You Are Much Stronger Than You Know

Live Your Truth

The holidays are upon us once again and all the challenges of the season—shopping, planning, budgeting, parties, and expectations for the coming new year.

This time of year can be particularly challenging for members of our LGBT community. I’ve had several calls from people keeping their real selves hidden. There are those who cannot bring their partners home to meet the family, those who are trapped in a hetero marriage who will not see their true loves on these festive days, and transfolk who must go through the holidays wearing the facade that others have come to expect. All of this can turn the brightest of holidays into the loneliest of times.

LGBT issues can be as diverse as the community itself, but there is one common thread at the root of these issues: the need to fully accept and love yourself – it’s what the LGBT community refers to as Pride.

This is not the stubborn sort of foolish pride that stands in our way in life. In the LGBT context, Pride means the absence of shame concerning relationship orientation and gender expression, the ability to be your authentic self and live your truth. It’s the refusal to hide in the shadows or live as a second class citizen. It’s what most people take for granted, but what some must struggle for on a daily basis—the right to simply live as you are.

Anais Nin said it well: “We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.” Until we truly accept and love ourselves, we are unlikely to ask others to do the same. When we carry shame or fear of our truths, we see our lives through the lens of rejection and hate. We fear that if we come out we will lose friends, family members, the support of a spiritual community, maybe even our jobs. In living our full truth, we chance rejection, discrimination, hatred, and even physical violence. How do we learn to accept ourselves when to do so can be risky? Need assistance navigating a risky situation? Psychic Reed ext. 5150 has the skills to advise you on your best path.

A good start is to realize that the friends who will turn their backs on you aren’t really friends. Family members whose emotional support you will lose are already not there for you. The church that may discriminate against you already has done so. Those who might attack and beat you for being different have made you their victim if you already fear them. Coming out may be a difficult process, but it’s often no harder than sitting silently through another meal, class, or service listening to others say things that brutalize your soul. You are much stronger than you know.

Now take that strength and build the life you deserve. Keep real friends close. Find a church that supports the person you really are. Look for a new job if needed. Find an LGBT support group. Attend a Pride function and surround yourself with the positive energy of those who will love and support the real you. Focus on the positive aspects of LGBT culture—its music, art, events, movies, and theater. Positive LGBT role models are everywhere, from the big screen to Congress. Understand that your own homophobia is externally based, the result of being exposed to homophobic prejudices and biases all your life.

It will take time and it should. It is a process. Charles Pierce said, “I’d rather be black than be gay. When you’re black, you don’t have to tell your mother.” It can seem overwhelmingly difficult to be your real self, so give yourself and your loved ones time to adjust. Talk to Psychic Reed ext. 5105 for guidance through this adjustment period.

As a trans person, I’ve been through the process and then some. I’ve lost friends and family, I’ve even moved to a region that practices acceptance and celebrates diversity. My last holiday season steeped in shame and loneliness is behind me. It hasn’t been an easy road, but it’s been worth every step.

Give yourself the best gift this holiday season—the gift of living your true life. If you’ve never come out before, start slowly, with people you truly trust. Don’t be surprised if some already knew. No matter what you do this holiday season, keep yourself emotionally and physically safe, and know that you are exactly who you were created to be. Call Psychic Reed ext. 5150 for support and inspiration as you embark on living your true life.

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9 thoughts on “You Are Much Stronger Than You Know

  1. Denise

    I am not part of one of these groups, but was raised in a fundamentalist religion that was oppressive to women in general. I am sympathetic to anyone who has had to lose family members and friends over their need to live as their true selves rather than adhere to what was expected to make those comfortable. Unconditional love should be just that.

  2. Liz

    I’m not a part of this group but, I think everyone should live the way they feel the best. We are all very uniqe and it makies for a very interesting journey through life. Be free and express your self,do what comes naturally . It’s just an ad I see on tv for soda but, OH SO RIGHT!

  3. Karen Perini

    We are strong. Strenght comes in a multitude of colors. We can be white for pure strenght. We can be blue for sympathy and compassion. For we could not feel blue without the knowing of hurt and pain. We are all varied and loosely tied and for that, alone, we can merge into the strenght of one, simply by being pliable. We can assume the flexible stature of a steel pole by accepting and loving who we are and liking the total package of the multi-faceted prism which we were all born with and which make us unique of character and personal magnatism. For we are spirit and only spirit is reflected by the light of our soul, an individual entity that can never waver nor bend in fashion. We are who we are. We cannot hide truth. Spirit is soul and soul is truth.

  4. Sandra

    Thanks for the article, It is good to know there is support groups for the people of this community. I am happy that I have friends who are gay. and I am proud to be able to support such an organization. again, thank you.

  5. chloeChloe ext. 9421

    Well said Reed!

    Family is who we surround ourselves with. It doesn’t have to be who we’re related to.

    Sometimes we need to create our own families by surrounding ourselves with people who love and support us for who we really are.

    Love & Light!

    ~Chloe (ext. 9421)

  6. Donald Freemam

    I would like to kno whats in store for me in the near future im Donald Freeman born 08/16/1967 at 12:01am my present address is 1016 Bilmark Ave. Charlotte Nc 28213 i would like to know will money,luck
    And love enter my life.

  7. Chrissi Matusevics

    Doesn’t matter what you are just love and be loved in return, by whoever you love love should be recognised in all it’s forms, because that, in the end is what will make this world a better place for everyone to live in


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