How To Find Your Aura Color

Two cupped hands, with just the faintest hint of an aura emanating from them.

Every living thing has an aura. Even non-living things carry energy. In Latin, “aura” means breeze, a breath of air. But what is an aura, how do you find your aura color, and what do the colors mean? Here’s everything you need to know about auras.

What Is an Aura?

Your aura is a field of energy that surrounds your physical body. Its colors are thought to reflect your truest self, giving off different shades, hues, and vibrancies depending on your thoughts, feelings, and stage in life. It is the spiritual energy of your mind, emotional state, and being, often described as the “subtle body.”

When people talk about the vibes someone gives off, they’re often talking about their aura. It is a glow, a kind of energy frequency that sends out waves that broadcast like a radio station. Your soul’s luminous energy cannot be hidden. You are who you are, and it shows up in your aura. And, while not everyone can see your aura, most can feel it.

What Do Aura Colors Mean?

Aura colors are representative of your chakras or energy vortices. When you’re curious about what you or someone else is feeling, you may want to look to auras for insight.

An aura can be a dominant single color or a combination of several colors. While the colors can appear to blend around the edges, each color should be clear enough to identify. They can be vibrant and bright if you’re joyful and happy or dark and weak if you feel stressed or upset. Your aura can change depending on what you are experiencing, thinking, and doing.

Auras can manifest in all sorts of vibrant colors, but auras of gray, brown, or black also exist. Depending on what is happening to you, your aura might gleam with passionate red or glow with radiant blue, regardless of its primary color.

A red aura, for example, reveals Root Chakra energy and can be associated with strong emotions, such as pure energetic passion, frustration, intensity, and some forms of love. Blue is associated with the energy of the Throat Chakra and the powerful yet peaceful, serene, and calming energy of spiritual bliss and intuition.

It is a true gift if you have a rainbow aura, which is one of the rarest aura colors. It can mean that someone has a harmonious balance of all the colors, a deep sense of enlightenment, and an ability to help others.

Who Can See Auras?

Anyone can see an aura. Even when people don’t know how to see auras, they can often feel them by the energy or vibes an aura generates.

Have you ever met someone with whom you instantly “click”? Do you have friends or family members who make you feel good just with their presence?

In these instances, you may feel as if you’ve stepped into the sunlight or been wrapped in an invisible warm blanket. When that happens, that can mean that this person’s spiritual essence or aura has surrounded or connected with you.

A kind and sweet-natured person with good intentions can radiate a literal warmth and glowing energy in their aura. When someone is happy and enthusiastic, they can have an inviting aura that reaches out further than usual; meanwhile, when they are sad or upset, it is as though their aura closes off and retreats very close to their physical body.

Likewise, a mean person or someone with unkind intentions can send out icy or unwelcoming energy, regardless of whether they mean to. You may encounter someone and feel physically repulsed by them, even though you don’t know them. Be aware, however, that this can also occur if the person is not malicious and simply has an aura that doesn’t mesh well with yours.

How To Find Your Aura Color

You can find your aura with patience and practice. It can be helpful to consult with a professional psychic advisor first to gain understanding and insight that you can use to discover your aura and other people’s.

To begin seeing your aura, spend some time meditating and getting in touch with your inner energy. This inner energy is what is reflected in your aura externally.

When you feel ready, hold your hand to a white wall or face a mirror. Let your eyes lose focus as you gently gaze at your hand or reflection. With time, you may begin to see hints of color. This may manifest as something blatant, like a soft glow, or something easily missed, like subtle fluctuations in your vision.

This exercise can strengthen your intuitive abilities as you notice the color or colors. Ask yourself how you are feeling and what this color means for you. Your intuition will guide you.

You can also speak to a psychic advisor to have your aura read for you. Alternatively, they can provide confirmation after you’ve read your aura for yourself, allowing you to feel more certain in the results of your work.

Lastly, Kirlian photography can capture your aura colors at any given moment, as you may be radiating slightly different colors at different times.

How To Read Other People’s Auras

To read the aura of a friend or family member, have them stand in front of a very light wall, preferably of a white or cream color. Make sure lots of soft light is around them. Sit comfortably in front of them. Go into meditation with a few deep breaths to help ground and relax yourself. Now, soften your focus. It can help to look at a single part of the person, such as the center of the forehead in the third eye.

After a short time, you should see the first layer of their auric glow. It’s often visible around their head and shoulders. As you practice, you’ll be able to see beyond the first layer of the aura and go deeper into the layers and colors.

You can also use your peripheral vision to see things without focusing on them. This is often how people can see spirits in addition to auras.

As you practice and grow your ability to see and sense auras, you may eventually reach a point where you’re able to pick up multiple energies. Some individuals can even read rooms full of people. Ultimately, understanding auras can enlighten you and help you understand your spiritual energy, as well as that of others.

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One thought on “How To Find Your Aura Color

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