Psychic Q&A: Pick Up the Pieces

Psychic Q&A: Pick Up the Pieces

Waiting for Her Silver Lining

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Dear Cameron,

I’m writing to you because I need you to help me pick up the pieces. I’m 48 years old, and my whole world came crashing down last spring. I lost everything—my job, my home, and the man I love. It’s so depressing and I don’t even know how to begin to pick up the pieces. I’m homeless and broke and all I want to do is sleep. The pain I feel is so crippling! Most of my close family have passed away so I am truly alone. Please help me find direction. I want to find the silver lining in all of this.

Psychic Cameron ext. 5412 responds:

Thank you so much for your question. It’s an honor to answer it for you. I consulted my cards and my guides have some very important information for you that I’d like to share. What I have been shown through the Wheel of Fortune (upside down) and the Five of Swords is that indeed, you have been through some very difficult times. There is no question about that! I often tell my clients who feel as if they have “lost everything” that sometimes that is an indication, not that they are failures or that the universe doesn’t support them, but rather, that something very powerful is coming into their lives that requires major change. The goal is to stay open and not shut down.

Before you can build a new house, sometimes you have to tear down the old one. You have lost so much in so many areas of your life, but the good news is that someone new is coming into your life—the King of Cups. This relationship really takes off in the new year. This person is kind and loving and will offer support in ways you can’t even imagine. Things will feel as if they are getting back on track fairly soon, and you will experience more balance as we move closer to the spring months. Don’t give up! The Strength card is in a powerful position in your reading, which means, hold on tight and be brave. The blessings are on their way, but right now, it feels so overwhelming it’s hard to have faith that your fortune will change again.

My guides are showing me that the biggest challenge for you at the moment is to see what has happened to you, not as an opportunity to judge yourself and feel regret, but rather as the beginning of a new freedom in your life. I suspect that if you look closely at your last relationship there were some things that should have changed or ended. Does anything come to mind? Again, sometimes when we seem to lose everything, it is a sign that we are ready for a major new assignment from our guides.

I feel that you might be called to do some kind of psychic work of your own, or offer empathy to people who have also dealt with major change and loss. Perhaps you needed this experience so that you could be of service to those whom you will help one day. With the Emperor at the top of your reading, my cards are definitely showing me that there are some powerful career possibilities or a promotion in 2018.

And finally, many of us want to make changes in life, but it’s hard because there are so many things that feel locked in place. One of the spiritual benefits of a major loss is that it breaks our life open, giving us the opportunity to listen to guidance in a new way. Know that at this time your guides are closer to you than ever, so listen to their wisdom through inspiration and dreams. If the pain is too much, make sure to seek whatever outside help you can find. An inspiring event will happen in March through a friend, so stay tuned and stay open. The best is yet to come!

My loving support is with you,


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2 thoughts on “Psychic Q&A: Pick Up the Pieces

    1. dmarantz moderator

      Thank you for writing to us. As you can imagine, we get hundreds of questions from our readers and are answering them as quickly as we can. If you need your answer sooner, we suggest you reach out to one of our psychics for a reading.
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