This Week in Mantras: June 10 – June 16

The Power of Mantras

This week’s mantras focus on spirituality, health, compassion, leadership and more. Let’s jump into This Week in Mantras!

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June 10 Mantra (Health):I raise my vibrations by maintaining healthy boundaries in my life, keeping my spiritual health clear and taking time for healthy self-care.”

This is the time for you to look at your practices and behaviors when it comes to yourself and your spiritual health. Are you taking time for you? Everyone has heard the saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” It’s just a simple way of reminding you that you need to take care of yourself and put yourself first every now and then. When we give all our energy to others, we drain away our own happiness. Therefore, it’s time to put up a healthy boundary and take some “me time” just for you. It’s okay to indulge for a bit today.

June 11 Mantra (Spirituality):My inner peace comes when I cultivate a relationship with the Divine and my higher self.”

Find a way to enhance your connection to your own Divine energy. When you take time to connect with Source energy, you improve your outlook on life. In doing so, you also attract more prosperity to yourself. You will feel your cup running over with blessings. Embrace your spiritual self and work on seeing that part of you and not focusing on the material world for today.

June 12 Mantra (Leadership):When I live my life with love and use that to lead others in a better way of doing things, I raise the vibrations of the world.”

Right now you’re being encouraged to see yourself as a confident leader. This could relate to your life, your family, your work or your circle of friends. When others see that you have their best interest in mind, they will gladly look to you for advice and leadership. Therefore, work with others, but step up to the plate and know that you have the abilities of a natural-born leader.

June 13 Mantra (Synchronicity):I know that the Universe will lead me to where I am able to make the most of my opportunities.”

You must believe that there is no coincidence in this world. Everything happens with Divine timing and placement of people and events in our lives. What we are meant to manifest will appear when it is meant to be a part of our life. So when you start to see synchronicity as blessings from above, you will see how the Divine is always there for you and has your back.

June 14 Mantra (Happy Ending):My happy ending, the fairy dream is right within my reach, at this time.”

You attract what you are. If you are happy, joyous and full of smiles, you will attract more happiness. It’s there, the happily ever after you want. Therefore, you need to act as if your happy ending has already happened. When you are working on manifesting your dreams, including the happy ending, you need to believe it has already happened for you. Because it is right around the corner for you.

June 15 Mantra (Compassion):By showing compassion towards friends, family and even strangers, I have compassion returned to me.”

Next time you are at the store or on the phone dealing with someone in a bad mood, ask yourself, “How can I make them smile?” By showing compassion to this person, it will lift their ill temper and it will make dealing with them easier and happier. By being compassionate and seeing that you have the power to change someone’s mood, you bring a smile to your face and theirs. And your own vibrational energy will be lifted also.

June 16 Mantra (Personal Growth):I improve my circumstances in life by being the best me I can be.”

What is keeping you from your dreams? Acknowledge that, and then work to improve it. Yes, you are a magnificent person who can achieve great things, and with a little bit of elbow grease, you can move your life closer to your dreams. Making sacrifices now will lead to great rewards. Step up and make improvements in your own person and life. The Divine has faith in you. Therefore, you should have faith in yourself too. Believe, grow and move towards your dreams.

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