Automatic Communication and the Psychic Mind

Discussing Automatic Communication

 Get Your Messages With Automatic Communication!

This morning I was having a conversation with one of my psychic gal pals. She mentioned to me that she is saying things before she has a chance to think first—the words are just spilling out into her readings. Her callers are in awe and so is she! She didn’t know what was happening to her, but I knew exactly what was happening to her. It’s called automatic communication!

Call Psychic Quinn ext. 5484 for a detailed reading today! Click here to get started. 

The Psychic Mind is a Muscle

Over the years I have worked with a lot of psychics, helping them develop their abilities and teaching them to read professionally. I like helping them and the work I do with them makes me a stronger and better psychic too. The psychic mind is a like a muscle. The more you use or exercise it, the stronger it becomes. Pretty soon, the psychic mind gets so strong that it can pass vital information to the psychic without he or she having to consult the cards, astrology charts or any other psychic tool for that matter. I like to call this process automatic communication.

Bypassing the Brain

You’ve probably heard about automatic writing—producing written words without consciously writing. It’s like someone or something has taken over the pen, paper and hand and that’s how messages are shared. Well, automatic communication works in the same way, without the pen and paper. The thoughts and feelings somehow manage to bypass the brain and go directly to the mouth. Pretty neat, huh?

Just Speak

When I was in one of the many learning phases of spiritual work, I was taught to just speak—say what comes to mind. Say what’s tickling my tongue. I’ve often said things during readings and later wondered where those words came from. But I know they’re coming from my guides who whisper in my ear or draw pictures in my mind’s eye. They reach far across the universe to make positive connections with my callers.

A Profound Experience

There have been times where words that I am not sure of the meaning of come through me much like if I were speaking a different language. The incredible thing is the person on the other end of the phone knows what I am speaking about. It could be a word used by a deceased relative or friend, but no matter whom or what, the experience is indeed profound.

Confirmation and Validation

During a reading, a psychic will ask, “Does that resonate with your?” or “Does that make sense?” when they’ve shared information with you. This is so important for us as readers because it confirms and validates our spirit guides, guardians and our interactions with the universe. Your validations also help us understand why and what we are being told.

Automatic communication helps your psychic be more sure of their predictions. This experience uplifts your life and brings peace of mind to your everyday issues and problems. It’s important to be open to this experience, whether you are a psychic or a caller!

I hope this article has given you a bit of insight into how and why psychics communicate in the way they do.

Buddha Bless,

Psychic Quinn ext. 5484

10 thoughts on “Automatic Communication and the Psychic Mind

  1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic -quinn ext. 5484

    hi – Sue Pontoriero – what a happy ending to a good story.
    glad you found your way – and that your mom was your guide.
    have a wonderful holiday season.

  2. Sue Pontoriero

    You are so right about this communication thing..I was driving and lost in a bad neighborhood..I asked my guardian angel to guide me to familiar ground and she did. My mother and I used to travel this road when the neighborhood was different, more friendly, less dangerous..back when I was a baby..she traveled this path to take us to church. I made it to my destination safely and in record time. Thanks for the shortcut mom.

  3. Quinn ext.5484Psychic -quinn ext 5484

    good Monday – what a great weekend it was.
    finally the planets are playing nice….
    thank you all for your comments.
    Buddha bless,

  4. ellen hemighaus

    I have experienced this type of reading with Luciana and Priscilla. They are both hard to take notes from!! it is very confusing for me at times to discern what they are trying to tell me and have to stop them to ask a question. It does flow thru them not from them I must say. I have made a suggestion already that CP offer clients a flat rate as well as a per minute rate, so that way a flat rate allows the client more talk time if wanted as opposed to being stopped mid reading as time is up. Will be having a reading on 11.10 with Walter which would be my first with him… from testimonials he sounds like this type of psychic as well.

  5. Merry Haack

    That is called channeling and is a blessing for both the recipient and the one sharing information they are receiving…. Angel hugs

  6. LJ

    I’m not sure which is more mind-blowing good, the information you share or the style in which you present it. Great article. 🙂

  7. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    I liked your article, Quinn.

    Some of us are born with the ability too. I was mentored, from age 4, by my Great Aunt, who was a famous clairvoyant in her day. And as she mentored me to use my natural abilities, I was not allowed to use any type of tools growing up.


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