Your Weekly Mantra Meditations: December 15 – 21

Your Weekly Mantra Meditations: December 15 - 21

The Power of Mantra Meditations

This week’s mantra meditations address the power of collective thought. We know that a single, focused thought can have the power to change the outcome of many things. Thoughts are so powerful they transcend all physical realities.

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Many years ago, a young doctoral student wrote a dissertation on collective thought. He had been observing a group of monkeys on a remote island. In order to eat their food, the monkeys would go through an elaborate and unnecessary ritual. All 99 monkeys ate their food the same way every day. One day, a bright, younger monkey realized that this ritual was impractical. The young monkey saw a shortcut and began preparing his food in a more efficient manner. In other words, he took the collective consciousness of all the other monkeys to finally create the tipping point that prompted him to improve his life, and ultimately, the lives of his peers.

The human consciousness moves in a river of energy. Some call it the Akashic but there are several names for this energy flow. Many people, myself included, believe we return into this river when we finish with our present life experiences. It’s the source of all of the collective wisdom and knowledge. That flow of consciousness is what my guides wish to share with you in this week’s mantra meditations. Welcome to the unlimited power of your thoughts!

December 15

“I am reclaiming my life. I am the captain of it and it is beautiful!”

The power of real change comes from your spirit—your thoughts. Tap into the eternal flow and feel the immortality of your spirit too. You are as ancient as the stars and as new as the first bloom of spring. Your spirit, like mine, like everyone’s, has been formed since the first light. Your mantra meditations want to remind you that you are powerful!

December 16

“If I don’t ask, I will never have.”

You may be facing a moment that is scary and you may feel vulnerable and alone. Summon your courage, for it is fierce! Let your voice be heard and ask for what you want. Examine your heart and your motives too. If they are true to your journey and life experience, continue to ask until the door opens. Remember, great goals have always been achieved through persistence.

December 17

“Some people are magic, and others are the illusion of it. I choose to fill my life with magical people.”

It is very difficult to admit when we have grown beyond a friend or family member. The hardest part of the human experience is to accept the painful fact that not all people are meant to stay with you throughout your entire life. Therefore, appreciate the energies of those people and gently release them in love. They can now move toward a different destiny—one without you. And you will learn to fill your life with others while keeping the good memories of those who must be released.

December 18

“Having a tender heart in a cruel world is not weakness; it is courage.”

When you allow your heart to feel the world around you, it’s certain you will also feel the injustice, pain, and suffering of your fellow humans. Instead of closing down or ignoring the problems, focus on one or two and allow the collective consciousness that is flowing all around you to help you find the answer. Then, you must have the courage to implement it!

December 19

“Everything I desire is on the other side of fear.”

Fear is a very tricky emotion. It is hardwired into us so we know when to stay and fight or when to run away. Beyond that, it can become a very dangerous emotion as it morphs into anxiety and stress. Fear has no ongoing purpose in your life. Whatever you fear, you will end up facing. However, your mantra meditations want to remind you that if you live your life fearlessly, you will never know fear again.

December 20

“My heart is a wild creature and it enhances my experiences every day.”

When we follow our hearts more than our heads, there is a “thud.” It’s caused by us crashing and falling down because we followed our hearts and not our heads. However, that passion has also been responsible for the most wonderful moments of life.

December 21

“The winter solstice is here, and it proves that no matter how long the darkest night, the light always returns.”

You have walked through the fires and emerged victoriously! Never forget your courage or your passions. They will certainly lead you to the height of human experience, according to your mantra meditations. This is your moment to shine!

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