This Week in Mantras: August 12 – 18

The Power of Mantras

Psychic Denisha covers fearlessness, centering, fluidity, harmony and more in This Week in Mantras. Are you ready to use these powerful mantras every day?

Use these amazing mantras to fulfill your destiny! Don’t know what your destiny is? Speak to a life path psychic, like Psychic Denisha, to find out.

August 12 (Liberation):By embracing consciousness and true bliss as two parts of a whole, I will find the true liberation that I desire.”

Liberation comes from being able to fully integrate the fact that true happiness or bliss and being fully conscious are two halves of the same whole. They are also an integral part of who we are as spiritual beings. We will truly be free from worry once we recognize this. True bliss doesn’t come from being able to afford the latest or brightest anything. It actually comes from being comfortable with who we, just as spiritual beings are. When we fully realize our truth, then we will be true to ourselves and that brings about a feeling of bliss.

August 13 (Spiritual Truth): “The Divine works behind the scenes, not in front of the cameras.” – Carolyn Myss

This is one of the best quotes I have found. I think this is one of those spiritual truths that are hard to accept sometimes. We look for something big to happen to us when it’s really the small details that we should be really looking for. It is always the smallest detail that is the biggest miracle we could receive. Don’t look for a large “bat signal” in the sky when praying for a sign. Instead, look for something small. It will speak volumes to you and only you.

August 14 (Oneness):Every experience that I go through is part of my unique story.”

Through you, everything that you touch, say, see, smell, or do is part of your oneness in this fabulous Universe. Everything is part of your story, yes, your unique story. So see that your life brings about a singularity that is your life. With your life, you add a special richness that is particular to you. It is you! You are the special manifestation of the Divine’s mind. It has wonderful stories for you to tell and show the world.

August 15 (Reverence):I show reverence for the Divine in everyone whose path I cross.”

When you see every other being in the world with reverence and recognize the Divine within them, you will be blessed. Yes, this is part of that Golden Rule we all heard about as children. If you can see the world through those eyes again, you would be able to see the reverence that the Divine shows us, and you would want to share that with others.

August 16 (Awareness):Knowledge will allow me to work with the Universe and use the abilities I already have to manifest my dreams.”

You already have all the tools you need to manifest your dreams. You just need to become more aware of your strengths and use those and your affirmations to direct your life towards a more positive direction. When you set your intentions with the awareness of the powers you were born with, you can accomplish anything you desire.

August 17 (Intuition):By paying close attention to what I call coincidences, I will hear my intuition.”

If you keep having the same numbers appear in your life, or you keep hearing the same phrase being said at different times, that is your signal to pay attention. It is easy to get distracted to the point that you don’t listen to your own gut feelings or intuition. But when you have the same name, numbers or phrases come up in your life, then your intuition is calling you and has a special message just for you. So pay close attention to what your Higher Guides are trying to convey to you.

August 18 (Fertility):What I have planted in the past, through thoughts, actions or prayers is now ready to grow in my life.”

Yes, your dreams, intentions, or vision boards are about to give birth to what you have been working towards. This is a time of growth for you. Approach others and yourself with a heart full of love. This will allow you to see the prosperity that you have been working towards coming to fruition over the next few months. Give it time to grow, and it will be worth the wait.

You have a life purpose, but if you’re wondering what you’re meant to do, you won’t know until you get a life path reading with one of our life path psychics. A life path psychic can help you find what you love so you can love what you do.

Find a life path psychic or learn more about a life path reading.

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2 thoughts on “This Week in Mantras: August 12 – 18

  1. Kim Kinnunen

    I’m talking to a person on line now foe about 2 months now. Is there ever going to b anything between us? Or is this just a game? Please I need to know. Thank u Kim kinnunen.


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