Psychic Q&A: Her Husband Passed Away

Ready to Move On

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Dear Kallista,

My husband passed away five years ago. I’ve done my grieving and now I am ready to find a true and honest relationship. Some friends have suggested that I try online dating, but the thought of it truly scares me. I feel like I could end up in a dangerous situation if I’m not careful, and to tell you the truth I don’t have enough experience with the Internet to navigate the dating scene safely. Do you have any tips? Where will I find the relationship I’m looking for?

Thank you.

Psychic Kallista ext. 9623 responds:

Thank you for your question. I’m so sorry that your husband passed away. He is your guardian angel now, and he wants you to find a loving relationship. He neither expects nor desires for you to remain alone, and he will help you.

Your friends mean well, but if you are not comfortable, you don’t need to go the online dating route. Spirit is powerful. You could be doing anything, anywhere at all, and meet your next love! A particular time to watch for comes during this holiday season when you receive invitations to some festive gatherings. There is a dark-haired woman at one of them who will introduce you to a fair-haired man. He was involved in a long-term union up until a couple of years ago, but he is now single and looking for a life partner.

He is a kind man, with a lot of water (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) in his energy, though not necessarily his sun sign. He’s gentle (true strength always is) and has natural healing abilities. He communicates well too, which is a definite plus. You will both be attracted to one another. He has real potential to be your new relationship. He will not be the only man who tries to win your heart throughout the rest of this year and into 2018 though, but he sure is a good start. The power to choose is yours.

Even though your husband passed away, you really have done a great deal of healing, which is wonderful. You are truly ready for real love. I hope you are looking forward to marriage again because that opportunity is coming to you during the next two years.

Wishing you all that is wondrous and amazing,


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One thought on “Psychic Q&A: Her Husband Passed Away

  1. Ms.L.M

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