Psychic, Are They My Soulmate?

In Search of “The One”

At California Psychics, many of our advisors are well-versed in the soulmate department and they have spent years answering your most burning questions. Read on for the top three questions they get and a sample of just some of the insight they are currently sharing with their callers.

How can you confirm that I am with my soulmate?

Quinn ext. 5484 feels, hears, and sees a soulmate connection: “The caller’s soul sings and the words they say are joyful. I get a feeling of blissfulness and I can see the couple in my psychic’s mind’s eye as one image. Soulmates look like two rainbows blending in the sky.”

Elizabeth ext. 5342 sees and hears your past lives together: “I will sometimes see a vision of the former lifetime the couple shared. I can see what they wore and how the room is decorated, so I have a pretty good idea what century they were in. Sometimes I also see a mist. Sometimes I hear church bells and this indicates that the couple was married in a past life or even that they will get married in this one.” Will he ever pop the question? Psychic Elizabeth ext. 5342 knows!

Justine ext. 5402 feels your combined energy: “I feel a single energy as if their energies have joined together. I get a sense of familiarity, hinting that these two have been together for a long time—possibly even several lifetimes.”

If you feel like the person I am with isn’t my soulmate, would you tell me?

William ext. 5131 says most callers already suspect that they aren’t with the right person when they call him: “Most people already know on some spiritual level if they are not truly with their soulmate. He or she may not want to face the difficulty of hurting someone or being alone, but a psychic can help them see who will be coming into their lives, and a psychic can also help them let go of the person who isn’t their soulmate.”

Gina Rose ext. 9500 affirms that not everyone wants to hear the “bad” news, but many do come to appreciate her honesty in time: “I have had clients who were in major denial hang up on me when I broke the bad news. But they call me back, sometimes even a year later, apologize, and tell me they wished they had listened to me because it would have saved them much heartache, and in some cases, a lot of money.”

Althea ext. 9582 reminds her callers that everything isn’t meant to last forever: “Not everything needs to last forever and something ending does not equate to failure. We often learn our best lessons from episodes in our lives that were less than pleasant at the time.”

Now, we come to the biggest question of them all: When will I meet my soulmate?

Spencer ext. 5643 says one of the best things you can do is tell yourself you will meet your soulmate because the odds are in your favor, numerically: “There are close to 7 billion people on the planet, and most of them are looking for love. The caller must believe they will find their soulmate. It’s pretty energetically simple: If you believe you will find each other, you will.”

Asia ext. 5486 puts a positive spin on waiting to meet your soulmate: “Some are blessed to have already experienced it. Others get to wait in anticipation to meet that person!” Wondering when the wait will be over? Call Psychic Asia ext. 5486 and get the answer!

Paige ext. 9158 says you can’t expect to meet your soulmate by a certain time or age. It happens when it happens, and it isn’t up to us: “Sometimes people don’t meet their soulmate until later in life. It can be common for soulmates to meet in their 40s and 50s, but I know one couple who didn’t meet until their 60s and today in their 80s they are enjoying their golden years together. We need to embrace the idea that we have a destiny to meet. The when and how isn’t up to us. People need to relax and trust in the process of life. Yes, trust life”

Making a soulmate connection is so special. And because it is so special, there’s a good change it won’t come to all of us so easily. After all, does anything truly worthwhile ever come easily? Would you appreciate your soulmate connections as much if they just fell into your lap? Probably not. If it’s worth having, it’s worth waiting for. Do you want to know how long you’ll wait? Only our psychics can tell you.

42 thoughts on “Psychic, Are They My Soulmate?

  1. Franny

    I had been with someone named Eddie B. for 2 plus years & at the end of April he broke up with me for someone else, I know in my heart he is my soul mate because I had never ever in my life felt like this about a man, I cried everyday all day long for 2 months, I miss him so very deeply, I have run into him a couple times & I told him I miss him & he said he misses me too, I’m in desperate need of answers in knowing if he is for sure my soul mate & if he will return to me! Can one of u please help me & give me some answers PLEASE & GOD BLESS YOU

  2. latrice

    I feel like I’ve met my soulmate. It started from the moment I layed eyes on him. The feeling I felted. It felt so unreal like you just know your soulmate when you meet them. I’m only 25 years old and as many relationship, and friendships I’ve had with the men in my life I never felt so much spark for another man ever. His we might be at least 12 years apart but the age doesn’t necessary matter. We are both Gemini, I feel like we are too much alike but with us being so much alike its unrealistic. He use to be married and is in the process of a divorce way before we met. He has two girls. I have two boys. But one thing I have a problem with him admiting to it. Mainly becsuse he was and use to be married. To somebody who may have messed with his mind so much he doesn’t know if it is real or not. Beside my heart this is a feeling within me that my inner spirit is telling me he is my soul mate from another life time, now, and future. They say when you know you’ll know but now that I know his in love with me like i am with him, why is it taking him so long to realize I am his?

  3. Tonie

    I am married however there is this other gentleman that has taught me a lot at work. He has given me some care and support. He gives me these looks with more interest but never does anything more. He always make sure he visits on my scheduled days. Needless to say I’m drawn to him. My soulmate or just plaything?

  4. Nick A Single Man

    Hey ladys if your in Cali ,and you are a good gal cute,,, im attractive smart and honest .i actually have friends that are gals and were really just friends ,but i would like to find the wright one too… Soo listen look me up on Facebook… Nick Grimm… you never know crazier things have happened, sooo, let me know and mention this Comment how you Heard of me and simply Say Hi lol.

  5. Danny

    I think that everybody’ll meet several people in their life who’ll teach them something good or bad.
    That’s up to you to decide.But talking about “soulmates” seems a bit far fetched.I’d even go as far and say:”It’s bullshit”.You meet somebody and it’s up to you to make it work.Nobody is perfect and the more experince one acquires in life and learn to deal with situations,you automatically adapt and won’t put up with the crap your partner tries to heap on you.Everybody has “baggage” it just depends on what that “baggage” is and how you plan to deal with it.
    Et ce que j’ai à dire à Rooksana,pourquoi rester avec quelqun qui ne t’aime pas.Biensur tu peux rencontrer quelqun à l’age que tu as,pourquoi pas?Divorce et vie ta vie.Tu n’as pas besoin d’un partenaire pour avoir une vie plein de bonheur…

  6. julia

    I met a man on dating site…we’ve never met inperson..he lives out of state. It escalate d to sending love notes…he’s been very sweet and sent me pictures. . can’t believe I fell for him. Or did i? How can u fall for a picture and text? He can’t come here because of his job..I really but he wants to asap..thought of going there to see and meet. I’m not and why can u fall in love texting. ! I guess anyone could my mind I created our love making and relationship. Now I feel I should let it go..he’s just been divorced 2years. many. I’m attractive and 3 yrs

    older. I just want to give u all some advice ..fallin in love is possible. On line, and can be just as
    painful when it ends. So meet right away if u can so u won’t be wasting ur heart and affections
    on a long shot. I think people just talk on line for all different reasons. ..don’t take too serious. j

  7. JoAnn

    I met this guy who said he loves me and I care deeply about him. His name is Don is he my soul mate, and do you see us getting married in the future. He is a Pisces and I am a Gemini.


  8. Dolorita Samuels

    I have been talking with A soldier over Seas for 2 years now. We both feel that we have fallen in love with each other , even though we have not met in person. He has asked me to marry him when he returns home in Aug2013, We both feel that we are soul mates, and that we want to spend the rest of our lives together. Do you think that our meeting will bring us together for the rest of our lives?

  9. Jeri

    Wow Holliday you are so on point!! I feel the same way about my youngest daughter.I feel that my late husband was a soulmate and i believe a gentleman in my church is my next one. I saw a vision of him before we even met

  10. Adelaida Vigil

    Is it possible to steal be lonely being with someone? I would like to know who my soul mate is. My sister always says ill be the skeleton on the bench waiting. 🙁

  11. Pingback: Will the Venus-Mars Conjunction Enhance Love? | Articles, Advice and More

  12. cindy

    I feel as if my old chemistry professor is my soul mate. I feel it in my bones. I keep saying to myself that he will be in my life again. We will be together. Do you think so?

  13. sandra

    does this man i love love and miss me..he is in another country and i took care of him when he was sick..very sick….i still have strong feelings for him, he will not respond to me, he is a scorpio with 5 plants in scorpio…help

  14. tamanian

    i have an xboyfriend which i still care for him and misses him,but im not sure about my feelings it doesnt seem that strong anymore but i still think about him. there is this other guy he is 5 years younger thani am and he thinks that we are meant to bebecause we had a great past together which he always had feelings for me until now…alot of gossip i heard about us and he said there are all lies and i have no proves at all but i feel that they are just all lies.should i trust this guy?? i do have feelings for him- but can you tell me the right thing pls???is he the one or not???and when will my true soulmate come??

  15. AN

    Gina go with the guy that is with you now. Let the other guy go, he moved away. You need to move on with your life and give this new guy a chance. If he makes you happy.

  16. gina

    I always felt ‘d already found him but its too late to knew he was the one….he flew to other place and leave me leaving no assurance that i still have someone to wait for. I knew it to myself that I’d still love him despite the distance and failures from the past. It’s been three years living a feeling like this but just now, coming up another guy who want to love me and willing to give when that someone i’d long for will arrived soon….Should i have to give chance the guy for now ( who is took care of me this time) or the guy i’ve waited long enough( my past).

  17. dmarantz moderator

    @Yvette, you should check out our other articles on soulmates, particularly this one I did on Psychic Luka. In it, he talks about having more than one soulmate, which I believe to be true. You loved and lost a soulmate, but that doesn’t mean you won’t ever have another soulmate. Here is the link to the article: If you’re wondering what’s next for you, the answer could be another soulmate. You just have to know how to recognize one when they show up. Thanks for reading!

  18. Holliday

    I’ve read that you can have more than one soul mate and not all soul mates are romantic. Family members and friends can be soul mates as well. They come into your life to impart a lesson and when the lesson has been learned, they leave. I’ve met many of my soul mates. One of them is my husband. I knew midway through our first date he was the man I was going to marry. I felt like I’d known him my whole life. My best friend from high school was a soul mate. I suspect we were siblings in a previous life time because he always felt like a sibling to me(and me to him). My youngest daughter is a soul mate. I feel like we were mother and child in a previous life time. I can only assume something happened to her because I have always been worried about her.

  19. shania

    dose Gemini men & Pisces women match? Are we match.

    Will sathic come back to me & make it right is there any way we will be together forever as a life partners dose he even love me as much as i love him from my heart his birth date & year is 26st may 81 & my is 1st march 90 his too important for me in my life are we a true soul mate.

  20. shania

    Dose Gemini men & Pisces women match? Are we match.

    Will sathic come back to me & make it right is there any way we will be together forever as a life partners dose he even love me as much as i love him from my heart his birth date & year is 26st may 81 & my is 1st march 90.

    are we both a real soul mate is there any chances for us to be married his too important for me & in my.

  21. dmarantz moderator

    @Wendy: Thanks for reading my article! I just wanted to tell you that just because he wasn’t your soulmate, doesn’t mean him breaking up with you won’t hurt. You put a lot of emotion into this relationship–a lot of care and affection, so when it gets taken away from you, it is a shock to your system and of course it hurts. But, the bright side of this experience is that “the one” for you is still out there and when you find them, you will be able to give your love, care and affection to someone who truly deserves it.

  22. Wendy

    It was good reading this, my boyfriend just broke up with me. Even though I already knew he wasn’t my soulmate, it still hurts. I don’t know why. We had stopped talking for a month, and I was okay, then we started talking recently, and now he breaks up for another girl, his ex girlfriend. I didn’t expect for this to hurt me, but I just have this ugly feeling in my chest…

  23. rooksana

    Bonjour,, i wont write in french , je veut dire que es- que ces possible des rencontre amesoeur a l’age de 48,,, 49 ans. mais je nes pas des person qui m’aime. je sius marrie entre moi es mon epoux .pas des feeling. alors que fair.


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