Fill Your Heart With Gratitude

5 Ways to Find Gratitude

Gratitude. Think about the word, brainstorm and write down what it means to you. What are you truly thankful for? Everyone has something in their lives to be grateful for whether it is having food on the table or provided shelter. Even appreciating and acknowledging this can alter your life in a variety of ways. Gratitude can be shown in numerous ways, whether you want to show your mother that you have absorbed her life lessons or if you want to give to others in need.

“When it comes to your paycheck/money/finances, instead of thinking: ‘That’s not enough,’ think with the attitude of gratitude by blessing what you’ve got. Soon, a greater flow of money will come to you.”  Psychic Kallista ext. 9623

Wondering what gratitude looks like? It can present itself at any time and can even show itself with the smallest of actions such as a smile. If you’re wondering how you can show you gratitude for the ones you love and if you want to truly show someone just how much you appreciate them, try using these five ways to fill your heart with gratitude.

Be There for Someone

Gratitude can be felt and portrayed through kindness and giving of oneself. Be thankful that you have had parents that raised you or that you have had a pleasant upbringing. There are thousands of children placed in foster homes ever year, and they may not know how it feels to be in a loving family unit. Become a big sister or big brother and show your gratitude for your own circumstances by giving your time to someone who needs it.

Work at a Shelter

If you have a food bank, shelter or community that assists the homeless or the unfortunate, spend some time working there. Appreciate that you have a roof over your head and food in your tummy. Help out those that need food and shelter, and offer your positive spirit. Giving to others can also offer you a sense of purpose and genuine gratitude for life.

“I feel the best way to experience the power of gratitude in my life is to give something unique in return.” – Psychic Shamira ext. 5125

Open Your Heart and Let Go

Sometimes with all the hustle and bustle of life and all its events, we can forget about the important things and our own self-care. Listen to your heart and appreciate that you have air in your lungs, legs that work and a healthy immune system. If you treat yourself well and let go of anger and past pain, your heart will eventually open up, and you will naturally feel gratitude.

Time With the Kids

It is easy to feel grateful if you have some little ones in your life. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an aunt, a stepmother, mother, stepfather, father, uncle, grandpa or grandma. Fill your heart with gratitude when you spend time with the children in your life. They see the world innocently, and it’s important to remember that you did at some point as well. Be thankful for your inner child.

Put a Halt to Negative Thoughts

Negative thinking and beating yourself up over past mistakes isn’t going to fill your heart with gratitude. Let go of your pain and open your heart and mind up to positive thoughts and general day to day happiness. Stop talking to yourself in a negative manner and start giving yourself the love you deserve.

“See the positive in what your mind is telling you is negative.” – Psychic Teva ext. 5141

9 thoughts on “Fill Your Heart With Gratitude

  1. JoiYvonne

    Thank you for the list of 5 things. I would like to tell you that I am doing on a daily bases what I feel is Gods purpose and plan for me. I feed homeless on the street, I give them warm clothes, I feed animals in the cemetary (deer, foxes, and racoons), and birds in my yard. I am about to start a hospice for children and a B & B for visiting children from around the world that come to area hospitals; so as you can see I am on the right path. I thank you again for affirming for me that I going in the right directions and for the funds that are needed to further this process I know within that God is and will provide what is necessary.

  2. Aishah B. striggles

    We must leand a helping hand,it’s GOD’s plan.Our lives is not just for us to live ,we must help, share and give.

  3. Aishah

    Life has no meaning, until you can share it with someone else.Lend ahelping hand it’s a part of the masters plan,our life is not just for us to live,we must help share and give of our seves.


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