Meet Your Spirit Guide(s)

Kinsey ext. 5135It’s near impossible to book a reading with the talented Psychic Kinsey ext 5135. Most psychics I’ve read with have uncanny abilities. Kinsey is no exception. Since she’s so popular, I thought I’d try to stump her.

“Hello. Who are my Spirit Guides?” I asked.

“No one has asked me that for a while,” she replied. “Spirit Guides work in a few ways. For one, they can guide you internally without any direct information, and sometimes they come right through…wait I have a headache right now. There’s strong male energy trying to come through. He’s fiery. He runs around a lot. He tries to talk to you but you can be hard-headed, he says.”

“Well I do have a Taurus moon,” I retorted.

I’d always heard and read about the notion of Spirit Guides. Through simple meditation, I’ve tried to find the source of myriad strange ideas and thoughts which I don’t believe were/are my own. Since many of my family members and friends have passed, I thought that some pieces of advice, impulses, or sudden thoughts were theirs — but I hadn’t recognized the personality attached to the voice. Recently I’d become more aware of a foreign yet familiar presence.

My curiosity piqued. As strange as this sounds, I was drawn to explore.

Kinsey prattled on, “Sometimes Spirit Guides have foreign names. Yours doesn’t. Get this — he’s American. His name is…Victor! But you do have a feminine guide, too, she’s just not making herself known right now. Victor is acting as the president of your guides.”

To become acquainted with a presence, learn his name, and know that he’s been yapping at my heels all along — is oddly thrilling yet disconcerting. Why now? Where has he been all this time?

Before Kinsey could answer, she began to relay rapid messages from my new friend. “You are thinking about going back to school, and Victor is pointing to his head…”

“Yes, for Spiritual Psychology,” I blurted.

“That’s why he’s pointing to his head…ahhhh. He’s pushing you toward that goal. He says you can continue to work full-time and pursue your degree. You won’t be tired, you’ll be energized. You feel alive when you’re learning and studying. Fall is the best time to start.”

She continued, or rather Victor continued, “You think too much about money. Think about what you want, not what you fear.”

“So, Kinsey, how does a Spirit Guide become assigned to you?”

“I’m not exactly sure, but he’s been with you since birth.”

It felt bittersweet. Here was this new friend I hadn’t known until now — who has been by my side all along. A surge of sadness overcame me.This poor guy had been ignored for too long.

“Is he a read head?”


“I’ve always had a thing for red heads (even dated a few), Scottish culture, Irish culture and writers. I visited both countries, too!”

So how do ordinary people get to know their Spirit Guides?

One way, Kinsey suggests, is simple. Pick up a Tarot deck and learn the cards using a basic book. Study them well  — each card relates to an astrological sign. If an event will unfold, the card symbolizes a sign’s time/month.

“People have certain guides who work well with their personal style,” Kinsey explains. “In your case, Victor is direct. He’s also the CEO of your guides. He can get to you directly. If your guides can’t access you, they’re really not serving a purpose.”

This is the first reading I’ve had with my Spirit Guide. [My other readings were messages relayed through guardian angels or my brother and family members who have passed.] I look forward to getting acquainted with my new companion.

Where can I and others learn more about this?

17 thoughts on “Meet Your Spirit Guide(s)

  1. Jamillah jihad

    I’d like to become more closer to my spirit guide so that we can communicate in the spiritual realm and the physical realm. So I can clearly hear him.

  2. Pingback: Calling Your Power Animal | California Psychics Blog

  3. Pingback: Spirit Guides: Meet Redhawk | California Psychics Blog

  4. CindyOOB2

    I would like to share how I meet my Spirit Guide, Tall Bear. I attend a Spiritualist Church and one night the speaker was talking about how to connect with your Spirit Guides. He asked all of us to close our eyes and the first thing that came into our mind was one of our Spirit Guides. He asked us not to have any expectations, it could be a person, animal or maybe just a thought. The first thing that came to me was a native American Indian. I didn’t think that much about it until later that same night the speaker was giving readings for us and the first thing he said to me was I have a native American Indian Guide who wants to work with me. That really confirmed for me how much Tall Bear wanted to speak with me.

    In the days that followed I would sit with my journal and just listen for any messages he wished to give me. Over a course of time I found out his name and more & more info about him. He was a medicine man and a great healer. I feel he was sent to me because at that time I was attending massage school and following my own course of being a healer. He has been a great friend and has given me much support over the years. He even gave me a Native American name, Bluebird for me blue eyes.

    Having a spirit guide is not hard and a lot of fun, I would encourage everyone to try and find theirs and keep a journal of everything they tell you. It has been my exerience they usually start out with the same introduction every time they speak with you. Tall Bear always starts out “Welcome my friend, many moons have passed since we last talked” He always ends with “Go in Peace”


  5. Priti

    Would really appreciate if someone can help me understand what is going on here – One of my guides – Grey/Gray not sure but he is one of the 3 I beleive I have . I am confused cause I think he is always observing me and sometimes is like unapproving of me . Sometimes has a smile like I know what is going tohappen next but you figure it out on your ownkind off. I ask him give me a message that I can understand but he usually standing far away. Can you help me understand what is going one here?

  6. Sharon

    A few years back, I actually saw my spirit guide, but then I wasnt sure it was him…I was told recently his name was Saul. I was in a special garden I had created and just when I thought no one was there I turned and he turned as he was leaving from the other side of a wall. We made eye contact and that was that. Im wonder now was it him who took me on the astral projection over the ocean to see the school of whales.It was the most awesome experience Ive ever had.I could actually feel the sun on my face and smell the ocean on that beautiful day. The clouds were fluffy and the sky was a magnicent blue.Like being in a picture post card. He was saying something in my left ear but I didnt understand it.Do you know what he was saying and will we do that again sometime…it was sooo surreal! Will he show himself to me again so we can sit down together and talk face to face.

  7. Gina

    The other day I purchased a lovely pendulum, cleared it and asked my spirit guide to communicate with me through my use of it. I have been holding it, sleeping with it and using it for a few days. This morning I read my horiscope on this website, glanced at a few articles and deleted it. I have been contemplative today and this afternoon I sat down at my computer and googled telepathy Victoria BC. To my delight I found that Verbeena had answered my question in her article Ask your Spirit Guides. I think that I had sent my request to her a couple of months ago. When I checked the date of the article, it was today. Thank you so much Verbeena and to my Spirit Guides, I love you and I am very excited about your message. Blessings to you as well Verbeena!!!

  8. Charice

    I recently had a couple readings done with two of California Psychics very talented readers and one of them commented on my Spirit Guides. I was told I was being taken care of, which was a wonderful and comforting feeling for me. I asked Joy how I might talk to my guides and she informed me to light a candle when I wished to talk to them. I have done this on a few occassions but am unsure if I am doing it to their satisfaction. I really wish to communicate with them. I was also told that I would be given messages detailing my path through my works of art. Joy asked me if I painted and I told her I didn’t paint but I do like to draw and create with pastels. I wish to explore this avenue of talking to my spiritual guides further and learn to recognize the messages they are sending me. Can you help?

  9. Pia

    Hi Lonnie,

    Wondering if you can shed light on one of my guides – Grey/Gray not sure but he is one of the 3 I beleive I have . I am confused cause I think he is always observing me and sometimes is like unapproving of me . Sometimes has a smile like I know what is going tohappen next but you figure it out on your ownkind off. I ask him give me a message that I can understand but he usually standing far away. Can you help me understand what is going one here?

  10. M.C.

    I have one question.It’s it possible to get in contact with this guides without assistance? Mentaly I was asking for help a sudden figure came to mind and so the face talking to me .He said dont look for a lawyer I am your lawyer. I am here.I believe I have seen this face before but never met.He was on a picture which a person took and that person in the picture was never seen by the person who took the picture .This came out in a psychic program.That same figure talk to me like if you and me met for the first time it was so alive. Can you send me a message ? I want to talk to him again.Do you think he will talk to me? I dont know his name. Thanks.

  11. Steve

    Very interesting article. I have found it difficult to “tune in” to find out about my Guides. So, reading this is the shot in the arm I needed.

    And, I enjoyed Suzanne’s comment about Automatic Writing – what a BONUS!

    Many thanks Heidi, Kinsey and Suzanne for helping me along the way!

  12. LimeLight

    I tried connecting more with the tarot and the scrying mirror. Now, I just meditate, rest, and work on my patience.

    Jumping right in the conversation. I have read with Kinsey several times.. She is a high demand! I have “never” had a prediction to come to pass concerning the matters of the heart, but I think Kinsey may have been on to something.

    She started my reading by saying: “You just need confirmation right?”

    I said, “Yes.”

    She quickly told me about myself before we came close to the topic of love.

    Then she gave me dates, times, events, and said that I would be a Bridzilla “NEXT YEAR”… I will start a family almost immediately after the wedding! Hmmm, I can see the Bridzilla thing because I’m a tad bit anal, and I’m definitely ready to stick the “baby on board” bumper stick on the car, but I’m not even dating anyone.

    She said not to worry, he would walk right up to me and introduce himself. When our eyes connect, we both will feel at home. He would also state an “affirmation” to confirm it all. It will be a pleasant surprise from God.

    God is a true theatrical artist. I think he likes to see a little drama and passion, surprise then action!

  13. Suzanne

    Fascinating question. One Web site suggests automatic writing: “Begin a dialogue. Trust what you hear. Send the message (Name of guide) Are you ready to answer questions? Wait for an affirmative answer.” Is this too basic or does this work?


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