Exploring Psychic Abilities: Clairaudience

Exploring Psychic Abilities: Clairaudience

Hearing What the Average Ear Cannot

At California Psychics, our psychics have different abilities that certainly enhance the readings they give. One of those abilities is clairaudience. Clairaudience is the ability to hear what the average ear cannot. We have many clairaudient psychics available to you, 24/7, and we’d like to introduce you Psychic Logan ext. 5089! We sat down with her and asked her a few questions about life as a clairaudient and also how a clairaudient reading can be beneficial to anyone. We hope you enjoy her insights!

1. What is clairaudience and when did you notice you had this ability?
Clairaudience is the ability to hear Spirit. I receive messages and thoughts accompanied by sound. I first became aware of my ability when I had ringing in the ears. Well the ringing turned into actual words, and I realized these words were messages—someone was clearly communicating with me. I was a little taken aback, but I was soon able to pinpoint who the messages were for, and I realized I had been given an amazing psychic gift. Now I sharpen my clairaudience by taking daily walks in nature. I really listen to each sound nature produces too.

2. How does Spirit use your clairaudience when communicating with you?
Spirit’s messages are usually accompanied by sound but Spirit’s voices aren’t constant. This means I don’t have Spirit chatting away in my ear all the time. Instead, Spirit is brief and to the point. When Spirit does communicate, however, it likes to engage me in a conversation, answering the questions my callers have and providing feedback too. Spirit has been gentle, in my experience, and is usually quite compassionate as well.

3. What makes a clairaudient reading unique?
A clairaudient reading, like all psychic readings, gives a caller peace of mind. There’s nothing like getting direct guidance from Spirit. But what makes a clairaudient reading unique is that my callers are often able to expand their own clairaudience. After reading with me, they become better prepared to listen to their inner voice and know the truth when they hear it.

4. Why should someone call a clairaudient psychic like you?
I hear messages from otherworldly beings. I can use my clairaudience to help a caller connect to someone who is trying to reach out to them. It could be a loved one, long gone, but not forgotten. It could be a guide. My callers reach out to me for peace of mind and direction. Who better to give it to them than Spirit? It’s pure and honest—from a source that has only a person’s best interest at heart.

Now that you know more about clairaudience, will you read with a clairaudient psychic?

Spirit has messages for you, but you can only understand them with the help of one of our clairaudient psychics. A clairaudient psychic reading can bring you messages from your higher self, deceased loved ones, Spirit, and anyone else from the astral realm.

Learn more about our psychics from real testimonials and read through our Psychic Tools & Abilities Blog. Find a clairaudient psychic or learn more about clairaudient psychic readings today.

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California Psychics is the most trusted source of psychic readings. We have delivered over 6 million discreet and confidential psychic readings by phone since 1995. More than a prediction, we are your guide for life’s journey. Serenity, happiness, and success are just a phone call away. With over 400 psychics online to choose from, you’re sure to find the best psychics for you. Call one of our trusted and accurate psychics today! Confidential and secure, real psychics, accurate predictions, 100% guaranteed.

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