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We believe that a better understanding of our psychics can only deepen your connection with them when you call for a reading. In our continuing series, we talk to our psychics about their day-to-day lives. In today’s “Day in the Life,” California Psychics interviews Psychic Teagan.
What does a typical day off look like for you?
When I rise in the morning, whether I am working or not, I have a morning ritual. I typically start my day with a cup of Joe while I plan my day and all the activities that will go on my to-do list. (There is something so satisfying about crossing things off my list.) Afterward, I clear my mind with Florida water, and remove any heaviness that might be lingering with a quick brush over my energetic field with my selenite wand. I love to pull a daily Tarot card or an oracle card to give me insight into my day too.
Once I have completed my energy work, I clearly state my intentions for the day and light some incense; (sage or palo santo) and the journey begins.
How do you clear your mind after being on the line all day?
After my day is complete – I perform a ritual that is quite similar to my morning routine, but this time I add some herbal flower tea. I clear my energy with selenite and Florida water and follow it up with some incense. I also enjoy using sound to help with my vibration.
I enjoy creating sound healing baths with my crystal chakra bowls (the neighbors love it). My latest affliction is rock painting. I find it to be very meditating and of course, tapping into the creative side of me is very healing. My best furry friend, Marley, is always at my side. We love to go for walks to hide our rocks, hoping that someone along the path will find them and receive a beautiful message from the divine. It’s so rewarding. (Keep it quiet though, no one knows it’s me (wink.))
What are the fun things that you like to do?
Did you know that I have 13 grandchildren? Basking in the energy of these beautiful souls is my top priority. Whenever I get a chance to play Grandma, I’m ALL IN! I also am an avid Tarot and oracle collector. I am working with an artist and am hoping to create my own deck soon!
I love to garden too. There’s something so sweet about pulling from your garden to create a magical meal. I am an Aquarius sun, Leo moon, and Taurus rising; so, it is important for my home to be filled with laughter and family.
I am always finding something new to learn about. Spiritual workshops are high on this list too. I am a book lover and enjoy cooking. My summer months usually consist of hiking, golfing, summer concerts, road trips, and the hot springs. Camping is absolutely a thing for me, and I’m hoping it happens this summer. S’mores are on the horizon for sure.
Also, I am a bit of a theatre junkie. Any chance that I get to either watch a Broadway show, go to the theatre, or dive into a character of my soul I embrace it.
What are some of the spiritual workshops you’ve been participating in lately?
The last Spiritual workshop that I attended was called “Pattern Disruption.” This was an amazing spiritual workshop based on disrupting bad habits, routines, or energy that you are holding onto and not releasing. It was super intense and liberating to dive in personally and take a look at our shadow side (the side we don’t like to show others), the deeper issues. We spent several weeks embracing our disruptions and creating a character around that feeling or situation. This workshop was powerful. Incredible healing and release took place within all of us. Along with a lot of basking in the energy of your “inner child” and reclaiming who you are. It was incredible!
How does being a psychic affect your daily life?
It’s a ride for sure. Reminding myself to shut things off is the most important thing. It’s a beautiful gift, but if you don’t take care of yourself and your body it can and will take a toll on you. I wouldn’t change a thing about my gift. It’s truly all about balance.
Do you have any favorite Tarot or Oracle decks that you’ve collected over the years? Why?
Choosing a favorite Oracle and Tarot deck is just too difficult to do. Each deck has a different value, interpretation, and imagery. Whenever I purchase a new deck, it goes everywhere with me. From my office to the kitchen, in my purse for errands, and back to the nightstand in the evening. It gives me time to get to know its personality. I really like to ask the divine which deck is the best for each specific reading and or client. I have over 80 different decks to choose from and trust me, sometimes it’s the hardest decision of the day.
Some of my favorite go-to’s are: “Aquarian Tarot” by David Palladini – this deck is crisp and clean, gentle and kind, and its imagery is colorful. It’s easy to get lost in the color and art. “The Morgan-Greer Tarot” is my daily go-to. I love the borderless cards. The art and imagery are bold and rich with color and attitude. It’s a great deck to get down to the nitty-gritty with. Another one of my favorites is “The Hush Tarot” by Jeremy Hush. This deck feels like “depth” to me; going deeper than just the meanings, this deck dives into the heavier things and delivers truth with its lighter pastel colors for a deep yet gentle reading. “The Radiant Wise Tarot” by Lo Scarabeo is a fantastic deck for any kind of questions, light-hearted or more serious. The cards are antiqued and very vintage feeling, almost like diving into the knowledge of your ancestors.
Tell us an interesting story about you.
This story and experience changed my life forever. Back in 2013, I had the privilege to go to Bali, Indonesia. For all you “Eat, Pray, Love” fans, I had the honor and opportunity to meet and receive a beautiful reading from the “real” Ketut Liyers. Yes, the medicine man that mentored Julia Roberts. It was incredible. He even said, “see you later Alligator.” I received a beautiful blessing on the beach after my reading with him and will forever be one of the most amazing experiences in this lifetime.
Do you have any personal favorite affirmations?
Affirmations are so very important in manifesting the things
that we want. Words are power. Much like skipping a stone on a glass pond or
lake, it ripples out and reaches much further than its initial touch. See your
words rippling out into the Universe and setting intentions and the tone for
your day. Keeping our minds clean and crisp can be challenging. Some of my
favorite affirmations are:
I am enough, I am love!
I am worthy.
The Universe has my best interest at heart.
I trust and believe in myself.
I trust and believe in the divine.
I am love, I am peace, I am divine.
What advice to have for someone getting their first psychic reading?
When you are getting a psychic reading, some of the things
that I suggest are to not have any form of attachment to the outcome. Go into
your reading with an open mind. Ask the divine to give you these messages
clearly and with an open heart and mind. Write down your questions before your
reading and take notes. And be open to
receiving these messages.
As a psychic, it is so important for us to try and give you
both the energy of the situation as well as any information around it. Just
before I dive into a reading, I perform a prayer and I would encourage my
callers to do the same. Something along the lines of, “God, Universe, Source
(whichever higher power you ascribe to), I ask that you connect me with my
reader, that I receive these messages with love and integrity.” Remember, the Universe
isn’t going to give us what we want, the Universe will give us what we need.
Trust that the Universe has your back.
Why is it important that a client takes a few deep breaths and gives you permission to connect?
One of my daily rituals happens when I am connecting with my clients. I ask them to close their eyes, take some deep breaths, invite me into their space, and focus their exhale on their question and or POI. There are several reasons why I do this. As you know, we can receive calls quite rapidly. Not only am I disconnecting from my last caller and their energy, but I am also stating my intentions for the caller at hand. By doing this, I can receive more detail as well as a deeper connection. Yes, we can gather information around others without their permission, but this is a code of ethics for me. With your breath, your permission, and your focus, I get more detail. Whether I am getting permission from my client for a reading or permission to help assist in healing/reiki energy, “permission” is a must. It feels more integral and balanced diving into their personal life when we start out this way.
If you think Psychic Teagan sounds interesting, add her to your Psychic Circle and earn extra points toward Karma Rewards®.
About California Psychics California Psychics is the most trusted source of psychic readings. We have delivered over 6 million discreet and confidential psychic readings by phone since 1995. More than a prediction, we are your guide for life’s journey. Serenity, happiness, and success are just a phone call away. With over 400 psychics online to choose from, you’re sure to find the best psychics for you. Call one of our trusted and accurate psychics today! Confidential and secure, real psychics, accurate predictions, 100% guaranteed.
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One thought on “Day in the Life: Psychic Teagan”
Will visit later. Thanks for your help learning all this -Doreen
One thought on “Day in the Life: Psychic Teagan”
Will visit later. Thanks for your help learning all this -Doreen