that mortal coil and it has served you well. Celebrate it! YOU determine what looks best on you. When you think a wrinkle is unattractive or your body isn’t toned or muscled enough, look at the people to whom you are comparing yourself and ask yourself why you are doing this? You look great just the way you are.

March 18

“An insecure heart chases love, whereas a confident heart waits for love to find it.”

When you have reached a point in your life where you KNOW you are able to give and receive love in the healthiest ways, love will be ready to appear. In matters of the heart, timing is everything. Patience is a great attribute when dealing with such emotions. Be still and wait. It will happen!

March 19

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever could.”

When you consider the people, who have overcome stunningly challenged lives, the one thing they all have in common was the belief that they would not fail. They didn’t doubt themselves or their abilities. When you begin to doubt yourself, you open a floodgate of insecurities, harsh words that linger in your head from your childhood, all manner of horrible scenarios will follow. You are better and stronger than your doubts. Dismiss them before they take root!

March 20

“I adorn myself in confidence and refuse to wear anyone’s insecurities.”

Happy Spring! Today is the first day of the season of renewal and new beginnings! Nothing is sexier or more desirable than true confidence. If someone tells you that your hair is wrong or you need to lose weight or whatever their personal insecurity might dictate, remember that their words are merely projections of their fears. It has nothing to do with you. You are the mirror they fear to face reflecting in themselves.

March 21

“I will not allow my insecurities to prevent something amazing from happening.”

Enjoy the full moon tonight. It is the last of the Super moons for this year and it’s a great time to witness something amazing! When you know who you are and are genuinely comfortable in your own skin, you are completely limitless. There are no boundaries you can’t defy and no obstacle you can’t conquer! Clarify your goals and believe in yourself. Along with your journey toward that goal, you will find many reasons to add to your self-confidence. Be bold and be happy!

March 22

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

If you want your life to change, you have to first be willing to create those necessary changes. If I want to become a great swimmer, I must first get to the water. All goals and dreams begin with an initial thought which becomes an action which finally becomes a way of life. If you want a different life but you continue to repeat old habits and cling to outdated beliefs, it will be impossible for you to live your fullest life. The future belongs to those who help create it!

Want to build a better future? A life path reading with one of our talented life path psychics can tell you where you’re headed. And if you don’t like where you’re headed, your life path psychic can steer you down a better path.

Find a life path psychic or learn more about a life path reading.

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California Psychics is the most trusted source of psychic readings. We have delivered over 6 million discreet and confidential psychic readings by phone since 1995. More than a prediction, we are your guide for life’s journey. Serenity, happiness, and success are just a phone call away. With over 400 psychics online to choose from, you’re sure to find the best psychics for you. Call one of our trusted and accurate psychics today! Confidential and secure, real psychics, accurate predictions, 100% guaranteed.

One thought on “Your Daily Focus: March 16 – 22

  1. Kevin

    Jesse, I really enjoy reading your mantras with my morning coffee. I find it a great way to start my day, thank you.


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