Psychic Q&A: He’s on Parole

Psychic Q&A: He's on Parole

Is He an Honest Criminal on Parole?

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Dear Psychic Reed,

I’m in love with someone who is on parole and that’s just one of our relationship complications. I met him four years ago and we were in a long-distance relationship for almost a year. Then I traveled to see him because my finances were in better shape. I found out that he has a fiance and she’s 15 years younger than himself! Then he violated his parole and was sent back to jail for two years. He asked me to take care of his stuff and gave me power of attorney over his accounts, etc. Me, and not the fiancé!

He got out of jail last May and came to visit me, get his things, and take care of the power of attorney stuff. Then he tells me he wants to pick up where we left off and repair our relationship. I want to know if he is being sincere and honest with me. Is he fiance still in his life?

Pam O.

Psychic Reed ext. 5105 responds:

Dear Pam,

I meditated on your situation and I found that your man is being sincere and honest with you. He may have had a fiance, but this relationship is not what it seems. He’s obviously made mistakes and his relationship with her is one of those mistakes. Please know that being in love will not prevent people from making poor choices, but he has learned from this poor choice and you can trust that he knows where his heart is, and that is with you.

He knows that staying out of trouble and completing his parole won’t be easy for him, but you are stable and trustworthy and will help build a relationship that will nurture him instead of land him in even more drama. He not only knows that he loves you, he knows that you are good to him and for him.

There are challenges that come with being on parole and you’ll have to bear with them too—if you want to be by his side. You will not have to worry about his former fiance though. She is no obstacle to the two of you.

Sending up prayers for a healthy new start for you two.


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2 thoughts on “Psychic Q&A: He’s on Parole


    Dear Psychic Reed,

    Hi I just got married a year ago in April and everything has been great but before we got married he cheated with his ex which he has a child with and I still in the back of my head worry and think is he gonna do it again .. And I really hate having to 2nd guess myself about it. So I’m really hoping you could help me out with this

    Thank you
    Anna Soto


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