Your Daily Focus: March 23- 29

Mantra Meditations | California Psychics

The Power of Daily Focus

Welcome. gentle readers to this week’s Daily Focus and welcome to the first full week of Spring! This is a season filled with wonderful opportunities to explore your life’s directions and investigate some new possibilities exclusive to this time of year. Spring is a season that lends itself to celebrations everywhere!

Wondering what the universe has in store for you? Read with a life path psychic, like Psychic Jesse, and find out!

From the bluebonnets of Texas to cherry blossoms in Washington, DC, the earth is making her beauty known and recognized throughout this delightful season. We can take a page from Mother Nature’s playbook and begin to come out of our self-imposed winter cocoons in hopes of finding our personal beauty again. Winter may have done some damage to your self-esteem as brought on by isolation or family members or other such encounters, but Spring is here to burn away that negativity. It is here to offer you words of wisdom in this Daily Focus.

March 23

“What makes me vulnerable also makes me beautiful.”

Being vulnerable doesn’t make you weak or unattractive. It makes you human. When you display your vulnerabilities, you convey your humanity and your honesty. Obviously, you must choose wisely when exhibiting your vulnerabilities, but you should never allow yourself to become cynical about sharing the softer side of your world. Transparent honesty is very difficult to achieve but it is vital in building trust. Allow yourself to be fully human and you will open the door to many wonderful adventures!

March 24

“Confidence and intelligence will never go out of style.”

We have all seen men and women who, at first glance, may not appear as attractive as others. However, when you see the confidence they wear and how sincere they are in their directions, they instantly become beacons of strength and assurance. This kind of attitude is infinite in its attractiveness. Your Daily Focus encourages you to expand your intelligence and watch how wonderfully your confidence grows, too.

March 25

“Before I put anything else on today, I will put on my positivity.”

Each morning should be an opportunity for you to set the tone for the day. This time should never be dismissed or used for anything other than inspiration! Allow yourself the prospect of feeding your self-esteem nothing but positive words, thoughts, and deeds. It will be surprising to see how much better you are feeling and looking today, according to your Daily Focus!

March 26

“Should I ever find myself the target of someone’s bitterness, I will remember that it could be worse: I could have been them!”

Many times, when we encounter angry or loud people, it can be an intimidating event. It is only when we take a moment and remove ourselves from the direct path of the aggression that we are able to see what can only be witnessed from that vantage point. When someone is treating you unfairly, ask yourself what possible reason they could have for such behavior. You shouldn’t be afraid to admit your own transgression if they exist in this scenario, however, if you believe yourself to be innocent, look into the motivation of such people. You will see their bitterness and motivation become quite apparent.

March 27

“Confidence isn’t the feeling of superiority. It is knowing I have nothing to prove.”

True confidence is an attribute comprised primarily of gratitude and proven action. When you know you can accomplish the goal, you can comfortably wait for your chance to demonstrate. At no time does confidence lend itself to smug superiority or perceived dominance. To be genuinely confident is to offer room for others to grow, too. We were all amateurs once!

March 28

“If I am thrown to the wolves, in due time, I will return leading the pack.”

Regardless of how others treat you, you always have a choice as to how you will frame the situation. Are you seeing the glass half full? Half empty? Are you grateful to have a glass and have water to place in it? Many things can be seen differently if emotion is taken out from the equation.

When someone betrays you or dismisses you for whatever reason, it can hurt like a viper’s fangs! The goal is to remove the pain and see what the experience will help you gain. You are far greater than anything someone else can inflict upon you! A solid psychic reading from one of the many talented psychics at California Psychics can be very instrumental in sifting through motivations and outcomes.

March 29

“The shell must break before the bird can fly.”

The cosmic dance of destruction and creation is constantly changing and moving around us at all times. Each new beginning in your life is born from the ending of something else. Allow yourself the courage to dismiss what no longer applies to you and embrace a new way of thinking and, therefore, living. Life is meant to be lived or merely observed!

Want to build a better future? A life path reading with one of our amazing life path psychics can tell you where you’re going. And if you don’t like where you’re going, your life path psychic can steer you down a better path.

Find a life path psychic or learn more about a life path reading.

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One thought on “Your Daily Focus: March 23- 29

  1. Kevin

    As always Jesse, i very much enjoy reading your mantras for meditation first think every morning with coffee cup in hand, I find they give me guidance and strength for the day that is ahead of me . Thank you.


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