This Week in Mantras: July 1 – 7

The Power of Mantras

Psychic Denisha covers partnership, parenting, adventure and nature in This Week in Mantras. Are you ready to use these powerful mantras every day?

July 1 Mantra (Completion):  “I will follow through on all tasks with determination.”

Once you set your mind to completing a task, set your will to see it through. Do the things you dread the most first, and then work on the tasks that may take some time. Save the fun and simple ones for last. They are your reward for getting through everything else on your to-do list.  By getting the dreaded or time-consuming things out of the way, you will find that the rest of your tasks bring you more joy. Also, picture yourself having completed the task. When you complete your goals for the day, celebrate. Your energy will be reinvigorated for the next day’s goals.

Use these mantras to fulfill your destiny! Don’t know what your destiny is? Speak to a life path psychic to find out.

July 2 Mantra (Love Partnership):I become a better partner with each passing day.”

By working on yourself and becoming the best person you can be, you will find that all of your relationships grow and strengthen. Focus on giving your partner/family/friends or coworkers the attention that you want from them in return. You get what you give in all your relationships—all of them! Even in your interaction with your children, give them the respect you want to receive from them. And when it comes to your romance/marriage, never stop acting the way you did when you first met. Date your partner, every day of your relationship. It will always keep it fresh and vital in your life.

July 3 Mantra (Parenting): There is no limit to what my child/children can do.”

See that there are no limits to what your child/children can do or accomplish. Embrace their individuality, nurture their strengths that differ from yours, and be their cheerleader. You can help your children become the people they are meant to be by being supportive while teaching them respect. Be strong, supportive and loving. They will certainly be that for you too. Help them to grow from their strengths, and teach them how to learn from their weaknesses. When you do that, you will find that they have a happier life and your home is happier and quieter too.

July 4 Mantra (Environment):My choices help the environment and support future life on Planet Earth.”

When you are making choices about where to work, where to live, where to travel and how to travel, really look at the choices you are making. Find a way to help your company, or your family lessens their carbon footprint on Mother Earth. Every choice you make today will impact the world and your life—today, tomorrow, and maybe even 20 years from now. So look for ways to save the resources you have and the world’s future generations have. Yes, you have to think of the children your children’s children will have when you look at your carbon footprint today.

July 5 Mantra (Adventure):I will approach life with an open mind.”

Approach each day as a new opportunity to move forward in your soul’s progression towards the Divine, and have an open mind about it. Trust the Universe to really have your back. At the end of your day, you can look back with a sense of adventure and see how your soul carried you through the day. It will give you more confidence in yourself and the path your life is following right now. This will also help you not feel stuck. You as a spiritual being grow each day. Life is too short to be miserable, so make an adventure of your life.

July 6 Mantra (Creativity):I welcome new ideas and thoughts into my life.”

This is a time to see where your daydreams can lead you. Now is the time to get creative with your thought process, so think about something that you would like to change in your life. Then try to create a path to change that one area. Be creative in the way you make that change come about. Think of it as your million-dollar idea. When you think of it that way, you can see how to really make that change, and it helps you create a new life for yourself and your loved ones.

July 7 Mantra (Nature): A quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.”

Look around you today. It doesn’t matter if you are in a city or in a rural area. Life is moving so fast, but the trees and flowers grow and bloom slowly. It took years for you to grow up, so slow down. Take your time when  making choices. Watch the sunset; don’t watch the clock. By going at a slower pace, you will find that you enjoy your life and the simpler things that it brings you. You will also find that you are able to manifest what you want in your life because you allow Divine timing to happen naturally for you.

You have a life purpose. Wondering what you’re meant to do? You won’t know until you get a life path reading with one of our talented life path psychics. A life path psychic can help you find what you love so you can love what you do.

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4 thoughts on “This Week in Mantras: July 1 – 7

  1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic -quinn

    Hi Denisha,
    WOW the messages are so powerful. Love the mantras.
    This one is a keeper…
    ***July 4 Mantra (Environment): “My choices help the environment and support future life on Planet Earth.”***

    Buddha Bless,


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