Mantras for Meditation: March 24 – 30

Mantras for Meditation: March 24 - 30

The Power of Mantras

This week, your mantras for meditation cover abundance, leadership, synchronicity, forgiveness, and more. Are you ready to use these powerful mantras this week?

Use these powerful mantras for meditation to fulfill your destiny! Don’t know what your destiny is? Speak to a life path psychic, like Psychic Denisha, to find out.

March 24 (Leadership): “I motivate myself as well as others.”

Take the time to give yourself a motivational pep talk as you start your day. This will certainly increase your confidence in yourself. It’s only through your self-assurance that you lead from a place of love and understanding. Partners, colleagues, children or neighbors will feel the confidence and love that radiates from your heart chakra when you work from a place of love. And when others read love in your spirit, they become more motivated and see you as an authentic leader.

March 25 (Follow Your Dreams): “Following my dreams allows me to co-create the life I want.”

Your dreams should be about passionate ideas that move you. Allow passions to ignite the fire of creativity in your heart! The Divine is willing to work with you to manifest the life that, up until now, has only been a vision in your mind’s eye. Now is the time for you to make real what others have always called your fantasies. Your higher powers talk to you through the vocabulary of your dreams. The Divine will work with you to materialize your desires.

March 26 (Synchronicity): “Everything happens for a reason.”

There is an intense belief that nothing happens by coincidence; that everything happens for a reason. Right now, the Universe is working in harmony with your path. Therefore, have faith in the people and events that are taking place in your life right now. In time you will see the reasoning behind everything. Just stay steadfast and try to see the bigger picture before you. The outcome will be more than you expected.

March 27 (Abundance): “I see abundance in all that I do for others and in what I receive back.”

Today is a good day for working on personal power and status. You can start by seeing that everything you do for others comes back to you. When you recognize all the gifts you have given others, whether it’s your advice, time or financial aid, you see you gave them from a place of love—it will return to you. Everything that the Divine blessed you with, that you share with others, is an exchange of energy. By sending out this virtue, you create a vacuum, and the same goodness will return to you.

March 28 (Surrender): “I pray and ask for what is best for me but surrender how it comes to me to the Divine.”

Sometimes you must get out of your way to receive what is best. Trying to manage the smallest details can block the manifestation of your dreams. When you allow your Guardian Angels to help you, but remain open to how they help you, you are not limiting what returns to you. Yes, it can be hard to surrender to the fact that only the Divine can dream loftier than you can. Just allow the Universe to show you what it wants you to have.

March 29 (Starring Role): “The Universe is allowing me to co-create the adventure I want my life to be.”

You are your hero or heroine—the life you make is your adventure. Right now, the Universe is working with you to help you rework how you manifest your dreams and ideas. By defining them in a slightly different way, you get to put more of your energy into creating the life you want to live. It also gives you a chance to be more authentic to who you are in your heart. So, picture your life is a movie playing at the local theater, with your name up in lights. Then, hold your head up as if you’re walking on the red carpet every single day.

March 30 (Forgiveness): “I forgive myself for the hurts that I have created in my life.”

Today is a perfect time. Mercury is in Jupiter and both are in retrograde. Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are all moving into a period of reverse motion. Therefore, it’s time for you to review your life and see the things you did right. By taking stock of the things you have done correctly, you are then able to move into a time of forgiveness. It’s through this act that more positive energy will fill your heart and soul.

You have a life purpose. Wondering what you’re meant to do? You won’t know until you get a life path reading with one of our talented life path psychics. A life path psychic can help you find what you love so you can love what you do.

Find a life path psychic or learn more about a life path reading.

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6 thoughts on “Mantras for Meditation: March 24 – 30

  1. LadyD

    Hi! I just want to let you know that I read your “Mantras Meditation,” reading it did help me in my time of depression and feeling down on myself because the person that I love so much and want to spend the rest of my life that with this men that I love and care so much for had started to see each other again and starting to feel like we were starting to put our relationship back together again stop contacting me. It been a week now sent hearing anything back from him and when we last talked ended what I thought was on good turns. The only thing that I asked when are we going out on a real date and he answer me by saying it’s coming. Also, same person as always said that he had never fallen in love with anyone as fast as he had fallen in love with me and that he was still in love with me. An, he was still in love with. This is the same person that fall in love with me the very first time that he laid eyes on me and told me that I was going to fall in with him and I was going to be his wife and I did become his within a six months time. We were married and together for ten years until he let the devil in our relationship. We get a divorce. But, after being divorced for about a month he call and ask could we start back seeing each and I told him yes. He tells me that he have never stop loving and caring for me. When, we first met we told each other that God had put us together. I been unhappy and depressed because like I said I haven’t heard him in a week and that’s what got me feeling unhappy and depressed. But, reading what you had written really help me. Thank You!

  2. Vicki Edmiston

    I need to know what to do in life with my life.i have a relationship with my lover of five years who is an acholitic a drunk but has my heart. I have a room mate who is falling in love with me and takes care of me but I’m not attracted to him what to do!

  3. Pitkin Bill

    Your projections are very helpful !
    I am 79 yrs and last Tuesday had to place my 73 yr old wife into an assisted living center. It is extremely painful to me .

  4. Carla Lupkes

    I am sad alot lately & I don’t know why. My son is getting married to a beautiful woman. I deleted her on Snapchat. She wanted me to see a picture of one of my grandchildren but I had to be friends with her mother jasmaine. Jasmaine defriended me & my favorite granddaughter is getting bad advice about me from her mother. I am so hurt– I defriended my future daughter in law. Can’t figure out why she is friends with someone who hurts alot of people. I just started Facebook & got defriended by 3 people right away. I am a good person!!! Less than 1 year ago a boss through me in the office calling me names & I quit on the spot after22 years! I can’t trust people.dont want to get hurt anymore.

  5. Marie Henry

    Thankyou very much. I don’t know are to se thankyou very much, you met me feel good obount my self I believe you caye have pawer to helping Sam one like me, day come in go .i see life. But. I never knew are to grabett ,I was in doubt confuse .


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