Psychic Q&A: Their Age Difference

Psychic Q&A: Their Age Difference

Age Difference Makes No Difference

Dear Kallista,

I am a Cancer woman in love with a Scorpio man. I first met him when he came to my store and every time he’d visit after that I felt butterflies in my stomach. He gave me his number and we had an amazing coffee date. After spending more time with him, I found out that there is an age difference and he is considerably younger than I. However, we are so compatible—mind, body, and spirit. He says that he doesn’t care about the age difference but I’m wondering if I am in over my head. He also travels a lot for work and he’s out of touch during that time. As a Scorpio, I know he needs his space too and I’m fine with that.

Meeting him was such a surprise and I opened up to him like a flower in the sun. He did the same. My gut tells me to hold on—he’s worth waiting for. Perhaps our age difference and his work schedule are tests to see if we really have what it takes. But I also wonder what the future holds for us.

I appreciate your insight!


Psychic Kallista ext. 9623 responds:

Dear Wendi,

You both feel this powerful soul connection deeply and I can tell you that he was sincere when he said he doesn’t care about your age difference. When souls connect this strongly, age difference makes no difference. He finds you attractive on the outside and the inside too—he needs that depth of attraction, just like you do. And, he certainly thinks about you a lot, even when he travels.

You are right, his work schedule is a difficult hurdle; he feels driven to succeed and make good money. That has been his priority above all else, and I know that it hasn’t been easy for you. It’s hard to see the blessing in this situation, but being apart like this is actually helping the relationship between you grow stronger. Gradually, his priorities will shift in your favor.

He’s showing me that you were a surprise for him, too. He did not expect someone like you to turn up in his life—at least not at this time—but here you are. He’s already thought you’d be a fine woman to marry, even though he feels he’s not yet in a position to marry.

Continue to trust your gut, Wendi, because it is guiding you well. Maintaining patience like this isn’t easy, but it will be worth it. It may take a couple of years, but marriage is in the cards for you two—in spite of the age difference.

Wishing you every blessing,


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7 thoughts on “Psychic Q&A: Their Age Difference

  1. Beverly Davis

    I recently have been doing geneology work, it felt like so many deceased ones gathered near me, almost like it was my one of my lifes purposes. I felt them speak in my mind, I sent them all hugs and love. I love & miss my estranged daughter & my (lil granddaughter) whos unjustly blaming me for her life & chooses to be away, I felt the deceased ones were comforting my soul, they seem to have a message what is it?

  2. Pauline

    I’m 12 years older than my husband and we have been happily married for 7 years. Age is only a number and you seem to have a very deep connection with this man. Enjoy and don’t let society pressure you into giving up a good thing.


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