Psychic Q&A: Is She a Convenience?

Stringing Her Along

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Dear Psychic Kallista,

I met this guy. We don’t go out, share anything or go to each other’s house. We do text, but only if I text him first. Sometimes he calls me on the phone, but I never hear from him on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays. He says he misses me and he wants to see me, but we don’t see each other. Each time we make plans, something comes up. He says that between work, family, and resting, he doesn’t have time to see me. However, he also says he doesn’t want to throw in the towel on our friendship. What am I missing or not seeing? I’m confused.

Psychic Kallista ext. 9623 responds:

Thank you for writing to me. I’m happy to be of service.

This man is very physically attracted to you, but his way of treating you doesn’t make you feel very good. You’ve wondered if you’re more of a convenience than anything to this guy. I’m very sorry to say you are correct, for that’s how he sees it. He is involved with other women—one in particular. If it’s any comfort to you, she’s not very happy with him either. You feel like he lies to you, and it feels disrespectful. Again, you are right. He does lie, and it is disrespectful.

Please send this one on his not-so-merry way. It’s time to clear your romantic pathway for other suitors to come calling, and they will, all throughout the rest of this year and on into next year. You are a lovely person, both inside and out. You are seeking not just a boyfriend, but a real partner, and he is coming. The good news is you have some time to enjoy choosing who you want to be with and have fun while you do so.

Also, please continue your efforts to increase your education, because it will pay off handsomely for you.

I wish you every happiness.


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3 thoughts on “Psychic Q&A: Is She a Convenience?

  1. Shannon lynn

    This almost sounds like my situation except at first we would see each other every month and I haven’t seen him for 6 months and it’s only been texting and we were hot and heavy before all that then it seemed to slow down and turn into the current situation. Although I’m still unsure what to do about it

  2. GG

    Stringing her along …..almost sounded like my exact situation! Did I see this as a message for me? This is the first time I’ve read this section?!? Wow!


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