Psychic Q&A: 111 Meaning

Psychic Q&A: 111 Meaning

111 Meaning and Significance

Dear Cameron,

Today is January 11, and I’m new to Numerology, so I’m wondering if there’s any significance to this date or any general information you can give me about 111 meaning anything. Is this a good day for my career, for example? What should I look out for today?


Psychic Cameron ext. 5412 responds:

Dear Luis,

Thank you very much for your question. The number one, in any reading, is always a sign of unity and a very important number for new beginnings. If you add all the ones together in 1/11, you may also observe that the final number equals three—a number which represents completion and creativity. Therefore, 1/11 is a number that arrives early at the start of the new year, and offers a wonderful opportunity to ask ourselves, “In which parts of my life would I like to start something new or have new ideas or thoughts?” While the 111 meaning impacts all of us to some degree, I have consulted my guides and tarot cards for what this number means specifically for you.

Luis, I see that you have been feeling a bit stuck or ready for a shift—the Four of Coins. You appear in my reading as a King of Cups, which means that you are open and receptive to guidance. I am being shown that your guides have been speaking to you, through dreams and/or intuitive thoughts. The Seven of Cups informs me that there is something you have been wanting to do, perhaps more significant than a hobby, like starting your own business or going back to school to learn something you’ve always dreamed of knowing more about. Please take your dreams seriously. While the date 1/11 is within the astrological sign of Capricorn, the number 1 also corresponds to Aries—a fire and cardinal sign of new beginnings. This says the time to start is not tomorrow or the day after, but NOW.

My advice is that you listen in the upcoming days and weeks to your intuition, observe if friends or family tell you that you are good at something, or ask you questions like, “Why don’t you paint anymore?” or “Are you still cooking? You really ought to open a restaurant.” While these examples may not be goals of yours, my sense is that you will hear something very soon that will remind you of changes you have been waiting to see in your life. Perhaps it’s something on a smaller scale, like redecorating your home, or a desire to apply for a new position within your company. This is an exciting time for you, Luis, a time for great creativity and abundance. What matters the most is that the energy of the 111 meaning encourages you to go for it!


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11 thoughts on “Psychic Q&A: 111 Meaning

  1. Lanette Blair

    The numbers 111 has been coming up in my life alot recently- can you give me some advice & guidance as to how it attains to me. I was born 1-17-1963- I do know that this year is 3 year for me .I really appreciate you time.

  2. Manuel

    For several weeks I have been notice these numbers 1111 and I do not know the meaning of it. I’m wondering if you can tell me the importance or information about these numbers and if they mean anything to me. This is a good time for career change, start business or buy house? What should I do?

  3. josie

    With frequency, I see 444, 11:11 or 111 or 333 . I often pause to see if I can hear a message. How can I tune in better?


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