Your Weekly Mantra Meditations: January 5 – 11

Your Weekly Mantra Meditations: January 5 - 11

The Power of Mantra Meditations

Welcome to the first full week of 2019! This will be a year of greater clarity as you discover the truth behind your dreams and your true self. The Partial Solar Eclipse and the first New Moon of 2019 will meet on Sunday, and this event will strengthen the mantras I’m about to share with you. All you have to do is fully embrace their words. Before we begin, I’d like to remind you that there is no reason to look back toward a past you’ve outgrown. Don’t waste time mourning a dream that has long since fulfilled its destiny. This will prevent you from appreciating your present and keep you too tethered to the past to dream of future possibilities. And with that, let’s jump into this installment of your mantra meditations.

Wondering what your future looks like? Read with a life path psychic, like Psychic Jesse, and find out!

January 5

“I will accept the criticism of others as soon as I know that their lives are perfect!”

Consider how often you internalize projected judgments onto your self-esteem. Please know that spending time worrying about what others think about you is a complete waste of time. You’d be surprised at how rarely they consider any aspect of your life in any way. Therefore, release those feelings of inadequacy and embrace the majesty of your true self instead! Anything that was told to you when you were a child no longer applies in any way to your life today either. Do not allow your critics to steal your power or your purpose.

January 6

“I will allow my vision to pull me forward toward my goals.”

There may be moments when you feel as if you have nothing else to push you toward your dreams. Even though you may feel weary, consider how many steps you have taken toward your goal. Your dreams are calling you forward. When the toughest days find your door, please remember that your vision is as alive and powerful as anyone else’s. Your mantra meditations encourage you to become your own hero and make your life a legend!

January 7

“Rejection is really redirection.”

Happiness is a state of mind. It doesn’t come from the approval of another person and it can’t be bought at a store. When you have been released from a direction you really want to pursue, remember that it’s not a rejection. You’re actually being redirected. That’s because the Universe is part of you and you are part of it. There is such infinite possibility in the pursuit of your dreams, yet it needs your determination to make it complete.

January 8

“Things turn out for the best when I make the best of how things turned out.”

When things in your world feel like all movement has ceased, and it feels like you’re stuck in glue, remember that every storm passes. In the meantime, today’s mantra can bring you peace. Your state of mind is certainly far more powerful than your circumstances, according to your mantra meditations.

January 9

“Today, I will stop doubting myself.”

Consider all that you can do once you stop questioning yourself. Today is all about believing in yourself again. The world certainly becomes boundless the moment you take the chains off your possibilities. There is nothing on Earth as stunningly awesome, and unstoppable, as someone who has a dream that is really on fire! Therefore, this is a great day to learn to trust yourself.

January 10

“Excuses are the tools of the incompetent. No more excuses!”

When January rolls around, most of us want to make some desired changes in our lives. And, as statistics show, 80% have abandoned those resolutions before mid-February. Your mantra meditations encourage you to charge into your dream with the determination of a warrior! There are no excuses for an unmet goal, and this is your year to make your dreams a reality. You don’t have to be asleep in order to enjoy a dream; that dream can become your new reality!

January 11

“All progress happens outside of my comfort zone.”

If you are not reaching for your goals, you’ll watch them drift by. Many of your greatest achievements have gained their best momentum when you had to gather your courage and go outside of your comfort zone. Whether it was that first kiss or the acquisition of your dream job, nothing can happen without courage and determination.

You have a life purpose. Wondering what it is? You won’t know until you get a life path reading with one of our amazing life path psychics. A life path psychic can help you find what you love so you can love what you do.

Find a life path psychic or learn more about a life path reading.

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