Psychic Phillip: Inspiring One at a Time

“I have been speaking with Phillip for over a year. He has time and time again shown care and concern, and has been an amazing and fantastic mentor. Not to mention a 100% accurate psychic and astrologer. He has predicted things in my life that have happened to the day and things that no one else had seen – except him. I consider it a privilege that I have a wonderful connection with him. I raise my glass to you Phillip, for being a truly beautiful soul.”

– Melissa, Lindenhurst

Inspiring countless amounts of callers to follow their dreams and embark on new adventures, Psychic Phillip ext. 9485 is a true believer in the wondrous combination of destiny and free will, and how to use both to your advantage. A passionate astrologer with over 25 years of experience in both studying astrology and and creating charts, Phillip never ceases to amaze with his uncanny depth of insight into the stars and his wise interpretations. Today, as a token of appreciation, we acknowledge the immense knowledge, concern and compassion that Psychic Phillip puts into his work and all that he has done for his many callers.

“I view life like a highway. We have to make the journey. We choose whether we drive down a two-lane highway or along an eight-lane freeway. The truth is, life presents us with an infinite number of lanes. My vistas are limited only by my biased perception of myself. It is one thing to know your limitations, and it is quite another to explore your capabilities. We all have gifts – and a purpose. Happiness and peace are worth any risk, and as I continually remind my clients, we must strive to ‘need nothing, but want everything.’ I’m making a seemingly subtle distinction, yet in the final analysis it makes the difference between misery and happiness, weakness and strength.”

Phillip discusses his simple, yet incredibly thought-provoking philosophy about what makes human beings so special – our unique ability to choose! Phillip is a big advocate of putting free will to work for us … but that only works if we understand how to use it.

Although he is a very straightforward reader, and will never compromise the importance of information by softening the blow, he always has your best interests in mind. He may be blunt, but you may find that in the end, “bluntness” was just what you needed to really “hear” the message. As he told one caller, “The universe wants you to ‘become a selfish b*tch.’ You’re too accommodating and an old soul. You don’t recognize how powerful you are. You have several gifts. Do you experience déjà vu a lot?… You see the future or flashes of it before it happens – especially in dreams at night.”

He understands that humans love to hide behind fear – fear of moving on, fear of new opportunities, even the fear of the power they hold. He never lets you forget the limitless potential you hold within to be as great as you want to be.

“Imagine, if you are able, a life without fear. Everything is perfect, safe. There are no risks and no worries. What would you do with the rest of your life? … This is why the idea persists, ‘One is either loving or fearing,’ and yes, they are mutually exclusive. Love or fear – choose.”

We’re tremendously grateful to you, Phillip, for all the profound insights and ongoing reminders of the unique gifts we each hold! How has Phillip made a difference in your life?

15 thoughts on “Psychic Phillip: Inspiring One at a Time

  1. Psychic Amelia x9772

    Dear, dear Philip!!
    Congratulations and Kudos to you for doing such fine work. We are all very proud of you and thrilled to be associated with you. You do us proud!!
    Blessings . . . . Amelia

  2. thelovelyducklingThe Lovely Duckling

    Phillip is most definitely an inspiration. I have loved reading his thought-provoking and enlightening articles and have been privileged to talk to him a few times. I had a truly pivotal reading with him and feel like he helped set me on the right path.

    Thank you so much, Phillip! Please write us another article soon. There is always need for your wisdom on the blog!!!

    Duckie 🙂

  3. phillipPhillip

    I am wiping tears from my eyes. Thank you so much! I have always been so honored to be associated with such beautiful souls. Bless you all. AHO!

  4. phillip9485Phillip 9485

    If this is a repetition I apologize. I have tears in my eyes. Thank you ALL so much. I have ALWAYS been so honored to be associated with such beautiful souls. To ALL of you, AHO!

  5. phillip9485Phillip 9485

    I am wiping tears from my eyes. Thank you so much. I have always been so honored to be associated with YOU, such beautiful souls. AHO.

  6. SuzanneSuzanne

    Phillip is a gift. What a wise soul – actually he’s more of an oracle. Countless times he’s made sense of my karmic lessons, and how to learn from each event/person, and missed opportunity. He’s even helped me release karmic bonds to martyrs on my maternal side — to let go of constantly helping others, putting myself second, and not making a splash of my own. He’s deciphered relationship patterns and helped my personal life flourish in countless ways by adding crucial subtext. You have to be open and mature to digest his words, but once you do — wow — what a difference it makes.

  7. Irish Girl

    As a client who has read with 20+ psychics on this website, I want to say that Phillip is one of my favorites. Each one has a little something different to offer, and I know that Phillip is exceptionally gifted with astrology. The first time I read with him, I had been split with my (ex) husband for a week, wondering if my love interest would come around, extremely emotional, and Phillip did seem very blunt at that time although I knew what he was telling me was true. Before long I knew I needed to read with him again … have had 4 readings with him now and have to say that I totally trust him! I’m happy to have the opportunity to share my appreciation for this wonderful psychic. I’m waiting for the latest timelines he gave me to happen, and now I’m feeling confident instead of fearful. I have total faith in what he says. Thanks to the author (Justine) for a fine article and congrats to Phillip for the promotion!

  8. Abigailx9570

    Phillip good lord I think my spelling teaher Mrs Smith from the other side is about to give me a kick with all the Typo’s and spelling mistakes hehehe I just looked at what I wrote earlier geeezz hope your day was wonderful

  9. Abigailx9570

    Woooo Hoooo Phillip Congradulations my friend !!! Your light shines bright and you derserve that Promtion Go Team Go ……… I’m soooo happy for you

    Many Blessings & Cyber Hugs


  10. maryannex9146Maryanne Ext. 9146

    Congratulations, Phillip! I hear great things about you from our mutual clients.


    Ext. 9146

  11. Abigailx9570

    Phillip is wonderful, loving, compassionate,professional and amazing !!! Love him he so deserves this recognition and its way overdue. Way to go Marketing great write-up

    Many Blessings

  12. misskrystal

    Phillip is not just a wonderful reader, but he is a gifted writer. I have enjoyed all of his contributions.
    Congrats, and please keep writing. Bless you.
    Miss Krystal

  13. Jacqueline x9472

    I have read with Phillip he is very accurate, right on the money….everything he said has come true, everything! Which reminds me I need and update!

    Fantastic Job Phillip!!!!

    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472


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