Psychic Q&A: Is He Lying?

What is He Lying About?

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I have this friend named Martin and I’m writing you to ask, is he lying? I think he is lying to me and here’s why: When we first met a year ago, everything was going well. We were really close and then all of a sudden he started acting strangely. I haven’t seen him in quite a while and when we do communicate, it’s only through texts. When I ask him about it, he claims everything is fine. However, I suspect that something is going on. What is it and why won’t he tell me about it? I just want my friend back and I don’t know what I should do.


Psychic Kallista ext. 9623 responds:

Thank you for reaching out to me. Your intuition is guiding you and you are listening. You asked me, “Is he lying?” Well, you are right about Martin; he is lying. You know that real friends don’t treat you this way. He is dealing with a lot of confusing issues right now. One of them involves a woman from his past. He is spending time with her, but he’s not being honest about it. He doesn’t want to continue his friendship with you as it was, because of this situation he’s in now.

Sometime between now and February of next year, he will try to restore his friendship with you, but it may be too late because there is a handsome man coming forward in that time who will vie to take Martin’s place. He will be a breath of fresh air because he will be both honest and honorable with you. Martin will come to regret that he is lying to you, but this is a lesson he must learn. On the bright side, if you accept this new man, it could turn into a long-term love union.

Wishing you all that is wonderful,


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17 thoughts on “Psychic Q&A: Is He Lying?

  1. Kemarly

    Is my ohsycic lying to me, each time I have been there I have payed some cash, I’ve payed in total almost 1400 dollars but I have this deep feeling that something is not right

  2. Gloria Aikens

    I have a friend name Daniel and I have no trust in him because he lies about little things. He lies and say that he isn’t involved with anyone else. I want to know where is all his money is going because he never has any.

  3. Shannonlynn

    Thank you so much! That confirms my suspicions at least now I know none of this is my fault and that I have a decision to make regarding Martin .

  4. Valerie

    Hi I recently broke up with a man, let’s just say his name starts with a D, I have gotten advice that I was wrong, when I accursed him, but in my gut I feel I correct, after we broke up he moved on very quickly, I need to bring some kind of peace to my heart, because I know I have trust issues, but I also know, I have been correct when my gut feelings come out. Please give me clarity about this situation. Thanks

  5. Yesica

    Ive been with my husband for 25 yrs he cheated and left with her. He comes back to us but he treats me like he is the victim and looks for any excuse to not be with me and never has money and my life is full of pain i love him why did his love ended is he lying and cheating with who

  6. Yesica Castaneda

    Ive been with my husband for 25 yrs he cheated and left with her. He comes back to us but he treats me like he is the victim and looks for any excuse to not be with me and never has money and my life is full of pain i love him why did his love ended is he lying and cheating with who

  7. Yesica Castaneda

    My husband cheated on me and left me with my 5 kids we got together again but instead of him being nice to me he treats me like if im the one that cheated on him and i want to know is he cheating and l y ing

  8. KATHY

    Your answer in “Is he lying?” Directly reflected the same scenario I have lived for the last year. So will I ever meet my twin? I fear at this age it will not be in this lifetime.

  9. Lisa Ann

    I like this gentleman who is Indian. He seems so confused with me. But all I am wishing that I want my ex date from the past come back to me. He stills married to his wife with three kids. What will my future holds?

  10. Florence Morales

    I have been with a man for 20 yrs. I want to know when will he vommit or is he cheating. I am not going yo wait for another 20 yrs I’m getting too old for this. I would like to know is it worth the wait?

  11. Kathy

    I have been seeing this guy for 4 months. Since we have met he has moved back in with his baby momma due to a housing issue, and I won’t let him move in with me. After my divorce I’m not going to jump into a situation like that , I’m not ready . He says he is not interested in her at all. But of course I don’t believe him . The other weekend he let it slip he loves me ? So really I want to know if he’s lieing about 2 things .

  12. Doris Wainwright

    When and how will I escape from this long term marriage to my narcissistic, sociopathic husband? I feel like I’m a prisioner.
    He controls everything.


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