The Game of Life

Life is forever starting over again for many of us — whether it’s brought about by a divorce, a job layoff or illness. Many of my callers have found themselves in unusual predicaments after one or sometimes all three of these events. Sometimes, just letting go of old ideas or trying to live the life you enjoyed in the past can hold you back from self-discoveries and self-improvements. The willingness to change and break up old patterns that may have been holding us back all along can sometimes be a challenge to the most faithful of human beings.

Life is not perfect. The circumstances of loss are never fair, but they are part of living and growing. It’s also the way back to basics. Resting on our laurels, resisting the idea of working for less money in a time of crisis can only lead to one thing. Failure!

For instance, if you’re no longer capable of paying a huge mortgage after a divorce or job layoff, it’s time to get rid of it before it drains everything you’ve saved. No one ever wants to lose their home. It cuts deeply into the heart of us and at the very fabric of our being – but your home was always within you. The job that brought you a great salary with benefits that has come crashing to an end wasn’t you – it was simply part of you. Who you are as a human being hasn’t diminished.

A while back, I had the pleasure and great fortune to speak to a caller who decided it was more important to exhibit the same pioneering spirit she had when she first started out. She had taken not one, but three jobs that were part-time just to make ends meet. She had let go of the big house, luxury car, and properties she could no longer afford without a salary. Instead of hearing her complain and bemoan the circumstances, she had finally come to grips with the reality that none of this was a failure on her part. Out of a part-time job she agreed to take on an entry level position – a better job with more money and a brighter future ahead. She had proven herself to the new company and had improved herself at the same time. The willingness to make changes in a time of extreme adversity had given her more self-confidence than she ever had in the past.

4 thoughts on “The Game of Life

  1. Abigailx9570

    Well done and very inspiring for there are so many in times of change right now…

    Many Blessings

  2. Jacqueline x9472

    Hi Claudia, Very well said,

    Too often we become to attached and things and outcomes this always does to snag us up, fear is also another one that does snag us up…alot!
    Remember it is through constant change that allows to experience all of what life has to offer, as far as fear goes, through fear is where we look at our-self, and concur our greatest hurdles, through this we become warriors!

    Recently I decided that those things that scare me the most, I am going to hit them head on and move through it, I have started this and Wow what a rush! It is the most invigorating thing to achieve! (yes I have only started, many more fear hurdles to come I’m sure).

    Fear Is truly just and illusion…..

    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  3. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Yes….Claudia gave some very sound advice…..sometimes dumping the burdens and starting over
    really is the better way to go.

    ” Things ” can always be replaced…..but you can’t put a price tag on your sanity and your stress level.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  4. misskrystal

    Hello there, Miss Claudia. I really like your article.
    There is a lot of inspiration in your article, and, it could really be a big click and “ahuh” moment for people who read this .

    One of the great things about this line, is, we can really help a lot of people out of the “stuck” mode.
    Your article gives a great “inspirational push” which is fantastic. However, there can sometimes be an element of fear, before a major change can actually happen-Again, that is what us psychics are here for.

    Thanks- you for sure opened up some much needed “light” for many.
    Miss Krystal


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