What Does it Mean When a Bird Flies into Your House?

What Does it Mean When a Bird Flies into Your House | California Psychics

A Bird in the Home

Wild animals are usually found out in nature, but every so often we get an up-close and personal look of our furry, feathered, or scaly friends when they find themselves roaming about our homes. Many cultures place special significance on this event. Everything from the type of animal, color, and the various actions they take can have different messages for us, and birds, in all their varieties, sizes, and colors, have many meanings for us.

Birds have a tendency to find their way into homes and other indoor facilities quite often. So, it’s probably not surprising that there is a form of divination based on their behavior and flight patterns when they become trapped inside. Let’s take a look at some of the beliefs that various cultures hold about the visit of a bird in your home.

Related: What is the Symbolism of a Robin?

A Message from Spirit

One thing that seems to be consistent across cultures is that when a bird flies into your home, an important message is on it’s way. Some believe that this message is coming from the Divine or from spirits. Others don’t specify where the message will be coming from, but they all agree that we need to be open to these messages.

Related: What is the Meaning of a Hawk Sighting?

White Birds

White birds have conflicting meanings in different parts of the world. In some eastern cultures, white is considered to be a color of ill health, and should a white bird fly into your home you might want to put self care high on your list of priorities. However, in western cultures, and specifically in Christian mythos, white birds are seen as bringers of peace and messengers of the Divine.


Owls are credited as being quite sage birds. The Celts believed that owls were defenders of truth and honor, and cannot stand lies and deception. They also believed, as the Egyptians did, that the owl was a messenger from the underworld, so if an owl flies into your home, perhaps a loved one is sending you message. Many Native American tribes also believed in the wisdom of the owl, and that they carried knowledge of the healing arts.


If a blackbird comes inside, don’t immediately take it as an ill omen. Should the blackbird not settle, it is believed that there are unsettled spirits in the home that need to be dealt with. However, should one make a nest it is extremely lucky. Several Native American myths also consider the blackbird to be a messenger who rarely brings bad tidings.

The Crow

The meaning of a crow is a bit more complex. In many Native American myths, crows can symbolize that you have some major change and challenges coming, but that you are adaptable and will be able to go with the flow in all the best ways. It is also a symbol of wisdom and intelligence, and of clairvoyance and psychic ability, so if a crow flies into your home, or spends time hanging around you, perhaps it is a sign that you have gifts you need to develop.

Related: What Does a Crow Symbolize?


A pigeon in your home is quite a compliment indeed! This bird symbolizes peace and harmony, and if one enters your home it can mean that your home is a place where tranquility resides and where people find a safe haven.


Cardinals have been considered the messengers of the spirit world for centuries. They may be bringing a message from a loved one, but they could also mean that Spirit wants to hear from you. The Choctaw Tribe believe that seeing this bird is an omen that there will be, or needs to be a change in your relationship. A cardinal is also a symbol of protection, so if one flies into your home, there’s no need to fear, for Spirit is looking out for you.

Related: Have You Seen a Red Cardinal?


Hoping to find your true love? Then you want to hope that a sparrow flies in your home as it was associated with the Goddess Aphrodite. This relationship will result in the perfect blend of both physical and spiritual connections that most of us long to have in our romantic relationships. And in Indonesia they believe that when a sparrow flies into the home, good luck will soon follow, and that a wedding won’t be far behind.

Flight Directions

Something to consider is which direction the bird entered from. If it came from the North then you might want to check in on your financial stability. It might mean a new career opportunity is coming your way. East means that inspiration is on its way to you. South means that you will be reenergized, and things that were obstacles no longer seem so daunting. And the west can be a head’s up that you are letting your emotions get the better of you.

Related: Understanding the Spiritual Meaning of a Seagull 

What Does it Mean for You?

Just as with all forms of symbolism, we also need to look at our own perspective when it comes to specific birds entering our homes. What does a bird in the house mean to you?

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Related: What Does it Mean When a Blue Jay Visits You?

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22 thoughts on “What Does it Mean When a Bird Flies into Your House?

  1. Theresa

    I was around 10 years old and a pigeon flew in our house and landed right on my head as an obedient child I listen to my mom while the claws were digging in my scalp perched upon my head as she broke out her Camera and took a picture.

  2. Melende

    There’s also black bird they come my home and building there nest.this is because my heart shattered before..after the black bird came at my home after everything changed.i dream to God he bring me his place after I wake up in the morning There’s black bird came round and round at my home till the find where they make nest.now 8years now at my home they own my one room they have a lot of baby but before 2pcs only now more almost thousands maybe cannot count

  3. Racheal Anyanwu

    Please my dadd saw a big white bird on his way back from work at around 9:00pm and then it flew away and landed in the opposite direction leading to our family house,then my dadd got curious and point the light of his car on the bird but it didn’t move so he stepped of the car to catch then he started feeling wiery and the bird flew away. Please what does that mean

  4. Patty rossi

    I had a red cardinal flying in to house today he got stuck in the window in the basement I looked up at him I got on the chair and I picked him up and he looked at me and he peeped and I them let him outside the door what a beautiful site!

  5. Judell

    Hi I had a parroty colorful bird fly in my house then slept over next morning I open for it to fly away it flew away then came back and now it’s here to stay

  6. Meriam

    What does it mean last three weeks ago a bird suddenly appear inside the house and roaming around then poop afterwards the bird fly outside. The color is light black and the tail is white.

  7. Donna

    I have had a small lil bird with a red top not that he can let down and you can’t even see it come up to my slider while I’m in my recliner and fly down to my level attach to the screen and do it’s best to get in for several days now. Today it flew to my bedroom window landed on my air conditioner and tried to come in. My daughter passed recently could this be a sign?

  8. Gretchen

    I had 2 little birds fly into my house this morning. Brown with yellow band around there eyes came in from the south let one out the east window and the other out the south window . What does this mean

  9. Ann

    My brother was sitting at the table this morning talking to me which is his sister on the phone and a bird flew into the porch and back out of the porch what is the spiritual reason for that could you please give me the spiritual reason thank you and have a blessed day.Ann

    1. Sylvia Jane Morgan

      I had a baby sparrow fly in my balcony door. It flew in
      So far fluttered its wings , turned and flew back out.

  10. Nikki mahoney

    I have had not one but FOUR birds fly into my home? Are that many messages coming my way? Have I finally found true love? Help!

  11. Dave

    Yesterday when I open my garage five little bird just flew in the garage and it happened again this morning, that was strange to me. So what that means when the bird fly in the house. My mother just died 2 months ago

  12. Julie Gooding

    My Mom passed away with the Covid and just recently I had her Grandkids over for the weekend for the first time since her passing.. it was a Saturday morning just got home from taking my son to work, a large red cardinal flew in my garage and sat on some plywood and stared at me for 5 seconds before flying away. I truly believe that this was a sign from her.

  13. Teresa coco

    Yesterday morning when I left my home there was bird poop on my storm door. Then when I came home that evening I found a bird sitting on my window inside. What does that mean?

  14. Tangee Grimes

    I have a sparrow keep coming into my home I have keep putting it out what do this mean I’ve done this 10 times today


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