Day in the Life: Psychic Flossie

Day in the Life: Psychic Flossie | California Psychics

We believe that a better understanding of our psychics can only deepen your connection with them when you call for a reading. In our continuing series, we talk to our psychics about their day to day lives. Today we talk to another one of our Premier Psychics, Psychic Flossie.

What does a typical day off look like for you?

A typical day off is never typical but it usually includes some sort of adventure thanks to my granddaughter. She’s six years old, and lives nearby, so she often comes to hang out with me. I live in a tiny house way out in the woods, so we go on explorations, hunt for signs of faeries, and learn about the tree and animal kingdoms. If we’re not in the woods, we read books and do fun science activities. We even have a pretend restaurant named “Goose Fairy Cafe” on my little deck where I am served lots of pretend food in between our adventures.

Do you have a specific routine or activities you do on your day off to treat your inner self or nurture your gift?

I always start my day a cup of hot tea or coffee and watching the deer in the field outside my kitchen window. Afterwards, to nourish my inner goddess, I usually perform a walking meditation.

Once my morning ritual is done though, I am happy to lose myself in a book. I am an avid reader, and anything metaphysical or self-help are my current favorites. I also love to write and will try my hand at that whenever I get the chance.

How do you clear your mind after being on the line all day?

If I’ve been on the line all morning, getting out and doing something active is extremely important for me. Strolling on the trails in the forest, playing badminton, and making mud pies with my granddaughter are all favorite things to do.

If I am on the line in the evening though, I will wind down with a hallmark movie because I am a hopeless romantic. Other times though, I go outside, build a fire in my fire pit, and watch the flames dance, or stargaze as the stars shoot across the sky.

What are the fun things that you like to do in your free time?

I love catching up with my friends and family or taking outings with them. My sons and I will often go to concerts to enjoy music. We go to the beach to spend the night or to the rain forest to hike and camp as often as we can. We also like to go to the sand dunes to ride quads several times a year. People call me a gypsy because I love to travel and explore the globe.

How does being a psychic affect your day to day life?

Being psychic has helped me to live a life to my liking. I am a recluse and introvert by nature, so I keep to myself to rejuvenate my being.

Tell us an interesting story you think readers would like to learn about you.

Becoming a professional psychic was certainly not in my plans! I was happy working in upper management in a retail chain, and then I started getting into energy work and past lives. As I got deeper into the healing arts people started asking for readings. Before I knew it, I was doing this as my full-time gig, and I’ve been doing it ever since.

Did you develop your psychic abilities in an interesting way?

I have always been psychic but was not taught how to develop my abilities when I was young. It wasn’t until I was an adult that my psychic abilities really started to come alive. I noticed that when I would think of something, it would happen. For example, I was driving home from work one day and as I pulled into my driveway, I saw a truck on the side of the road. A dead body appeared in my mind. I thought that was weird but forgot about it. The next day the authorities found a dead body in the truck. Needless to say, I was totally freaked out. But things like that continued to happen on a regular basis. They still do, to this day. I accept it as normal now.

Have you helped a client in a memorable way?

There are so many things I can think of that have helped different clients through the years, but this story truly touches my heart. I went to a client’s home to give psychic readings to a group of people. While there, I met this little girl who was about five at the time. I was so taken by her that after I left, I sent her a children’s oracle deck of animals. Now I meet lots of children, but she was different for some reason. Fast forward to about four years later. I am making an appearance at a store and my first session of the day were the parents of this child coming in for a reading. Unfortunately, they had lost their little girl to a brain tumor a couple months earlier. It was quite the emotional session. Later that day as I was finishing my readings, a lady came in hoping that I could fit one more session in. As she sat across from me, all I could think about was the session I had had with the young couple whose little girl had passed away. It was so strong, and I couldn’t think of anything else. I finally told the lady that I was sorry but I couldn’t do her reading because all I could think about was a couple I had done a session with early in the day who had lost their little girl. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, “That little girl is my granddaughter.” I about fell off my chair. It’s times like these I am so grateful for the gift I have been blessed with so I can bring a sense of peace to others.

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California Psychics is the most trusted source of psychic readings. We have delivered over 6 million discreet and confidential psychic readings by phone since 1995. More than a prediction, we are your guide for life’s journey. Serenity, happiness, and success are just a phone call away. With over 400 psychics online to choose from, you’re sure to find the best psychics for you. Call one of our trusted and accurate psychics today! Confidential and secure, real psychics, accurate predictions, 100% guaranteed.

2 thoughts on “Day in the Life: Psychic Flossie

  1. Teresa

    I enjoyed reading about your morning routines, and your experiences on how you really help people and your experiences. I felt a connection and will make me feel confident reading with you. Thank u for this connection.

  2. Sheila Finley

    I’m so depressed right now I need to talk to my friend Thomas and he won’t answer me and I really love him my heart hurt for soom reason I cant be happy with no one I love


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