Psychic Workout: Discover Your Hidden Potential through Journaling

Exploring the Art of Spiritual Journalling

I’m going to let you in on a little trick, a technique I use on a regular basis, and which I frequently apply when helping a customer with struggles regarding career and life goals. You too can use this simple tool to help discover your hidden potential. Perhaps you’ve hit a rut in your life, and maybe it is time to revive those suppressed goals, or empower you to create a new one!

In a psychic reading, I gather psychic information and piece together images to identify the caller, and interpret what I see. But some callers want an interactive reading. They want to feel a surge of energy, a jump start, perhaps even friendly criticism and a little push. Psychic readings can offer this in the form of words and encouragement, backed with the psychic knowledge to determine if your wildest dream is worth following.

A call is likely to begin with… “I really need help. I’ve been out of work for three months. I was a pharmacist. I just applied for a job as a waitress… Do you think I’ll get the job?” Immediately I’m aware of their situation and the panic that is beginning to set in in their life. The stress is amounting, and unfortunately in moments like this, they are not utilizing their best judgment. They are not thinking clearly, because their thought process often forms from emotion rather than intelligence. As an empath, it pains me to hear of situations such as this, where due to panic and fear, a caller may actually not hear their guides messages of “trust” or “patience” and in their frustration, accept a position contrary to their souls purpose. In doing so, they are actually taking a step off their path, and will wake up one morning and question “How did I get here?”

If you are in a moment of panic, confused or even if you just want to “discover your hidden potential” I encourage you to try this journal exercise.

With your pen and paper, write the question:

“What is your immediate need/desire/prayer/request?”

Take a moment and note your thoughts. Perhaps you instantly are reminded that you need an additional $300 for rent this month, and income is tight… A raise would be nice. Maybe even a new job. Where would you like to be working? What would be fulfilling? Spend at least five minutes brainstorming and writing. This should actually be the easier part of this exercise, as our current needs tend to be right at the front of our daily thought process. It is easy to think of what you need today, tomorrow, and even next month. Write it all down, in detail. After you have done this, now read your answer, and ask yourself “Is this really me?” “Is this the type of life I want to be living and what I want fulfilling my day-to-day thoughts?”

Now for the second part of this exercise, I invite you to answer the question:

“What are my greatest desires/dreams/happiness/goals?”

Did you hesitate for a moment? Was there something there blocking your thoughts that made it feel as if you were not entitled to answer? Have you been conditioned to being practical, responsible and in that way of thinking, there is no place for dreaming? Well go on and document your dreams. Now is your chance.

After completing these two simple questions:“What is your immediate need?” and “What are my greatest desires?” compare your two answers and see how far apart they are. The comparison is crucial to your exercise. Can you see that in living your day-to-day life, worried about the mundane and not working towards a greater goal, it is likely that it will never be discovered?

So now operate in reverse. Can you see that meeting your goals will equate to living a fulfilled life? Look at your answers to what your needs are, and determine how those can be reconstructed to get you onto the path of your dream. Be patient in this process as the time necessary to see a new path varies from person to person, but as you take that first step, know that you can absolutely have the life that you want! You are not alone in chasing this dream. There are spirits and guides all around you, eager to help you help yourself. I know that it may be hard for you right now, because whenever we struggle, it is harder to see the truth. In these moments of doubt, it is the perfect time for you to develop a greater spiritual connection, restore your faith, and you will quickly be able to feel your way through the darkness.

What’s ahead for your spiritual path? Try a psychic reading. Call 1.800.573.4830 or choose your psychic now.

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