Life Hacks: How to Power Through When Life Gets Hard

How to Power Through When Life Gets Hard

Tips to Power Through the Tough Times

Sometimes, when one thing goes wrong, so does everything else. It doesn’t seem fair, but it’s a fact of life. In situations like these (when it feels like your entire life is a mess), it’s easy to lose heart and hope. But that’s not going to get you anywhere. If there’s one constant in this world, it’s change. Your job  is to make it through until change for the better happens. How? Here are three tricks to power through in a time of crisis:

Speak to a life path psychic today to find out how long your tough times will last. 

Get Out of Your Head

The bad things that happen in life can make or break us—it all depends on how we react to them. When something bad happens to you, do you react with anxiety and despair? Are you fearful for what else might happen? The truth is, you can’t possibly predict the future. Even a psychic can only see outcomes based on current energies. So rather than sitting around, mulling over all the horrible things that have happened and might happen, you need to take a breath, center yourself and think about what you can do now. You’re not looking just to remedy any one of the problems you’re currently facing. Rather, you’re looking to keep yourself sane and centered as you power through all of them.

Put One Foot in Front of the Other

You’re only human, and in the face of difficult circumstances, it’s easy to find yourself thinking six steps ahead. The key to managing your state of mind (and being) during tough times, however, is to remain grounded in the now. Approach each day uniquely. Say to yourself, “Today I will do x, y and z.” That means no worrying about a, b, c or even n. You have to trust that it will all work out. That doesn’t mean you can sit idly by and be a victim—quite the contrary. Active engagement is required to facilitate change. However, by spreading yourself too thin and focusing on too many things at once, all you do is dilute the effects of your efforts.

Take the first step towards happiness during a life path reading with Psychic Burke ext. 5655 today!

It sounds so simple, but the result of truly approaching every day as the only one that matters has powerful results.

Release Your Expectations

Finally, we all have ideas about what our perfect life should look like. But in order to make it through the tougher times, it’s important not to get so caught up in what your life “should” be that you miss out on alternatives that could make you just as happy, if not even happier. By remaining open and receptive to positive change in general (even if it’s in a form you could never have anticipated or thought you’d want), the world will open up to you in a whole new set of ways.

Make positive changes, power through and live a happier life. Call Psychic Karmystic ext. 9457 and find out how!

21 thoughts on “Life Hacks: How to Power Through When Life Gets Hard

  1. Suzy

    To Betsy Smart,
    My b’day is 12-27-43. For you I would try 3, 6, 9.
    However, I never did find a lucky number. They change all the time.
    Try numerlogy info, that may help.

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Dear Carol,

    You and your son are in my prayers. My Guides DO feel that some good things will be happening in 2015
    for your son, which, in turn, will help you and your situation as well.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

    Carol August 5, 2014 at 10:54 am
    I had a stroke in jan 2014. I’m
    Not able to work, walk, or drive. I’m full of anxiety. My husband passed 8 yrs ago. And it’s justy 24 year old son and I . HBe had lots of trials and are seriously hoping future is brighter . I have / sisters who give us nothing but grief . I don’t understand it. Financially I’m toast. Please help. Could use se good news.

  3. Tina

    My boyfriend has been cheating on me and we both are struggling with drug addition please help me to get our lives on track

  4. cc

    I think your site is so excellent. I’m happy I found it. There are so many helpful things and the daily scopes are right on

  5. Mai Kamel

    Thank you for this. This article, as simple and straightforward as it is, provides deep insight and great inspiration!
    Carole Guilmette, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. May he have a smooth, safe surgery and a fast recovery afterwards. Everyone can make it through with a strong supporting positive woman on their side:) And to everyone else out there who’s facing any sort of crisis, hang in there and stay strong and positive, the best is yet to be! God Bless.

  6. irene almaguer

    My son took off and left his son my grandson with me he took off with a women who abuses him I’m on disability because I had a stroke in 2003 I haven’t been able to work the thing is social security doesn’t pay much and I’m having to struggle money wise am I going to get any relief I love my grandson very much and I want him with me since his father can’t care for him because of that women he has I also want to know if my son is going to wise up and leave

  7. alma domingrz

    I dont andersten in enghlish a little but i try.reed my horoscope and i see something important no something evrything but i don’t. Andersten english

  8. kelly

    this is all true .happiness is only if u let it happen.bein positive has its rewards of all sorts no matter who u r. i mma tellin u wakin up everyday is amazin in its own

  9. Tanya Oubre

    Need help getting my life off the ground. Had gotten into bed financial crisis without my husband knowing. So that lead to a very aggressive man towards me and my children. Now he has come up with a change of heart. Can he never change are am I just hoping

  10. Carol

    I had a stroke in jan 2014. I’m
    Not able to work, walk, or drive. I’m full of anxiety. My husband passed 8 yrs ago. And it’s justy 24 year old son and I . HBe had lots of trials and are seriously hoping future is brighter . I have / sisters who give us nothing but grief . I don’t understand it. Financially I’m toast. Please help. Could use se good news.

  11. Carole Guilmette

    Thank you… I needed reading that today… My husband is going to have a heart by-pass… and I really felt so much more relaxed, to be able to stay strong an be there for him.. Thank you..

  12. Barry Halperin

    May 9. 1984, I had Angeeoma( stroke in the cerabaum ) I cant walk, very little cooranattion and balance. Please I want everything back!

  13. Betsy Smart

    Hi, my sign is capricorn, 12/27/1963 i would like to know my lucky numbers, i been trying to get it here but not results.

  14. Tetteh G. Greenspan

    your predictions are encouraging and expiring me everyday but i still needs your total help lol. i was born 1972,April 2017th till now, i have never marry before and still looking seriously but nothing is working out for me hmmm,
    my financial life is terrible,i have a good education and working very hard for my future but its all mess. no money to eat even sometimes in fact i feel like killing my self sometimes.
    I need money with immediate effect,
    I need good wife urgently from any part of the World.
    I need healthy and longer as sure God has giving me already.
    I am a Real Estate Consultant and Broker Agent in Accra Ghana,West Africa and believed i am Hansom looking and Faithful and quick understanding.PLEASE HELP ME.I WILL PAY EVERYTHING LATER TO YOU OKAY………..


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