Marie Antoinette Playing Cards: July 12 – 18

Marie Antoinette Playing Cards: July 12-18 | California Psychics

The Power of Tarot

Marie Antoinette paced feverishly inside her chambers on July 14, 1789, known today as Bastille Day. Something was in the energy around her that she didn’t like. She was planning to have one of her popular salons late that same afternoon, complete with aperitifs, hors d’oeuvres, cartomancers, and a chamber quartet. Most of the French Court planned to stop by, along with some very important European crown heads of state.

But, now this! She felt distant rumbles from the crowd which gathered outside the nearby Bastille armory, the symbol of the ancien re’gime, the old system, was about to crumble.

(I like what I’m seeing.)

On that day, July 14, 1789, it was just moments away from meeting its demise.

If only she could send an urgent message to her personal cartomancer, she knew she could get a glimpse into the dark foreboding that engulfed her.

The rumble grew louder and more violent, shaking the building! The Bastille (armory) near her palace was being stormed by violent insurrectionists. The card reader arrived suddenly, as if picking up on the frantic queen’s thoughts.

Grabbing his arm, she pulled him fiercely into her chamber and desperately breathed out her questions. Did he have the heart to tell the queen that she, and her consort Louis, would be headed for the guillotine a mere three years later? We’ll never know, as he’d taken an oath of confidentiality, the very foundation of an ethical Tarot consultation.

So, here is our week ahead through the lens of the Marie Antoinette Playing cards. Pull out your sequined mask from your “reticule.” There it is, behind the fan. Let’s masquerade as nobles and sneak inside!

July 12 – Sunday

Queen of Hearts – Marie Antoinette (reversed)

Come down off your throne today if a situation arises that requires your involvement and humility. Things are going on around your intimate environment that just can’t be waved away. The card is telling us that the “crown” we’re wearing will fall off our heads anyway if we are sent to the guillotine. The guillotine symbolizes a drastic change that is beyond our control, as drastic as life and death. It seems to point to a key relationship.

Voluntarily remove your “crown”, listen, and open your heart. Accept guidance from forces interested in your Highest Good. If you do so, you will remain unscathed.

July 13 – Monday

King of Clubs – Louis XIV, Roi Soleil

Luxury is an illusion. Bigger is not always better. If you’ve been chasing only material abundance and notoriety, try using and enjoying what you already possess.

This card points us to the faulty reasoning of Louis XIV. His comment, “I am the state” sums up his famous and egotistical position. Louis loved flattery, it is said, and the coarser and more flamboyant it was, the more he loved it! The card says: don’t be like this today in whatever realm you “rule”. You may die in bed, but your successors won’t.

His grandson, Louis XVI, brought the French Revolution crashing down on his, and Queen Marie’s heads.

July 14 – Tuesday

Ace of Spades, Happy Bastille Day!

Old structures are crumbling, represented by the planet Saturn in your astrological chart. Cooperate with the process because it will bring fresh life into a situation that has gone stale and dead.

A period of turmoil and uncertainty may ensue but know that’s okay. New structures are forming that are better. Old ways of behaving will no longer work, so take your mind and attitudes off “automatic”. Think about what is most important to you and your world now. Consciously devise new frameworks for the months ahead which are in line with what you value the most.

July 15 – Wednesday

Queen of Clubs – Madame Pompadour

Madame de Pompadour was the official mistress of Louis XV and a member of the French court. She was his chief assistant, despite her frail health, which eventually caused her to become his friend and advisor only, rather than his consort. She was appreciated for her wit and charm and held salons for the cultural elite, including Voltaire.

The Pompadour card says today that you will be asked to assume a role of impartial friendliness in a social or professional situation today. Navigate all viewpoints in a neutral way in order to manage a heated situation involving many opposing sides. If you can do so, you will maintain your peace and serenity as well as helping to spill soothing oil over turbulent waters in a situation important to you.

July 16 – Thursday

Jack of Clubs – Duke of Marlborough

Oh, my goodness. What’s a Brit doing here, and a noble at that? The predecessor of Winston Churchill who was his great-great grandson, had possibly come for the dainty tidbits promised at the salon of Queen Marie.

The fifth Duke of Marlborough, George Spencer-Churchill, a predecessor also of Lady Diana Spencer, was a nobleman of neighboring England during the period of Marie Antoinette. Sadly, but understandably, his illustrious name didn’t save him from circumstances which included mounting debts. His estates were seized.

The card tells us today to exercise frugality, which is not the same as poverty consciousness, but simply the wise management of time and resources. It includes conscious consideration of how our consumption affects people all over the world.

July 17 – Friday

King of Spades – Friedrich Der Grosse

Friedrich ruled the kingdom of Prussia from 1740 until 1786. Though he was known for his military expertise, he was an early and loyal patron of the arts, especially music.

The card is telling us today to remember the truth that “art saves lives.” Enjoy art of some kind everyday in order to keep your soul alive. Indulge in “art therapy” as often as you can. It will bring about unity of body, mind, and spirit, and it knows no cultural boundaries.

July 18 – Saturday

King of Clubs

This card represents someone who has power, but doesn’t misuse it. It is the benevolent father archetype, regardless of the person’s actual gender. It is an energy of ethical and long-sighted responsibility. It is the energy of wisely managed resources and impartiality.

This card represents someone who isn’t selfish, but is loyal and kind. We are told today to seek out such people, empower them, and support them.

If we do so, this card is a good omen for the “kingdom.”

A Fun Spread to Try: The Dire Straits Spread

This is a five card spread, showing you how to wend your way through a treacherous situation.

It can be applied to your love life, family life, or career life, and is well suited for situations which have become very complicated and extreme.

The lay-out is simple. Just form a straight line, either vertically, or horizontally. Begin reading with card one, and progress along the pathway to the outcome (escape).

Concentrate on your situation, asking the angels and guides to join you, and to give you what you need for your greatest good.

Shuffle the deck thoroughly, and when you are ready, pull five cards randomly from the deck, and place them in sequence face down, card one through five. Turn the cards face-up, starting with card one, and read your situation. Card five will offer the solution, but clues will be left along the way by any of the card placements.

Example: You are at your mother-in-law’s house for five days. The visit is not going well, and you’re severely sleep deprived. Certain members of your spouse’s large family seem to be forming a coalition around you, but not in your favor. Some like you more than others and appear to be allies, but it is hard to sort out exactly who. You need to get out of there after five days with your faculties intact. How can you execute this feat? When and how long will it take to feel normal again, and where will you be when you do?

Card One- Where did you come from?

Card Two- Where did you enter treacherous territory?

Card Three- Who do you need to watch out for?

Card Four- How can you escape in one piece?

Card Five- Where will you be when you land on “higher ground”?

(No, not which airport…but, maybe.)

Thanks for joining me today. Remember to be good to yourself!

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3 thoughts on “Marie Antoinette Playing Cards: July 12 – 18

  1. Deb

    I would like to no more about my love life . I am in love with someone and he holds my heart . He ask me to marry him when he comes home from deployment. Can you tell me if he is the one for me . His first name is Romines.

  2. Petchy Higdon

    I just wanna my love life…im enggage …and we argue 3days ago and i keep txting him and he didnt reply…plss


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