Start Your Summer With a Sexy Twist

Start Summer Right!

As many of you know, June 21, 2013 marks the official first day of Summer. It is the longest day and the shortest night of the year. It is time for fertility, frivolity and just plain FUN! How can a 21st century human really relate to something as ancient and eternal as the passing of a season and what effect does it really have in your life? The answer to both questions is: A GREAT DEAL!

To really appreciate just what is happening in the heavens, let’s consider the fact that on June 21, the sun is at its northernmost point in the sky. The abundance formed by that movement is obvious: bask in the power and bounty of that cosmic moment. For eons, humans have noticed this event and witnessed it with acts of fertility, sacrifice and awe.

With the Super Moon of June right on the heels of this event, you can count on an exciting and very sexy time ahead! The moon will be in a fertile sign on the 23rd, 24th, 27th and 28th so it’s a good time for planting and fishing…and a good bit of physical encounters with the one nearest and dearest to you.

The beginning of Summer can often mean challenges for families with younger children, but it can also be the beginning of lots of wonderful memories to waiting to be made. When you have the noise and confusion of keeping the kids happy for the season, don’t forget about how to keep yourself (and partner) equally pleased. Be sure to schedule some “alone” time in the midst of taking care of all the mundane and noisy affairs of family life.

If you live in an area with some privacy, enjoy the power and sensuality of making love beneath the first moon of Summer. If you aren’t lucky enough to live in such an arrangement or if you find yourself single, don’t forget that the greatest act of any physical pleasure must begin with you. So enjoy some alone time…just you and the Summer’s first moon!

For those of you with gardens, don’t forget that now is the time to finish that last round of planting as you prepare for your next harvest. In the Old Times, couples would make love in the gardens and fields to ensure a bountiful harvest. Maybe we could learn more from our predecessors than we think!

Check your local weather or NASA listings to find our when the exact moment of true Summer Solstice is for your location. Toast that moment and acknowledge the power of this wonderful new season. The possibilities are limitless!

Call a trusted psychic and find out what is waiting for you in this delicious and powerfully sexy season! I don’t think you will be disappointed!

Happy summer to you all!

2 thoughts on “Start Your Summer With a Sexy Twist

  1. lucy

    Great welcome to summer Jesse. Thank you for always lifting our spirits with the joy which you naturally exude.


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