How a Dose of Reality Can Change Your Destiny

Reality Can Change Your Destiny

A Psychic Reality Check

When the weather is warmer and the days are longer, life seems good and we are more enthusiastic and positive than usual. However, that is not the case for all of us. I took a call from a soft-spoken young man who seemed a little shy and reserved about sharing what was troubling him. With a little gentle coaxing, I got him to talk about his life and the direction in which it was going. He spoke about the dreams and aspirations he had when he finished college. He had stars in his eyes and a healthy dose of optimism back then. He set out on the adventure of a lifetime. Even though there were challenges on his road to success, the challenges were part of the magical adventure he had dreamed of for forever. His reality was looking great!

Your detailed life path reading is waiting! Call Psychic Goldie ext. 6435.

Time marched on and his dreams were shattered. Disappointment set in. I could feel his pain and sadness. His life was in pieces. He had been let down by so many people he thought he could trust. Now, with a heavy heart, he was allowing himself to feel defeated. His life felt like an illusion where nothing good was coming his way. He had no idea how to change his life or where to even begin.

Unraveling the Issues and Discovering His Role

With the help of Tarot, we started to unravel the issues in his life. We took one issue at a time and worked through the situations, people and events in order to get some clarity and answers. Things were starting to seem manageable. This young man started to get more comfortable with me and I could hear the relief in his voice. He started to share more information and events with me. He was also seeing his role and responsibility in shaping some of the events and he realized that he couldn’t place all the blame on other people’s shoulders. His expectations were very unrealistic and understanding that made things begin to fall into place.

Preparing to Change His Course

Now there was excitement in his voice and he started asking more questions about new ideas that were coming to him thick and fast. So I continued on with the reading, shuffling the Tarot cards again for another spread to see what new  insights and guidance would be shown to me now. Now the picture was emerging that he had to change the course of his life, which he was prepared to do.

Empowered to Take the Reins

This time he had to listen more to his own instincts and make sure he was feeling very comfortable with his decisions before moving forward. He felt in the past he was too trusting and believed every word spoken to him and ignored his own gut feeling. The young man was now feeling very empowered to take the reins to his own life again. We talked more about his new direction and where was he going to head in his life now.

Seeing Reality for the First Time

My reading had helped this young man see his reality for the first time. He was now about to trust his own instincts and feeling about people. This was his first psychic reading, but it would not be his last. He called me several times over the next few months, and each time he shared he had new and exciting projects and ideas to work on. This shy young man had evolved into a confident and determined young man with a great future. He is certainly in control of his destiny now.

Want to get control of your destiny? Call me and I’d be happy to help you!

Psychic Goldie ext. 6435

7 thoughts on “How a Dose of Reality Can Change Your Destiny

  1. Psychic Goldie 6435

    Thanks Gina Rose ext 9500

    I am so humbled by your lovely comments.

    We all do what comes naturally to us in our Psychic work
    and we don’t expect any recognition or praise for just being us.

    Keep up the great work Psychic Sister xxx

  2. Psychic Goldie 6435

    Hi Marc
    Thanks so much for sharing your inspiration and your work with us about the lovely lady in Uk who thought her life was not progressing any where after do many changes beyond her control. We always have another way to view our life and move forward sometimes we need a gentle push from some like Marc to make it happen. Sending Love and light to all xx

  3. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    AND….hats off to Psychic Goldie for empowering her client !!!!

    Fear is the worst crippler to mankind overall….

    …but when you can empower a person to take control of their destiny and life, to be the captain of their own ship,…..well, that’s quite an achievement, for the client and the psychic.

    Way to go, Goldie !

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  4. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    That was lovely, Marc ( from UK )…..the way you inspired her to see that her life still holds meaning and that she can still be productive in healing others.

    Job well done, Marc !!!!!

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  5. Marc from the UK

    I met a customer today who is wheelchair bound, Being curious I asked why, it turned out two years ago she was hit by a lorry in her car, killed her mother and two stepchildren instantly.

    The relationship she had with the childrens father ended soon after, she lost her farm, her horses and her lifestyle, she is now alone and yet still has a calm take on her life situation.

    She is an educated lady who also taught in London universities as a hobby, she has nearly lost the will to carry on. She has no remaining family.

    I listened intently to her and asked her to do something if not for her then for someone else, I asked her to write about her experience, and to form a support network for those people who like her are beginning there life change, it will give her healing and a sense of worth.

    She cried (me too!) and thanked me for my listening, and called me bossy lol !

    I also told her to get a little dog that will give her lots of unconditional love and will not judge her for being disabled or depressed, and will also make her feel she has a reason to carry on.

    I am not a healer or a Psychic, but I am wiser and older, and this article I read this morning prompted mt to help this lady today , a coincidence?

    She understands fate, and lessons to be learned, so lets see how her life can be changed by her contribution to heal and heal others.



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