Miracle Mantras To Recover Lost Objects

A close-up shot of some sunglasses, forgotten on the beach. The blue sky is visible in the background.

The Power of Mantras

A mantra is a phrase or saying that you can repeat to yourself to help open your mind. The word “mantra” originally comes from Sanskrit. The practice itself has Buddhist and Hindu origins, but similar practices have existed in myriad cultures across the world.

Mantra usage opens up new neural and spiritual pathways through repetition and concentration. There is both a mental and metaphysical aspect to the practice, and your level of psychic and spiritual ability will play a role in how effective these mantras are. The more time and energy you put into it, the more you will get out of it.

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Three Mantras To Find Lost Items

The Law of Attraction is a spiritual philosophy that is closely tied to the concept of mantras. The more you focus on something, the more likely you are to bring it into your life. To illustrate: imagine walking into a massive warehouse full of antique objects and rarities. It would be easy to spend your time going shelf by shelf to see what’s there, but if you walk in with a purpose and an image in mind, that’s what you’re most likely to find. If you think of stars or turtles or elephants, you will start to see them everywhere.

Likewise, using mantras to focus your mind, connect to Spirit, and channel your energy can help you master the Law of Attraction and bring the objects that you’ve lost back to you.

If you’re looking to find lost valuables, this is a good place to start. It’s best to start using these mantras while meditating, so you can lock in your intentions. After you’ve finished, you will want to repeat it to yourself multiple times throughout the day. It should sit like a nagging thought at the back of your mind while you do other things.

A Mantra for Finding Lost Objects in General

“The things that belong to me will return to me. I am putting myself in the path of the things I desire. My mind and heart are open. The things that belong to me will return to me.”

This mantra for finding lost objects works to open your mind and call items toward you, altering your path to put you on the way to your possessions. The more you focus on keeping your mind open to spiritual messages, the more quickly you’ll receive valuable information that will help you find what’s precious to you.

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A Mantra for Finding Lost Gold Objects

“I can feel the warmth of the gold I seek. I have warmed this gold with my body, and it will return to me. I will find what I am looking for because it is also looking for me.”

Gold has a very particular vibrational frequency. As a precious metal, it has been revered by humans since antiquity. It is the ultimate alchemical element, and it is also mythologically tied to concepts such as the sun, wealth, beauty, and innovation. Try keeping those ideas and images in mind as you use this mantra for finding lost gold items.

A Mantra for Finding Lost Jewelry

“My jewelry is important to me. It represents my status, my style, and my desires. These things are a part of me, and they will return to me. I am a seeker, and I will find what I seek.”

Jewelry may have significance in your life based on its personal importance, the metal and gems it contains, or both. If a piece of jewelry was particularly expensive but not very sentimental, use this mantra for finding lost jewelry and imagine it in your mind as riches, financial stability, or a personal asset. Imagine how it felt on your body and what it means to you. If it’s more sentimental, hold the feeling of receiving it in your mind as you repeat this mantra. Additionally, depending on the type of gem (if any) in the jewelry, you can focus on the vibrational frequency of those stones to help you find the object in question.

How To Use Mantras Effectively

If you’re searching for something that you’ve lost, it’s important to make these mantras a part of your daily ritual. You will need to do more than just say it a few times. The more you can focus your mind and imagine yourself finding the things that you’re seeking, the more successful you will be. Part of this manifestation requires a clear objective. Don’t be vague with the Universe when you want it to be specific with you! If you have an image of the lost object to refer back to, that can help keep it clear in your mind.

Mantras work to sharpen your eyes and your thought processes, grounding you and locking you onto a spiritual pathway. Using mantras to attract lost objects to you can be a bit of a slow process. The more open your mind is, and the higher your personal vibrational frequency, the easier it will be for you to look through the fog and see pathways more clearly. Reaching out to a professional psychic advisor can help you elevate your search. They may be able to see where your valuables are and guide you to a place where your paths will intersect.

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213 thoughts on “Miracle Mantras To Recover Lost Objects

  1. shubham

    Oh My God !!! The method actually works.
    I must say before anytgng that i meditate quite often. I tried connecting to my higher self and did the mantra and found my camera’s memory card inside my file. Previously i had emptied it fully but the memory card hadn’t been there and them i did the mantra and within two minutes i found the MC. It’s amazing! I am always going to try this. Thanj you so much Amanda .

    1. Pooja Shah

      This is an amazing mantra…..it worked so well…..I used it two times and found my things withing 5 minutes

    2. Kavana k

      Hi,i lost some of my jewels on feb 6th 2019 in a wedding hall,i dont know if its stolen or misplaced please send me mantra

    3. Chitrakshi prajapat


      I removed my gold chain in parlour on 14th of april nd i kept it on my purse chain. After that when i saw my purse on Thursday the chain was der nd when i checked it on saturday it was not there.
      I m nt sure whether i missed it in parlour or it ia misplaced or left it in office i searched everywhere in my home nd could not founf chain. Please help me to search my gold chain it has heart shaped pendal.it was gifted by mom nd it ll be heart breaking news for my mom if i tell her.

    1. Sujitha

      Sir I missed my child’s bracelet.. I earned a lot to get her that … I cannot tolerate it and I have gone mad … Pls do help me sir … Am poor and I am helpless I need it back that’s the only earning of mine … I worked hard …
      Kindly do help me sir

  2. NAILA

    my bag has been snatched.. which have inside personal documents and other costly things in the bag.… I want my bag back.. Please help me

  3. bharti

    hi Amanda,

    Today while surfing i happened to visit this site n read ppls comments & positive replies which inclined me to write . i have lost two things one is a nose pin on 28th Dec 2014 in the evening (don’t remember the exact time but it was after 7 pm UAE time).
    and the second is a pouch full of gold n silver jewellery lost long back in 2012 August , its been a long time n i couldnt find it anywhere
    would appreciate if you can help me to find it or share the mantra.

    1. Tanusree

      I lost my gold ear rings which my mother in law gave on my marriage day august of 2015 as blessing,I want to know who stolen it coz from that day to till I could not found it or even seen it.

  4. Sindhu Singh

    Please help me.
    It very important to find it.Its a gold chain.I don’t know when and where I have lost it.I realised it on 20/12/14 in evening 6:30 pm that I have lost it.I don’t remember the last time when I saw it.

    Please help me.
    Waiting for your reply.

  5. Sindhu Singh

    Hi ,

    I have lost my gold chain and in past many have been stolen. Gold chain is the most recent incident.I never taken it out.I guess it just dropped from my neck.
    Soo many incident related to gold makes me feel that its really not meant for me or quite unlucky for me.
    Please send me the mantra to find it. need it very much
    I reallyfope this works for me

  6. lalita

    Hi Amanda
    My husband had lost a gold chain worth 85,000/- on 22 Nov 2014. Please tell me what to do to get the chain back??

  7. sheeba

    Hi Amanda,

    I have misplace my 2 gold rings in a box wic was in my bag that i carry.. I am not sure where did I lose it. Please help me in finding out this ring

  8. Josh

    Hi, I said this mantra once and tried looking for my 425 dollars that went missing from my wallet said it again but then decided to read it and now i actually have some hope that i will find my money after i continuously repeat it. I’d be very grateful and happy! I’ll let you guys know how it works out! Good luck to all you others out there that have been missing something or lost something.

  9. veeresh

    hi sir,on 9th nov 2014 i have lost my costly mobile worth of Rs 40,000=00. will you please help me to locate and get my cell phone.i would be very much thankfultoyou

  10. christian

    Hi im here because 3 days ago some stupid bastard stoled my backpack while i was gone for like 10 – 15 mins and i was wondering if the mantra works for stolen items too? Or just lost items? Im in desperate need for my backpack that i cant eat or sleep.

  11. Ramya

    Hi Amanda,

    I lost my studs, i had searched every where at home. Still im searching, but i did not found them. Please help me out fo find them those are my mom’s gift for me. Please help me.

  12. Shubham

    Hello Amanda, I lost my 2 bags.. which have inside personal documents and other costly things in the bags in journey when i coming back to my home… I want my 2 bags back.. Please help me…

  13. Leslie Stavrowsky

    Hello Amanda,

    Would you please help me find my little camera. I had it in my purse on my way back from Atlanta, GA to Austin (where I live).

    When I got back to Austin, it was not in my purse. I have many, many invaluable photos on that camera, also photos that I need for my work. I am pretty devastated right now.

    It is a little black digital camera which had a black fabric case on it, which closed with a zipper.

    Thank you SO MUCH. I would be SO grateful if you could tell me where it is.


  14. Amanda

    I am really hoping this works for me. I have lost my journal and have been searching for it for days. I have a horrible memory and my journal is my way of keeping track of all things good and bad that happen in my life. It is a must that I find this.

  15. nadia

    Can you pls help me find my gold hearts band..it was given to me as a gift..i looked every where I thought it could have been..

  16. chelsea

    Hello Amanda, please help me locate where my black Cartier watch my dad gave me early last year is. I’m surprised it’s lost because I always keep it in a safe place. Please help, I’ve looked everywhere. Thank u.

  17. geeth harika

    i lost my gold chain yesterday its my mom presentation how to trace it out it was so precious to me i kept in my handbag but it was not there. please find asiolution for me and mail my id as soon as possible

  18. Dee

    Hello, I lost my wallet with my license in it and other important things. And I really need to find it please help! : (

  19. Mute

    IT WORKED! OMG, I think it had lesson to me. That I should not keep any trash in my closet I searched in exact place for very very long time and then when I took the trash all out it revealed itself. Thank you!

  20. Joe Brooke


    Have just lost some things, I have been attempting to frequently use that mantra. But I must find out–is that mantra also effective even if something has been stolen or robbed??
    Please email me directly–please directly send a message into my email address/account!! Thank you.

  21. Lawrence

    Ok so I saw this mantra, i’m very interested in psychic phenomena so I figured it couldn’t hurt….Folks no lie, I used this mantra looking for my ipod touch. I immediately stuck my hand in the couch that I was sitting on, my hand went right to the ipod touch. By the way I checked this couch 3 times!!! I’m kinda shocked right now but it worked…..

  22. alyssa

    Please help me! i cannot find my favorite Evanescence tank top and ive looked for it EVERYWHERE. it seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth:( and ive tried the magic mantra but its not working for me:(

  23. Carol


    You are a godsend! I thought I’d looked everywhere for the external drive for my computer. It contains poetry, plays, spiritual journaling, etc. that I’ve written over 30 years. What a loss. With the help of your mantra and my higher Self, I found it right away.

    God bless you,

  24. RITA


  25. abbie947

    hi I have been trying to find my misplaced ring but its not working could u tell me what i am doing wrong please this ring is special to me 🙁

  26. Sadonia

    Yes this mantra really works at first I was so frustrated that I couldn’t even concentrate, I took a few deep breathes to calm myself then I said the mantra three times, I went back upstairs looked in the same item of clothing I had before and there it was along with a few other items that were not there before. What is even more strange is my inner voice said “look here” I listened and there it was. I will be using this mantra for the rest of my life.

  27. Krishna

    I have a question. on 29th Jan 2013 I lost my library key.I found everywhere I am unable to trace it. Kindly help me. thanks n regards Krishna

  28. Hope

    This actually worked for me! I looked for my ring for weeks. I looked all over time and time again. I finally did a search online for psychic, find lost objects and found this. I’m here to tell you this actually works if you believe it will work. I followed the instructions and then said the mantra three times and then walked right to one of the exact spots where I had already looked and there it was!!!

  29. priyadharshini

    really 100% it work.i lost a gold anklet today that too in my college campus n i searched everywer there….atlast i tried this magic words and after 1 hr i found it in my room.really i don know how it happened….thankz a lot…am so happy now…thank u so much…plz al try diz n b happy as me…

  30. Christina Encinas

    Thanks for this powerful magic mantra lines. I am looking forward that this can able help me when it happens…


  31. amanda

    i am so excited to try this mantra!!! I have been looking for some very important papers that my x has .he knows he has them just doesnt know where they are. Needless to say hes not really motivated to find them now that we are not together…I have been searching for about 6 months now to no avail If this works it eill be a very important prayer answered Just the thought of it WOWS me 🙂 Thanks Amanda

  32. Dana G.


    I just found this website last night 9/5/12,and I repeatd that mantra maybe 5 or 6 times(looking at my stickynote that I wrote it on) went to bed and in less than 3 hrs(after eating breakfast through tears of despairand repeating it again like 8 or 9times) I found my wedding ring. I honestly don’t know if the mantra changed my energy from despair to confidence so that I could keep on looking and then backtracking from the last clear memory of having it a working forward-I don’t know- but if that is why it worked I’m glad it did. I learned the lesson that I was supposed to learn while it was gone for 4 days out of my sight and I thank God.
    Thanks for the Mircale Mantra 🙂

  33. Amanda ext. 5605

    Congratulations, Ingrid.. now that you know it works, you’ll never lose another thing again!!
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Dindu

      Please help me for finding my lost gold chain…. Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please help me

  34. Ingrid

    Hello Amanda

    I used your miracle mantra today to find a necklace that I had misplaced. Within half an hour my necklace found it’s way back to me. Thank you so much for this tool !

  35. Eve

    Thank you! This is wonderful, and I am excited to learn to use it with 100% confidence. I believe I will start small, and work my way through my house (which is in the midst of the biggest remodel I’ve ever attempted). For instance, asking for my weeble people to find their way back to me will be a great way to learn about what I truly want to find, what I need to find, and what shouldn’t be found because I don’t yet have the room for it! How silly it would feel to find something I’ve been searching for everywhere only to realize I haven’t yet unpacked the cabinets I wanted to display it in. What fun this is!


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