Enhance Psychic Ability With Tea

There have been numerous tips and tricks on how to enhance personal psychic ability and now… there is even a special concoction of tea that will soothe your senses and have you seeing the future in no time. Really? Well, it certainly will take some time, and like everything else we want to be good at, practice makes perfect… but why not sit down with a nice cup of tea and try to gaze into the future?

The eHow Psychic Power Tea recipe is made up of 8 simple ingredients including anise (a licorice-like flavor), cinnamon and damiana (promotes relaxation), however the key ingredient is a quiet, calm environment. It is a potent blend of 5 herbs, meant to be drunk slowly while you indulge yourself in a meditation session in hopes of clearing your mind and inviting your psychic ability to show it’s face.

So, what makes this tea so special? The combination of herbs. There are endless amounts of various herbs, enabling you to create unique flavors with heaps of different benefits … and this specific tea was designed with the ‘psychic’ in mind encouraging not just psychics alike, but anyone, to help cultivate your inherent gifts.

Do you drink tea?

Psychics, do you have any homemade remedies for psychic ability? Bloggers, do you have any tips on enhancing ability?

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28 thoughts on “Enhance Psychic Ability With Tea

  1. Suitsay

    But, I am just a beginner so don’t judge me. And if you don’t have powers and are reading this I am not crazy.

  2. Suitsay

    So what is everyone’s power. Me I have dreams at daytime and nighttime and most of them come true within 2 weeks.

  3. Pingback: Becoming Psychic Late in Life | California Psychics Blog

  4. Selene MoonShyne

    Hello Steven! I love your story and openness to share it with everyone. I Come from a Long Line Of Supernatural People with Many different gifts, and One thing we all have in common is Tea.. We are a long line of herbal tea drinkers, However Every person in the world Ever born has these gifts built into them, some just have them more tuned thatn others due to our programming as children by our parents and society.. While you struggle with things that interrrupt your abilities you said, I can assure you that these interrruptions are not so to distract, but to enhance your attunement and bring clarity, I struggled with these when I was very young, thinking the same as you, but one day it all clicked and I could not only see the distrations and wandering mind come in at specific times and places of my linking (reaadings) but the energies felt the visualisation held and the answers and insight they can bring when we are able to interpret them accordingly are absolutely AMAZING! I Suggest keeping a journal of your readings and linking to universe times and write down exactly what point did your mind wander, where did your mind wander, and what was your mind wander(wonder) about? Same with external distractions, write down when it came in to distract (redirect you), what was the distraction and what did you feel when the distraction occured? These can be shifting or redirecting points by guides, Angels Or your Own Psychic Consciousness, they can bring Profound knowledge and Answers to you. I suggest to you to also Use Essential Oils (Young Living is the best of all Oils) and buy and electric difusser and difuse these Oils; Patchouli, Ylang-Ylang- and Clary sage, and Frankincense together, when you want to tune into the deeper realms of your psyche.. I Only Use Essential Oils of the Purest, therapeutic quality as they still have the life force and living frequencies within them to Ground, Center, Focus and Enhance your abilities.. Once you have practiced in this matter you will find you can access these realms and depths at any time in any situation..

  5. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Steven,
    I would love to hear your stories…..
    a budding psychic are you ????
    I’ve trained psychics for over 29 years…..bend my ear…..I ;love hearing them from somebody just discovering their gifts.
    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  6. balancedesires

    Ooohhh……..that does sound so yummy!!! I did some research online & found culinaryteas.com had some loose tea. I have also seen a recipe to just add chocolate powder to 2 mint tea bags to steep.

  7. Psychic Anya Dawn ext 9179

    My favorite teas:
    1) Celestial Seasonings Peppermint Herbal Tea
    2) Celestial Seasonings Sweet Coconut Thai Chai Tea
    3) Yogi Women’s Energy Tea
    All these teas are caffeine free. It’s nice to see our Miss Krystal is a Yogi Tea fan too! The Yogi Women’s Energy Tea really helps to me to feel refreshed and gives me the “oomph” I need to get through a busy day.
    Anya Dawn

  8. Steven

    I do have the gift but since most of the time anxieties and other worries tend to interfer and I lose concentration (my mind wanders too much). I have been looking for something that can help my gift to render itself as it should. I have prayed but I am concerned with the negative factors involved. But it seems that if something wants to definitely come through it will, as always. But I would like for my gift to present itself better so that I may help others, my gift is my gift. I have not tried any teas and if there are other remedies such as I am more than willing to try. What is it with Hemp? but increase sensitivities and for me seemed to calm my nerves. If you would like to know I am of the male of the species and I have never discovered the gift in my ancestory and apparently I am the first of my family. I have some interesting and then some enlightening stories to tell if anyone would care to bend an ear.
    But thanks for the T and I think I will have some, thank you.

  9. sherrie huntermoon

    I like chamile tea w/honey, also earl tea w/milk. Green tea w/honey is good. I want to warn people here that if you are on an anti depressant medication do not use Varian tea or anything that has that type of ingrediant. At the advice of my docter that is not good to take when on muscle relaxants like diazapma(valium). Also my doctor told me to stay away from green tea as it is not good for people w/kidney stone problems. So any herbal tea should be checked out before trying them w/your doctor or pharmacist. HunterMoon

  10. balancedesires

    I like soda every once in a while but find it too sweet now! I do eat something yummy with my tea: Walkers Shortbread Cookies. But those are only a true treat & I don’t stock them. Butter, sugar, wheat flour & salt. Those are the only ingredients listed on the box! I like it simple & they are the best dipped in the tea! Yummy! :)P

  11. balancedesires

    I am more of a plain Jane & should probably open my mind more to try others. They are finally opening more natural food stores out here on the east coast. I agree that natural is better. I followed Suzanne Somers Somersize menus & learned to love cooking & did really well. However, some of that food is difficult to find & I fell back into the icky way of eating. That is changing with this transition though! Yeehaw! Hugs!

  12. Miss Krystal ext. 9192

    I gave up drinking all soda pops almost twenty years ago. I replaced the soda with teas. Best thing I ever did. But my favorite tea, is Yogi tea, I love this stuff. Not sure if it makes me more psychic, but I sure depend on my tea. So it must do something special for me. Very cool article. Thanks.
    Miss Krystal

  13. balancedesires

    Hey, what’s that gobbly gook you wrote at the end there! LOL! I prefer Twinings English Breakfast. What’s your fave?

  14. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi All,
    I LOVE rasberry tea…..it helps to ground me……I don’t know if it helps with intuitive flashes, but, I do know that it helps me with my ” hot flashes “…. he he he
    I love chocolate mint herb tea….I grow that type of “chocolate-tasting” mint in my garden each year.
    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  15. Psychic Jacqueline x9472

    Oh just wanted to be clear the herb junky is the legalized herbs, the kind you buy from health food stores and/or gather outdoors, also does not require a prescription…..lol oh open mouth insert foot!
    Herbal blessings,
    Jacqueline x9472

  16. Psychic Jacqueline x9472

    Oh love to Tea talk, Speaking from an herb Junkie, I believe in tea it connects us to mother earth and as we connect then she will help us, it allows her to become apart of us.
    Blessings and Big Tea Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472


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