Psychic Spencer: Change Your Life Instantly

The Tools You Need to Change Your Life Instantly

You are a radiant being of light. More than likely, you have heard that time and time again, especially is you’ve called me or one of my colleagues. But chances are, you have not taken the time to understand the significance of it. Perhaps you have even ignored it, especially when life gets challenging. But if you take the time to pay attention to this simple, easy and free statement, you can change your life instantly. I will show you how.

Call Psychic Spencer ext. 5643 for your life-changing reading. Click here to learn more about her!

I AM Statements

You can use I AM statements for fast results, especially if you use them twice daily—when  you wake up and right before you fall asleep. Saying “I AM _______________” (you fill in the blank) is a very powerful, life-altering statement that is similar to an affirmation. However, it’s more powerful than an affirmation because it activates the energy of your spiritual nature to transmute or change your circumstances in any area of your life. The true power of the I AM statement is in the fact that you can make up your own statement and apply it to any aspect of your life you wish to change instantly. Are you ready to change your life instantly?

The original I AM statements were written by Gary Ballard, early in the 20th century. On a trip to Mt. Shasta he believed he came upon St. Germain, an Ascended Master, while hiking a trail. The experience touched him profoundly. It changed his life instantly, and from it, the I AM statement was born.

Whether you believe the story or not, say these and feel the power behind them to change your life instantly:

When you are around people who are challenging:

“I AM the Perfect Poise which controls everything in this situation!”

When you feel fear around a person’s words:

“Mighty I AM Presence! Put me in my own right harmonious place and sustain me there!”

When people are telling you how to behave or what to do:

“Mighty I AM Presence! Protect me from the human suggestions of the outer world!”

Access Your Subconscious Mind

Make up your own I AM statement for any situation to change your life instantly. As you wake up each day and fall asleep each night, repeat them. These are two of the most powerful times to access your subconscious mind. Combining spirit with the subconscious creates fast change.

Senses and Emotions

Engage your senses and emotions when you repeat your I AM statements. In this moment, feel like you have the results you want. Changes happen quickly, and to a deep degree, in any situation. As you change yourself and the energy around you, you will affect positively the people and situations around you too. It results in what is called miracles!

I’d like to help you on your journey towards changing your life for the better. If you have any questions or need a personal reading, I’m happy to help.

Psychic Spencer ext. 5643

21 thoughts on “Psychic Spencer: Change Your Life Instantly

  1. Sirelle

    Thank you for the wonderful article! I have been making and adding to a list of ‘I AM” statements that are kept at me bedside to remind myself that I AM worthy, creative, beautiful, etc. It really does work! Never knew where or when it started, however, have read this empowering technique in many self-help books and will definitely look up additional information on Gary Ballard. Blessings!

  2. libby 5288

    Hi Spencer, great that you decided to address this issue by writing this article, I am thrilled that you wrote this, I have used the I am for about 3 years n I have become very successful because of it, I still today write it on my journals n continue to see great results from the I am, I feel if people do this more their life can change in so many beautiful n peaceful way, before you know it, fear never comes in your mind, seems everything in your life is happier, with a great sense of freedom. I love the Article thank you so kindly.

  3. Kemraj Singh

    Hello,I AM,it seems interesting to use,i will ty it tonight when going to bed.i am financialy broke,single parent,lost my wife and everyday i think what to prepare for my two kids for supper and make lunch for them for school,especially when you have a few cents in your pocket.I think i am possed by an evil sprit inside me.Sometimes when i am just falling off to sleep,i feel something is shaking inside me.Please help to overcome my problem.

  4. Dorthy

    I would like to say this there are a lot of people hurting I’ve been alone for some time I’ve cried many tears one night I heard a voice say I love you then I new i was not alone the great I Am is with me.


    I realy appreciate your articles and I will do my best to implement it in my life. I realy wish that I could get a free reading however I do not have a credit card, which you require.I think your staff is great. May God bless you all and keep up your great work.

  6. alexandra wells

    Hi im Alex and it was my 21st birthday on the 2of September theres alot going on on my life right now n i think i need some help plzplz. Could you help me comprehend what’s going on in my life

  7. Kanwar Maken

    I am 65 years old. I don’t know as to why I remain in anger always. I want to remain in calm state, kindly tell me as to what should I do. I find that I am generally impatient by nature. I want things to move faster. I earnestly desire to be calm.


    Kanwar Maken

  8. Cecilia

    I have tirelessly and faithfully made the I AM statement about a legal matter. Would the miracle resolution I am believing for, finally manifest? Thank you my Lady.

  9. Betty

    This is very good information . I go to counseling for low self image and this is basically what they teach us to help over come it .
    I just found out something today I must share with you though not for publication .Doing my family history I found I am a direct descendant of Martha Ingalls the first person hung at the Salem witch trials . There were actually her and three guys hung at the same time . One she was supposedly romantically linked which is why he was hung also . They were hung on a very dear , forever friend’s birthday . I have panic attacks and feel like I am choking . When they hung a person then they strangled , no sympathy noose that broke their necks. Our family has bi polar and panic attacks as far back as we can find . While these aren’t recorded for Martha I do believe, either one could be and would be associated with witch craft then . of course so would PMS and several other things . I just thought I would share this with you . Please keep up the information you supply . I find it very interesting and helpful . Thank you


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