Find Your Positive Flow and Balance Your Energy

Toxic People, Environments and Positive Energy Flow

Sometimes it can be really hard to maintain the positive mental attitude we need to make our affirmations flow. Some days, we just cant muster it up—especially in situations that are not healthy for us. Perhaps a soul-destroying, low-paying job has got you down. Or maybe you are surrounded by negative, toxic people. These examples, and more, can have an effect on your positive mental attitude.

When it comes to setting up progressive energies through positive affirmations and visualizations and making them work for you, you’re going to have to rid yourself of the toxicity around you or you will get mixed results.

When you live or work in a toxic environment, it means that your baseline of personal energy is not very good. If you stay in a toxic situation, it means that you are agreeing to let people drain you dry. When this happens, very little energy is left for you to generate that “spark” of belief and passion.

If you live in a day-to-day battle zone in which your survival is threatened, how can you learn to sit and communicate with your angels? Your efforts will require a tremendous amount of energy (that you’ve already given away to negative people and situations) and it will be hard to accomplish even the most basic of things. First you have to recharge yourself. Then you need to bring in a surplus of good energy that’s necessary to create something new and positive in your life. This is quite difficult.

Get to a more positive place in your life. Psychic Asia ext. 5486 can help!

If you want positive thinking to work for you, take a long, hard look at the situations you’re living in and working in. If they are negative, then go into survival mode. Improve the overall baseline of energy in your life. If you’re deeply enmeshed in something, like a contractual agreement such as a marriage to a toxic person or a long-term business situation you can’t easily walk away from, this process will take time. And you need to be honest about the baseline of energy in your life make a clear assessment of where you are now. It’s only by admitting the truth and making a proper diagnosis about what you are dealing with that you can come up with a plan to make some necessary, positive changes.

Too often on the spiritual path we are taught to stuff and deny authentic emotions and to attempt to “escape” or “wish away” things that are happening to us right now. You latch onto a nice idea like positive thinking or manifestation or power prayer and think that they are going to rescue you from their situation overnight. But they won’t.

Don’t escape your feelings. Confront them. Psychic Asia ext. 5486 can help you heal. 

Prove that you’re a spiritual warrior. Confront the darkness in your own life, face it head on and come out the other side.

If you have proven to yourself that you can come through all the adversities, you know, deep down in your heart, how truly powerful you are. You won’t stand in your own way anymore, and you will not allow others into your immediate environment to drain you or harm you anymore.
You can shift things. You can create greater ease for yourself. But you can’t do that if you’re still living an environment of abuse, where deep down, you don’t feel safe. You also can’t do that if you’re working somewhere where you constantly feel attacked or threatened or people aren’t valuing you.

You can get through this. Psychic Asia ext. 5486 can help you through it.

Get moving. Find a better situation. Then, when you feel more at peace, more safe and more secure, you can quickly bring in lighter emotions, lighter energies and more expansive, positive, magical events—because you’ll finally be in the place to receive them.

4 thoughts on “Find Your Positive Flow and Balance Your Energy

  1. Aliza

    Thanks for such a wonderful article, Asia! I totally agree with Gina Rose. Real change does require action/choices. Blessings – Aliza Ex. 5844 🙂

  2. Buffy Hamilton

    Wow this is exactly what I am going through in my life and today was when I finally broke down & told my husband “enough is a enough”! I started finally not just looking for another place to live but I contacted the owners. He is negative and very toxic. 11yrs. with this man and my depression & isolation had finally reached a breaking point!! Screw my fear of not being able to financially make it on my own or feeling that I would even be more lonely!! I feel better that I emailed some places & I just am going to Jump into the fire!! Welcoming it!!! (so to speak) Anything gotta be better than this because I have been existing and I want to LIVE! GREAT ARTICLE! JUST WHAT I NEEDED TO HEAR. LUVBUF…

  3. Gina Rose ext.9500

    ” Too often on the spiritual path we are taught to stuff and deny authentic emotions and to attempt to “escape” or “wish away” things that are happening to us right now. You latch onto a nice idea like positive thinking or manifestation or power prayer and think that they are going to rescue you from their situation overnight. But they won’t. ”

    I agree 110% with the above quote from Asia’s article !!!!

    REAL change requires a certain degree of action to be taken !

    Great article by Asia.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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