How to Create More Potential for Yourself

How to Create More Potential for Yourself | California Psychics

Unlock Your Potential Today

The possibilities in life are limitless, but only if you allow yourself to stretch and grow in new ways. If you feel like you’re stuck, need a change, or just want to explore what else is possible, remember that you’re the captain of your own ship. You have the power to create new paths for yourself, or more potential, whether it’s a new career path, inviting more love into your life, or deepening your spirituality.

Starting the Journey

Discover new places you can take your life and feel a sense of pride as you steer your course. The following seven actions are what you can do right now to create more potential for yourself.

  1. Brainstorm New Avenues
    First, you’ve got to know where you can go before you embark on that journey. Therefore, examine your life as it is and then allow yourself to freely imagine its potential. Meditate, journal, build a vision board—whatever you need to do to mentally or physically ruminate on the possibilities. As you brainstorm, don’t worry just yet about what would be doable financially or within the constraints of your current life. Simply allow yourself to dream without censorship. After you’ve come up with as many ideas as possible, you can narrow down your thoughts into what would be realistic.
  2. Rediscover Your Passions
    Either as part of your brainstorm, or separately, you might think about some of the activities you used to love or the aspirations you once had. Did you dream of becoming a published author? Did you want to go to culinary school or become a certified diver? Rediscover your passions and think about whether they might be possible to achieve today. Do they have potential? Following a passion is always a worthwhile path to take, but often we forget what makes us light up inside when we get stuck in a routine or let the fear of losing security take over our lives.
  3. Be a Yes Person
    If you find that you hesitate when trying something new or make excuses every time an interesting opportunity comes up, flip the conversation and be a yes person instead. Saying yes when you usually say no is an easy way to instantly create more potential in your own life, especially the unexpected kind. There’s no need to go crazy immediately. Say yes to dinner at a restaurant you’ve never been before, with cuisine you’ve never had, then work up to something bigger like a road trip. I know it can be scary, but the growth you’ll achieve will be worth it!
  4. Go Outside Your Comfort Zone
    Part of creating more potential in your life is stretching outside the limits of what feels comfortable to you. Oftentimes, we turn down invitations or don’t try new things out of fear of the unknown or because we don’t like challenging the status quo. Be okay with getting uncomfortable, even if it scares you a little bit. If you need an extra push, recruit a friend, partner, family member, or whoever you trust to join you. Together, you can certainly go down a new path and learn something new about yourselves. Going outside your comfort zone doesn’t necessarily mean you should go bungee jumping tomorrow if you’re afraid of heights, but if you tend to be more of a homebody, picking a place to visit and making it happen is a good place to start.
  5. Don’t be Afraid to Fail
    A side effect of trying new things is that you won’t be good at all of them, but that shouldn’t be what stops you from trying. Remember Tip #3 and continue to be the positive person who says yes to new experiences and to trying new things. Even when you don’t manage to master a new technique, you succeed in expanding your horizons, which is a success in itself. Besides, failing the first time doesn’t mean you have to give up on it. Perhaps failure is the thing that will light the fire of your passion for something you were just curious about when you started this journey. No one is perfect on the first go round and learning something about yourself in the process of failure is a true win.
  6. Connect with Potential Mentors and Guides
    A key way to discover new potential is to connect with those who have already gone down the road you’d like to travel. You can read up on interesting people (from gurus to yoga teachers to world travelers, etc.) that you admire to get a taste of their everyday lives. True, many people don’t show all the aspects of their journeys; however, there are a number of people who know how to keep it real. On the flip side, you may already have a mentor in mind for yourself whom you know personally or could connect with through friends. Muster the courage to ask this person out for a coffee to discuss the potential new paths your life could take.
  7. Don’t Give Up
    Going out on a limb can be frightening, but faint heart ne’er won, well, anything really. It’s okay to start with small steps, there’s nothing wrong with false starts, and failure is just another way of saying that you tried something new. As long as you persist in your goals, then you are in fact creating more potential for yourself, even when the journey may feel disheartening. Call on your support systems to help keep you going when you need them, because no one said you have to take this journey alone. Let the people who care come along with you, and you have instant potential at your fingertips, and they will keep you going when you don’t think you can anymore.

Take a Leap of Faith

You have to take a few risks if you want to get anywhere in life, be it in your job, your love life, or something else. Some may not pay off, but the rewards for trying are far greater than the stagnation of standing still. So, close your eyes, breathe, and open up your potential.

You have a life purpose. Wondering what you’re meant to do? You won’t know until you get a life path reading with one of our talented life path psychics. A life path psychic can help you find what you love so you can love what you do.

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2 thoughts on “How to Create More Potential for Yourself

  1. Marina Gonzalez

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