Psychic Q&A: Family Drama

Will They See Their Granddaughters Again?

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Dear Psychic Nevada,

Last year my husband and I had to sell our home. We were living there for four years and were sharing it with our son, daughter-in-law, and our two beautiful granddaughters. My son relapsed on drugs and my husband and I couldn’t take the madness anymore, so we decided to sell. Both our son and his wife were really angry with us because they had to find another place to live. As punishment, they kept us from seeing our granddaughters. We haven’t seen the girls in a year and our hearts are broken every day. Do you think we will ever see them again? They are three and six years old.


Missing Our Granddaughters

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Psychic Nevada ext. 6581 responds:

Dear Missing,

Thank you for sharing your personal experience with what it’s like to move through the challenge of great surrender. You’ve had to surrender your control over your son’s choices, your grandchildren, and your ability to stay in the home your family shared. I know it’s hard, but I need you to trust that this is all part of the Divine order and the universal flow of things.

When families live under the same roof, compassion, courage, and humility are priceless qualities to have. However, in your case, your family needs to grow independently of each other. Your son is going to go through additional changes—both personally and within his marriage. These changes will show him just how important family is. Specifically, he will try to do things his way, or by his own means and beliefs, before he exhausts himself and turns back to you and your husband. His challenges will make him want to realign himself with you and your husband, especially as a means of staying connected to what is real, familiar or unchanging. Later, he may also gain a new perspective on the maturity necessary to maintain the responsibilities and success of partnership and family.

However, before your son starts to consider new perspectives, he will continue to have a very focused, somewhat stubborn will to succeed on his own. A major motivating factor for him may also include succeeding as the head of his own household and an overall need to prove himself. As he works through a time of trials and errors, he will also begin taking on a few new ways of thinking that will include more family time. This means you and your husband will see your granddaughters again.

Give it two years, and family interactions will increase significantly. You’ll also be sharing the holidays with your granddaughters, and I am seeing a positive, almost surprising change that develops over time. Communication will improve and making plans to see your granddaughters will get easier. I know this feels like a long time to wait, but it’s important for your son to get through this period of trial and error first. He needs to become less resistant and more humble before he can recognize the value of family again.

This experience will make your son reconsider everything he thought he knew, and he needs to have it before he can rebuild and reconstruct his relationship with you and your husband and share his children with the both of you again.

I hope my insights have helped you!

With gratitude,


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11 thoughts on “Psychic Q&A: Family Drama

  1. Victoria

    Hi there I have been in arelationship for about 8 months now at the begining it was hot and passoniate now he barley sees me it’s like a chore for him to be with me can you give me some advise on how to handle this or if I have done something wrong I love him but I don’t think he really even likes me now I’m confused please help it’s getting unbaerably I have had some very hard times then I met him I thought it was great but no again not to work out for me I feel like I’m not supposed to have love or happen uses in this life

  2. Sherry

    I have been talking to a man for over 2 yrs. He is in army stationed overseas. We plan on meeting up soon. Will it happen. Ive devoted my life to him. Mybdate of birth is 4/12/1960. His is 1/25/61 i believe. Any answers will be apprciated.

  3. Lisa Ann

    Hi I’m Lisa Ann, we have been married since 1988 and it’s been rocky on and off till three years ago my life was not happy because of job and life. I have been sad because I missed my ex date John except his parents doesn’t want him to go out with me due to my deaf and others things . My husband knew that I don’t want to received any children with him but 15 yrs later I had a child and o told him I don’t want anymore baby. All suddenly I had another child on 2006 . Yet he has another child from
    Previous marriage. Now my family, my oldest daughter is torn apart by her father for what he did wrong to her. My concern with my life is big overlapping problems include my oldest daughter’s financial because her dad cut her education, life and support off. With my situation, no job since 1991, now be on odsp which I dislike to collect the money from tax payers and I couldn’t be enjoyed my life. Most job denied my bel g Deaf. I m just normal person
    Like you. With my mother is very control freak and sending me so many negative that makes me very low self esteems. Now I figured I can’t bring my ex date back. I have no feelings to see the future holds for me. Lots of psychos I received thru emails said I will win the lottery, my soulmate out there is waiting for me and blah. I am scared to believe in them due to the secam or vague. My birth date is Dec. 7 1965. My partner is March 5 1959. Thank you

  4. belinda

    I got divorced in dec2-14 about 3 months into it he talks me into trying again but all he wanted was the alimony money that was given to me so I left again gone for a while he talked me into coming back but wouldn’t ask for the money but I but my own self stuff I pay my own ins he does not give me nothing I was looking in the check book and he put down b.s.m at first I didn’t understand then I looked at the check it was my money he was sending in so I’m guessing it ment bull shit money we have not had sex for the year and half I have been here and all he does is work 24-7 I don’t feel any love and I can see it in his face but if some thing happens it’s don’t leave I’m so confused as I don’t feel I should even be here I feel more like a room mate and slave if I say any thing their is always some thing wrong with me not him or it’s just in my head but I can’t seem to get Reid of the feelings I have and for once I’d like for him to tell the truth please help me figure this out I don’t want to hurt him but I can feel that neither one of us is HAPPY and that’s all I want even if it’s by my self I think I would feel better please help me

  5. cynthia dutra

    can you tell me… will our family ever be united again? We lost my grampa in “86” from cancer, my grama in “2013” i was very close to both, they raised me. My cousin passed in “2008” (we where more like siblings then cousins, he passed while i attempted cpr) his mother, my auntie passed in “2012” my stepson 2 days after her. My Dad passed in “2014” and my other grampa 4 months later…recently, my favorite uncle passed away from a broken heart. You see, .money has divided our remaining family. So, I am wondering? Will our family pull through? because alot of people have had their lives forever change over part of the families greed.

  6. Hoping it will work out

    Hello Psychic Nevada,

    My husband and I married a little under a year ago and we live in two different states. Before we married, we dated for about two years and I agreed to move in with my then fiance and my stepson at a later date.

    After marrying my husband, his family became obsessively involved in our marriage. His mother would yell at me on the phone and rush me to move in with him. She came over to the house unannounced when I came to visit and my husband had no problem with it. She had a key to my husband’s house.

    When I expressed concern about this behavior, my husband shoved it off until it escalated into a big argument with my in-laws. After this, I told my husband that I no longer felt secure moving with him.

    Will this situation be resolved because I am afraid that it will lead to a divorce? I did not marry my husband to get divorced.


    Hoping it will work out

  7. Karen Young-Eubanks

    My 19 year old son has lost his way. He is smoking marijuana, can’t keep a job and won’t go to school. We have been supportive through all his challenges and we are very tired. His girl friend is now pregnant and neither have the ability to care for baby. I need yo know when will his situation imprive for him?

  8. Denise

    My daughter is really having a rough year, she’s had two jobs. The one she has now there 2 women that’s being real nasty towards her, also there’s this guy she knew for years he’s in the Air Force, he has two sons, do you see her and him getting together? Her DOB IS 9-9-89 His DOB IS 9-3-90. Do you see them having a future together?

  9. Jeanne

    Hi Nevada: I have been in divorce transition for over 7 years now – the job front is the most affected & I continue to persevere but sometimes have anxiety over the inordinate amount of time it has taken to establish financial security, stability & job satisfaction. I’m planning on moving from my smaller city to a larger metropolitan area. Within that metropolitan area is a small city about 15 mins. away that I’m looking at living in. My house is for sale. I’ve been working hard at downsizing, & selling my possessions & have reduced a lot. It’s an enormous task. I’d like to know if I will move soon & if I’ll be able to be mortgage free. I’d also like to know how successful I will be at downsizing the enormous amount of job support materials that I currently carry? It’s well nigh time for me to reach my elusive goals. Is there relief in sight? From Clinging to Positivity & Appreciation

  10. Deborah Irwin

    Hi this year has been really difficult lots of running around trying to get back to Portugal for my job there but I have major road blocks with trying to get my work permit 8 months later and 3 denials later they have given me ten days to come up with other papers or it’s a permanent denial Do u see anything positive coming? The stress has caused major lupus flare ups. Thank you


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